The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Sports Section 09 25 2022

 Being vague.

I believe that if you have an alcoholic reward system and are using banned hallucinogens' in a foreign country that you are a psychological mess and when it comes to face a real challenge you are going to choke.

I don't like to be right on such matters.

But I have watched for so many years in disappointment as those outcomes transpire.


On one hand you have a player who is a health nut.  Is said to rarely drink.  And on the other hand you have the above.

So we win against weak teams by just squeaking by?   And what do we expect to happen upon a major challenge?

A winning team adapts during the game in excellence.

In winning team has players that have seen all the moves and now how to naturally compensate.  To know where the ball is and where it is going to be.  To know how fast you can get there.  To know how fast the other players are going to get there.  To see an opening and know with confidence you can take it and evade tackle.

To have confidence in your arm and the speed distance of your receivers.  And not fall into the short game and then be readily able to call upon the long game.

To run as fast as you can on every play.

I mean they call this professional?

Always a disappointment.

And when you see bad players and fouls on the plays you say to yourself, why wasn't that player weeded out from the sport a long long time ago.

And then you watch them make a draft pick, spend all that money, the player brags about alcohol and then injures himself and is out the entire season.  Letting the team down.

What does it mean to let a team down?  We don't really see the concept of direct blame being applied do we.  Why?  Believe it or not in that rough and tumble tackle to the ground sport when they are in the suits they know not to step on another players toes?

Which tells you what?  How hard it was for them to get there?  How much they personally know that there are far better players in the world with a lot more coordination and talent than them that should have been there?

Yeah, I will assert that is true.  It is a networked economy.  And don't you dare defy it.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And this is just the kind of kick in the a55 they needed to beat that FL team.

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