The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 2, 2022

My Commentary on the Karl Karlsen Dateline Episode that just aired tonight 07 02 2022

 I watch a Dateline Episode about once every six months.  But after sitting through the drama of one there is no way that I am not going to comment on it!  No way!

1.  Two people who were murdered would be alive today if it were not for the life insurance business.  They were killed after large insurance policies were taken out on their lives!  $700,000.00 a father got when he crushed his son under a truck he was working on and collected on the policy!

2.  I wanted to talk about this after a shooting case in Kenosha Wisconsin.  But in the Karlsen case their was some idea that a confession of him killing his son as per one should not be admissible in the case of him killing his wife.  Which brings up this point.  Either a Defendant or a plaintiff should be allowed to submit any evidence that they want to because it is consistent with the Constitutional right to free speech!  Now I can see how one could just keep collecting evidence forever to draw out a case.  So I can see how some could be irrelevant only in that respect.  But when someone does something so horrific as to kill their son in that manner I don't see how you couldn't allow that.  But I think some judges like to disallow that stuff.  I also want to say that sometimes in court cases they say that the defendant isn't in an emotional state to go to trial.  Then they put them on psychiatric drugs. I believe that the emotional state that they are in should be what we see at trial.  I want to here everything that they say no matter how strange it sounds.  For example we hear in the Bible that Jesus was tempted by Demons!  I don't believe it is fair for the defendant, not with regard to this case, but others, to put them on a tranquilizer.

3.  In the Dateline episode it showed how the son named Levi looked to be a bad kid.  He had earrings in both ears and ran away from home.  Married early and had two daughters and then got a divorce.  He started to look like a bad kid.  But you know what?  What is very interesting is that I and perhaps we don't give someone like that the benefit of the doubt!  If his father was that bad he was likely a horrible father from the get go.  The son was likely justified in running away.  And why does he have two earrings?  Because if he was grabbed by the ears and forced to do something they would rip out and the torn ears would be evidence of what had happened?  I guess?

4.  I found the murderers facial and speech patterns very similar to someone in the workplace I didn't get along with at all!

5.  I also think that drugs like opiates and pain killers change human behavior.  I also think that alcohol makes good people into horrible ones.  But perhaps a horrible person sometimes takes them just because they are a horrible person.  Because they know that they can't achieve like everyone else but they still want to duplicate that happiness in life of achieving; via the drug, whatever it may be.  No magnify that to the entire country and do you see where the problems come from?  Frustration leads to anger,  Anger leads to violence.  Violence leads to death.  And what does frustration come from?  The inability to learn and do!  The inability to learn and achieve.

6.  One final point I don't quite understand is why the insurance companies decided to pay these claims?  Did they find some networked commonality with the individual in some way, is the only thing I can come up with.  It just doesn't make any sense.  Or is it just low level intelligence investigators?  So we really don't have the workforce to support the Life Insurance business in this nation.  And that makes a very good point.  We could say that a U.S. car company no longer has the workforce either design engineering or manufacturing to produce sedan's so they just produce SUVs today?  A lot of things are going the way of that heap.  I do believe there are those who would side with Russia in a War.  Why?  Because they didn't really legitimately earn their billions.  And therefore they want to make this country like Russia.  Sure a little bit off topic but what the heck.

7.  There was some video footage that showed Levi, who was killed by his father, in his early years.  And there looked to be some introversion in them caused by fear of something, someone rather.

8.  With regard to item number one on this list.  Something needs to be done about it so that murder based on collecting insurance policies NEVER happens!  I mean NEVER!  Whatever it takes to make that so needs to happen.  And I really don't know how you make a lasting system like that, which would be the goal of it, from degrading over time!  Another good point.  Degradation of good laws and rules over time.  We set up antipollution laws and a Supreme Court knocks them down per the will of who?  Money under the table! Aha!  Will there be kickbacks from energy companies to fund a political candidate who made that supreme court teeter a certain way with regard to pollution?  It is sickening!  Completely sickening! Degradation of good things over time.  Like taking a public service and making it private.  Shouldn't the garbage man take all your garbage from your home no matter what every week?  Taking public properties and turning them into apartment complexes?  Bending our laws so that they mean what they are not supposed to mean?  Like those old abortion laws were really meant to protect a woman's life from the use of crude implements and procedures.  You would make us all believe that back then they had the idea of a fetus being a walking talking educated and responsible human being with a soul at the exact moment of conception?  The truth is, I assert, some people are never able to form their own soul.  Instead what is their lifetime pattern?  Frustration leading to anger.  Anger leading to violence.  Violence leading to death!  Enough of that.

That is about it.  Like I said I can't watch one of those Episodes without commenting on it.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

I can't always type like this, I wish I could.  Happy Independence Day to those who have it.

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