The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 2, 2022

I got really sick the other day after eating two breakfast sandwiches from the Clown Place (euphenism)

 Like a bad headache and a nerve problem on the left side of my body.

This has happened twice before at that unnamed restaurant.  And each time I swore I would never go back.  And I didn't.  This was the third time in recent weeks I went there after swearing to never go there.  

Can I say for sure it was due to their food?  No?  Could it be something like a clogged neck artery?  Who knows.  But I just do a lot better when I don't eat there.  Another place I wont go to is a mega coffee place whose names sounds like a 70's science fiction character named St@r6uck.  I have come out of their shaking and with like heart palpitations, sweating like, with a odd tingling sound in my ears like I am going to pass out and die.  I just wont go there. But to be fair I will not drink more than one caffeinated drink per day today anywhere!

Then a lady attempted to run me over today.  I pushed the walk signal and the lights flashed.  She was 40 yards away to my right.  I thought she would slow down but she sped up to like 50mph very quickly in a 25mph zone. Luckily I didn't take my foot off the curb.  Look left, right and left again, is a good rule.  A lot of stuff like that has been going on lately.  I had cars attempt to run me over so many times when I rode a bicycle that I never ride one anymore.  Went head over heals about three different times as they came at me.

You know the world is changing.  It is funny how television likes to negatively characterize certain types of assertions?  For example you might say you saw a demon face come out on a person?  Do you know that today there is videotape evidence which will show just that happening!  And you can't honestly look at it and say it is nothing other than that.  I would post a link here but I don't need that kind of trouble coming after me.

I don't think I will publish this.

You know what?  I will publish this!  I don't care what you think about it.  I don't care how you want to contort it around in your mind to adjust the meaning of it to make bad statements about me.  I don't care if it makes me look weak.  There may be other people like me who this might help.

Every once in a while I see something posted on Facebook whereby it states that complaining accomplishes nothing!  That is complete communist propaganda!   Complete anti First Amendment Propaganda.  Only the strong complain.  That First Amendment is there so that you should never be afraid to complain.  Our Founding Fathers didn't want you to have to put up with cr@p.  They didn't want you to have to put up with the "Trelanes" of the world ( a character from a science fiction series that exemplifies the problem the Colonists had with the British?  That we have with the wealth class Republicans today?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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