The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Ivana Trump 07 21 2022


So when the news of her death first broke what it said was that she had a heart attack.

Then it said blunt trauma to the chest from a fall.

So I want to know if she was under the influence of alcohol when she fell?

Why?  Well it might be the best message that she could ever deliver to people?  Don't drink around the house because you could fall and die?  The real dangers of alcohol?

So the day she died I looked up some quotes of hers. 

One I saw she said something about Donald Trump, and this isn't likely to be exactly verbatim ~ ~ ~  "If you are good to him he will be good to you if you are bad to him he will kill you."

Did she have knowledge of him killing someone?  Do you see the tense of that statement?  In order to say something like that you are implying it has happened in some way?  Is that the kind of nation we want?  One where high profile business people threaten to kill you? 

And I really don't like the fact that Donald said something to the effect of, I could kill somebody right in the middle of the street in New York City and nobody would likely do anything about it.  Okay the best terminology I can use that won't get flagged is, Cesspool Bred?

Then I saw a video clip where she said that she ran the casinos for 10 years.  And that she got on a helicopter every day to get to them in the morning?

Aren't those the same Casinos that went Bankrupt like 3 times was it?  You know even if we had attributed their bankruptcy directly to Donald Trump we can still attribute it to Donald Trump because of his choice of management?

I just can't figure that out.  How do you bankrupt  casino?  In my mind they are the most profitable thins to the owners.  So I wonder where the money went?  Anybody else wonder where the money went?  In business school they have case studies on business bankruptcies where they have all the facts.  I wonder if they had the courage to ask that question concerning this one.

What was her college degree?


Off topic but about Republicans.

So Rebecca Kleefisch is running an advertisement for Governor. In it she shows a areal video of Tim Michels mansion on North Lake.  You wouldn't believe it.  Tim is also running for Governor of WI as a Republican.

Kleefisch was second in command to Scott Walker when he was Governor.  Remember Foxconn?  Who could forget?

In this current ad of hers she tells how Michels has had over a billion dollars of Construction contracts with the State of Wisconsin through his construction company Michels Construction.  I believe you see a building of theirs on the way down to Illinois off of the highway and also one on what might be considered a prime location on the Kinnikinnic River?

And if you go to his website you will see the ribbon type ceremony whereby Scott Walker it awarding a, is it a 100 million dollar contract to Michels Construction for Highway development related to Foxconn deal and also to create the concrete foundation slabs for the Foxconn Construction.

And remember how Rebecca Kleefisch was Lieutenant Governor under Scott Walker?  And how Walker is now endorsing Kleefisch, almost as if it would be a musical chairs ballot from when he was Governor?

I mean is that really all the dirt that they have on each other?  As if it is the dirt the got from using the same bath tub?  Where is the really good dirt they have on each other?

I mean to me it reads like you gave Tim all that money and then in your commercial you are stating that perhaps he unduly benefited from the reception of that money?

Why don't you just get on television and shoot yourself in the foot in front of everyone?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  You know, I really do wish that I had good things to say about everyone.  I think a lot of the conflict we are experiencing in our nation today is men not wanting to be subjected to a lesser standard than men? You wouldn't be a man if you accepted a lesser standard.  Now the Republicans like to label the Democrats as being a lesser standard?  But look at the money give away  above by Republicans?   Men like to earn an honest living by their personally developed skills.  Republicans want you to believe you are a sinner if you believe in a woman's right to abortion?  Whereas men believe that good legitimate people are created from drug free biological father and mother families and not of illegitimacy.  A man finds a child that can't learn to be illegitimate.  To a Republican it is the goose that laid the golden egg and drains Social Security while at the same time they can blame it on the Democrats?  I believe that the disabled of our country were created by the illegitimate.  I believe that.

Second signature line,

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

One more thing, Ivana is most quoted for this phrase, "Don't get mad, get everything."

She didn't take everything down the stairs with her did she?

Did that money of hers then go back to who?  The children?  Did some go back to the D?

And I will make one more comment.  Some people believe the good life is having lots of money and drinking all the time?  It catches up with them!  The best way to view life is to be alcohol free.  Then if you do get a lot of money you have no worries about being the drunk that falls down the stairs and dies?  And I am not saying she was a drunk.  I really don't know.  I am just saying that drug usage takes the lives of the famous.  And do you know how I look at it?  They were cashed in!  If they were in the music business all their property gets divided up in a fire sale.  And the rights to their work is purchased up by your British aristocrat type.  And should you be jealous of the famous people in the first place?  No?  Because they didn't really have a lot of talent!  When I was a boy and heard songs on the radio I was like who can stand all those G@d D@mned screeching voices.  It is no different today.  And because they didn't really deserve to be where they are they are going to use drugs and alcohol to grant themselves that false reward.  Whoopee!  They are going to get cashed in!

Third Signature Line

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

It is like that famous quote from a Western, ~"I think your friends are about to show you something about business."

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