The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, July 29, 2022

They are really attempting to prevent suicide through Gun Control? 07 29 2022


So when you look at the annual numbers on gun deaths the statistic is 45,222 per CDC statistics.

 I was wonder how many of those people where shot by Police Officers?  I thought the number would actually be higher than it is.  The number is only 611 to 1020 depending on data source.

"Though they tend to get less public attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were unintentional (535), involved law enforcement (611) or had undetermined circumstances (400)." 


So the Police do not get there right away do they.

For example someone is being robbed and they shoot the robber in self defense.

Category "A" I would equate that to the same level of justice as if a Police Officer had shot them.

So if 46% percent of those gun deaths were not suicide how many of that 46% fall into the category "A" I described as being equal to the same level of justice as if a Police Officer had shot them?  In other words justified in self defense.  

We don't really know that.  And for statistics to include that figure would require that determination be made in every case.  For example someone wasn't charged or they were found innocent.  And we have a lot of trouble determining that.

So lets say because the majority of Gun Deaths are Suicide, 54% that is really the issue.

Why should our Constitution be changed in order to protect those who would take their own life using a gun?

No matter how you argue that I would give you a better counterargument.

Do you know what your argument would be?  That the right to bear arms is really a form of eugenics because the weak minded use them to kill themselves?

Okay a little more logic to this.  It used to be taught this way.  If a person is going to kill themselves they are highly likely to kill someone else in the process.  So what point am I making here that has never been made before?

Because they were going to kill someone innocent other than themselves as per the above paragraph when they offed themselves it falls into the category of "A."

You fix a problem by addressing its root cause.  You don't wave that wiccan Potter Boy wand around in pretense and then whimsically determine that the Constitution that guaranties our Freedom needs to be changed.

Look at that last sentence. "The Constitution guaranties our Freedom." 

Do we change the Constitution because some people determined it was the cause of a firearm suicide?

It is amazing how convoluted our Politicians have become today. 


And this is a very "touchy" subject.  But it should not be.  Perhaps that is part of the problem to?  Your right to free speech being compromised because you are afraid to assert your opinion on your own Constitution?


And good God, complain about Racial Equality?  Most of the people being killed by the Police are white!  For all the BLM hoopla you would have thought that most were black!  No, most are white!  So that hoopla is a complete disservice!    (See the statistic link above for that stat.)

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  I read a stat this AM that stated the child of an Alcoholic is 400 times more likely to use drugs like Cocaine!  Can you believe that?  A whopping 400 times more likely!  400 times!  It is in a Balch authored book, I will get you the ISBN if I have time!

What is drug use?  It is a falsified reward system.  And look what happens at the "end" of that falsified reward system?

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