The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Trump would ban former men from competing in womens sports 02 05 2022

 Trump would ban former men from competing in women's sports 02 05 2022

Alright but what is the why of it?  Because men are stronger right.  And that was once a man.

But then you should also ban men from having sex changes.  Why?  Because if you are not going to allow them to compete as women it should be demotivated from becoming one?  Something like that.

But what about the issue of lesbians competing in women's sports?

Is it fair to a normal girl to compete with a lesbian?  Let's say women's wrestling.  How about basketball.  Might a women feel uncomfortable being on a team where the rest of them are lesbians?  And what does it say that the majority of the women on the starting squad were lesbians?  It means somehow there is a competitive advantage to being one in sports?  Just look at the comparative stats of how many there are per capita and how many women are at the top in sports.  How can you read stats like that and ignore what it must mean?

Then should homosexuals be banned from competing in men's sports?

And what is the why of it?  Because it can all be equated to be the same issue.

So it would be fair to allow them to compete? Right.  So we create a Special Olympics for all of this?

But we already have a Special Olympics so we would have to call it something else?

So I am only attempting to get to the issue of fairness.  Don't go pointing your smelly finger at me.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Should a genetic giant be allowed to compete in basketball or whatever?  How high should the hoop net be rest to make it a comparative effort?

Should a nation be proud if their transgender people beat the non transgender people of a foreign nation in the Olympics?

I don't dare use the word freak. And we do get this whole problem from the Republican Party in the beginning.  Saying they are the party for those born with genetic defects?  Good God isn't that really a national security risk?  I suppose I have to suit up in the GI Olive Drab with the rest of those who will be drafted in support of that an idealism?

Ooh, look at that!  Idealism.  That one is bobbling back and forth in the hollow head isn't it.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

To have surgery to become what you believe is the ideal self you were meant to be?  Urrg.

Off topic.  On Motivation in General.

Are you becoming the idealism goal you believe you are motivated to be or are you just becoming the complete ugliness of the person who is motivating you?

And I could expand on this in terms of coaching in terms of those who can do and those who can't teach.

Teach you to be what?  The ugliness of the motivator in all respects.  That is likely what you will end up being.

And what happens when the ugliness who is the coach or motivator goes out of their way to make you not like them so that you instead become what you are motivated to be?  Does it really work?  Or is it just more of the ugliness attempting to falsely justify its place in this world.


And what would President Joseph Biden say to the idea of such a ban?  He only usually has one answer.  "That is not who we are."

Wait a minute.  So who we are is really transgendered men and all of the above Joe Biden?  Which makes me ask the question, "What exactly are you Joe?"  And who motivated you to become that way?


Post Script.  Are not the Olympics really representation of which country produces the Genus of the Species?  I would argue none of the above qualifies as the Genus of the Species.

Diversity and alcohol drug use did not create the Genus of the Species.

And television has zero representation of the genus of the species intellect.

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