The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Second Amendment 09 01 2022

 I do not believe that the United States Constitution should be tampered with just because we have a changing demographic that has children that can't be educated.

I mean, why not ban tobacco.  Why not ban drunks!  Ban drunks from having children.  Ban boob jobs.  Ban sex change operations.

What a gun ban really means is that we have a demographic that will not be responsible enough to protect our nation.  And I can hear the old goats already, "Protect our nation from what?"  And questions like that are indicative of the problem!

There is no valid argument that the Constitution bans firearms use in War.  In fact that is just what that Second Amendment was intended for!  Anyone who tells you differently is lying to the point that it borders on treason.

Why not ban chemicals that cause the birth of stuttering fools?  Why not go after that Joe?

And we have a lamb/ snow flake demographic in our nation today.  And it has populated the media.

Case in point.  Anyone who believes a mass shooter of completely innocent people should not get the death penalty is not on the side of the American people!  And I don't care what age that mass shooter is!

So we don't ban guns because we have a demographic that isn't responsible enough to have them and know what they mean.

What we have to do is work on that demographic!  And that is the third rail of politics!  But we either work on changing that demographic or our nation falls.

And I don't believe in a universal communist world.  Am I right though, ban guns and that is where it is leading!

Do I believe that we need to pay a living wage?  Yes.  And we may have to make change or abolish the current form of Corporate Structure to do that.

You can't have the wealthy, who I would assert are more likely to have a closet retard at home, pulling the strings of our Democracy!  Possessing a stuttering stick man puppet to slowly take away our rights.  Until they have us worshipping queens and are putting little boys in skirts, again.

So if you aren't going to give a mass shooter the death penalty...why not?  Because it really wasn't their fault that they are the way they are?  Good God clear out those cobwebs!  But you can't!  But see where I am going?  To not execute a mass shooters sends the message to all potential mass shooters, whoever they could be, that they really did nothing wrong...that they would really be doing nothing wrong.  That after they do the mass shooting there will therapists that they can talk help them better understand themselves.  That they are really no different than anyone else.  Oooh here is a good one.  That if they experimented with banned psychogens like a prominent Wisconsin Quarterback, they would realize that we are all of one mind.  That we are all really of one mind!

And the above paragraph is a lamb snowflake belief system.


And Joe, after you successfully push that gun control agenda, what do you think is going to happen?  Trump will get back in the White House!  Like a bad soap opera that never ends.  And they will destroy Social Security.  Because they don't have enough money for this.  And it is really their money and not the American peoples.  And Joe believes it is really his Constitution to stutter, phlegm cup, and scratch out what he wants to of it.

Joe, why don't you just round up the remaining Irish Americans and put them in prison?

How easy would it be to control someone who stutters?  Like a puppet on a string for the bad element of the United States.

So back in the time of Prohibition do you know what they said?  "We all suffer because of the mentally retarded."  And retarded is a word that offers hope, in fact too much hope.  It implies someone's learning ability is only delayed and not a brain defect and therefore permanent.  Again propaganda from our new demographic.  Oh, and gets those normal children on alcohol as fast as you can.  Put those beer advertisements on football games everywhere.  Why?  So that the wealthy can control the upwardly mobile and keep a barrier to entry to the status quo in place.  Again?  Why?  So that no one will be smart enough to know who should have never gone into politics!  So that no one will ever be smart enough to know that they have inalienable rights.

Oh, and once they destroy Social Security, then they can get those good children working again.  Get those 5 year old girls up at 4 am in the morning shucking oysters for the wealthy.  Little white girls with deformed Cartlidge in their hands from forced labor.  I couldn't make up all of this evil! 

And what happens when the Republicans get back in the office of the President and destroy Social Security?  There will be absolutely no vaccine shots or defenses to whatever plague it is hits us next.  Because they can't afford it.

Here is the truth, our nation can't afford attitudes like that!

The sick eyed lurking among us! 

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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