The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fascism is a lot like Communism 02 02 2022

 Fascism is a lot like Communism 02 02 2022

Why?  Because all those idiots who support the dictator in fascism believe that they are one with the dictator.  In effect they attempt to take on the personality of the dictator in a oneness.

Communism has been described to me as being one mind for all.  That definition makes it like an animal pack.  Or a group under the influence of mass psychology.  Communism never really turned into something peaceful.  It transitioned to fascism.  Because of human nature it was fascism all along.  In the way that they supported their leaders?  Built statues of them.  Committed genocide for them that was never front-page news.

Again, in fascism the idiot who cannot think for himself diverts his thinking to the fascist leader.  Bow to the fascist leader in subservient sycophantism.  Almost also sounds like there is an element of homosexuality to it too!

And in Capitalism we see that in advertising, don't we?  Divert your decisions as a man to that of a celebrity?  Bow to the celebrity in sycophantism and take out the hard-earned dollars from your wallet and buy a product with their image on it?  The Ancient Jews barred images of people from being on currency!  Good for them.

But when it is people who freed a population from tyranny and dictatorship as in the United States, I would believe it to be okay.

But off topic on idolatry.  What the person who isolates another person, for example a male idolizing a successful adult male doesn't understand is that idol might have flaws you don't know about!  And perhaps when you idolize that person, attempt to emulate their behavior and mannerisms, those flaws are going to flow directly to you. Hard to explain.  But it has to do with the idea of abandoning personal development and instead just wanting to believe you are someone else.  That right there, in and of itself, isn't going to do you any good!  In effect you are placed on the road to perdition at day one!

Off topic: What I like about Google Blogger that Facebook doesn't seem to have is autosave function!  I can't tell you how many philosophical things I have written on Facebook that got mysteriously erased a moment after I typed them.

But what causes people to be idolators?  A mental defect from alcohol at birth?  Raised in a non nuclear family.  All things that the Republican Party celebrates through its pro-life initiative.  I will add the idea of athletic development in leu of mental development in terms of education and learning.  Do athletic programs make people more competitive?  I think not.  Look who rises to the top in them?  Collectively they are the two steps forward three steps back people.

Maybe some time I will write about what I saw on a news show last night.


Are there legacy laws and structures present in our Democracy that are promoting people to become successful billionaires...people who really don't believe in what our Constitution means?  I think we need to take a strikethrough to a whole lot of that.  Why?  Because if left unchecked they become a threat to our freedom.  And they are subjective systems.  Someone became successful through subjective promotion.  One would believe that there were more men present in our nation today who would detest that.  But it looks like we have more of the poor character subservient sycophants with us.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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