The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 10, 2017

News Alert on Schizophrenia 03 10 2017

News Alert on Schizophrenia:

The Bible tells us of more than one person having the same mind/soul in 1 Corinthians 6. Christ was indeed a man in human form.
But what it doesn't tell you is that the modern term for the person they all have the same mind/soul of is a schizophrenic.
You need something stronger to pray when you have schizophrenia. Try this prayer in self defense. It accurately labels who is who in this world puts the word of God out there!

" The Bible tells us of more than one person having the same mind/soul
Lord God Our Father deliver us from the Devil
Lord God Our Father deliver us from the Beast.
Lord God deliver us from this hell."

Repeat that prayer with very strong Conviction as to what it means and the demonic possessor of your body will start to leave you. It completely debunks schizophrenia as a medical illness and proves it is fraud. Pray it silently in personal defense. It is a form of exorcism because the demonic possessor knows what it means and can't stand it. Therefore they cannot link up or tune in to you as well. It is a abject put down to them. It deflates any and all pretense they have in life. And you can feel free to start versus 2 through 4 of it with either "Lord God Our Father" or just "Lord God" for variety or how it suits you best.

The fact that the Bible tells us of more than one person having a same mind/soul validates what every schizophrenic says about themselves when they assert more than one voice is talking/cursing to them and it is not their own voice.   There is also implication that these are prostitute and therefore hag type of women.

© 2017 Thomas Murphy

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