The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 15, 2019

You are better off to fear what you know that you don't know than to fear God 11 15 2019

You are better off to fear what you know that you don't know than to fear God.

The purpose of Education being to decrease what you know that you don't know.

Does God punish those who are stupid? Yes!

To fear God you have to know what God doesn't like?

Will your learning and education lead you astray from what God doesn't like? no. Again you are decreasing what you know that you don't know.

Think about it. A person is born and they are taught nothing more than to fear God?

So indeed it doesn't matter if they do drugs as long as they fear God?
A teenage pregnancy won't affect their lives in a negative way at all as long as they fear God?

A God fearing fool walks out on thin ice and believes he will be okay because he fears God?

It almost sounds like I am tempting you but I am not. The person who told you to only fear God in life is the one who tempted you just there. Think about it.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And indeed be a good person. With self resolve. Have PRIDE in your work. God will be with you! Why? Because God is creation. To take pride in your work is to honor God!

And indeed the principle that Jesus taught holds true to. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! So yes indeed that is pinciple of someone that FEARS GOD! Beautiful.

You can readily tell by someones actions whether the believe in God or not! By applying that Jesus principle. And you better believe you should fear it!

Off topic but I gotta get it out.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brother you do onto me.”

Could this be rephrased to say, “Whatsoever you do onto me will be d

At this point just consider this bit after the Copyright to be a separate article.

This concept will go directly to the blackened heart of organized crime.

“Whatsoever you do unto me is also then done onto the least of my brother; by you!”

Again Jesus Christ said it this way, “Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brother you have done onto me!”

It means your awful! It means you find no commonality with males (least of brethren) and victimize your own family members because you also find nothing in common with them! It means you are a monster and the source of all your own family problems. It means you are not getting away with anything like you think you are and can! The criminal minded are retarded and always believe they can get away with something and not face justice or they would not commit it!

Jesus is saying that you are the one that has the bad intent to do bad things to people!

“That” bad intent knows no bounds and extends to members of your own family. Members that could don't find commonality with but Jesus did and termed them the least of his brethren (brothers.)

Now the way I phrased it isn't even as strong as the way that Jesus Christ phrased it even though you think it is stronger per my explanation. Again the way I phrased it,

“Whatsoever you do unto me is also then done onto the least of my brother; by you!”

He is saying more or less, I know what you did to people and you will face inescapable judgment by me your God!

And what is Jesus telling victims with that statement? You are not alone!

Now the way that I phrased it..I am saying a person that knows not to hate, hates everyone indiscriminately; that a person like that doesn't even consider their brother to be their own brother!

Incapable of treating a male family member like a brother?

So the crux of this is that the person who is a problem to you and me doesn't have the free will not to be a problem to their own family members in the same way. Don't believe me? Look at what happens to family members with bad people in them. It doesn't go well for them.

Whose judgment are they facing? Gods. And if you don't believe in God you have to believe in the principle or abstract of it as I stated. So Jesus, termed a God, is stating you will face his judgement. He isn't saying you will get off scott free!

He was indeed constantly warning people of the Kingdom to come?

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

He is saying that at a certain point there is only one way forward in human history.

And he alludes to that Kingdom only containing those who have the minds of men. And not those who do onto the least of his brethren in order to defeat that Kingdom!

Copyright 2019

Yeah, its a stream of consciousness. I would rather be writing novels. Novels that you can read and learn something from.

Off topic. So last night the news was littered with stories of shootings, drunks running over people in cars, absolute human horrors. And then what does the lady on the news say is the next television show on her channel after the news is over? The title of it is, “How to get away with murder.” It's called a mixed message. And you can expect that the fatherless fools among us do not always know how to understand mixed messages? And don't sue me for using your title. Don't put it out there in the public domain if you don't want it talked about. Anyone who sewed under those pretenses has broken the Supreme Law of the Land First Amendment Right to Free Speech! That is the way the courts should interpret it. But they have been crooked since the 21st Amendment!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Decrease what you know that you don't know by learning and doing so that you don't end up being a theif.

By the way Gods term for the criminal minded may have very well been SATAN!  I wrote a proof on that and published it some time ago.

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