The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Of all the things that you could fight for 09 20 2022

 So why are some people missing the "human hierarchy?"

You would fight for the right of those who will not be able to be educated to be born?

You would fight and risk your life for animal rights?

One would believe that most people would fight for things that benefit everyone and every new one?

Human health?  Don't you like to like to be around healthy people? 

A healthy living environment?  So that you don't get sick and fall over from going outside or drinking water?

Education?  So that you have people that know enough to follow instructions and obey laws.

I am talking about things that create responsible adults.

I would believe that you would fight for the death penalty so that those odd mistakes of people that do horrible things to other people don't propagate.  Like pimps?  Like child sex predators?  Like drug dealers?  

No, you don't want to fight for any of those things.  You want to fight so that a woman who is raped or a victim of incest has to bear that child in her womb for 6 months?  You would fight so that people can't eat animals for food anymore?  You would fight so that two men can have, I wanted to say sex, but that isn't what it really is.  Sex is really between a man and a woman in order to have a child.  So that isn't what it is.  That would be a failure of definition.

And that is an interesting concept.  Those who contort the definitions of things so that the definitions of things fail.  In other words, broaden the definition of things in order to incorporate a delusional or abnormal belief system?  Until failure of the word.  Until everyone on earth believes that word to mean something that it doesn't.  

You would fight for legalized drugs so that you can attain a false sense of happiness.  Why?  Because you can't earn it!  And then you would graft that ugliness on everyone below you in the status quo.

You know what it is like?  "After a little while of that the help wanted sign goes back on the front door!"

You don't want to fight for things that sustain the human race on earth.  How come that isn't at the top of importance with you?  How come it isn't the top hierarchy?

I would assert with a man it is.  He wants a family of sound mind!  He always has concerns about feeding that family and their health.  But not you.  You got that whacked out belief system you are grafting on everyone!  It is an odd spoiled will.  It is destructive.  Where does it come from?

And who do you look up to?  Someone who stole secret documents and then complained that they didn't take of their shoes when they searched his home for them?  That is who you fight for?  

And so you think that you are nonbinary?  Guess what all of those other fools are too; poorest and richest?  They have told you in nuance many times what they are.  We have a duality of opposites created.  All leading in their own odd directions and tearing our country apart.

You would fight so that you could be managed on a national level by the equivalent of Liberace?

I don't get you.  I don't even think you get you.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

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