The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Paying someone to ride around on a broom all day 11 25 2017

Paying someone to ride around on a broom all day 11 25 2017

There is a house in my neighborhood which is in eyesight of mine. The garage doesn't have siding or even the liner for it. And it appears that siding is coming off the house too. It has been that way for what seems to be at least a year now.

I have to wonder what a Police Officer thinks when they drive by that? “Hah, hah, that is a low life that couldn't keep a job? Hah, hah, glad I am in good with the banking industry. Hah, hah how happy I was to receive a paycheck for evicting the family that lived there? It isn't my job to ask questions about such things. I don't ask questions.”

What community do you believe that you are protecting and serving? I know what you want to say next, “Communities are about children.” When you really mean, “Communities are about learning disabled children.”

(Off topic, I want to make a commentary about a Brewery family malting company name being about the same as a German hospital network name. Then I want to say they go you covered on both ends they make you and your family sick and then they are their to be your Doctors too!)

What does a Village President think when she see's that? “There for the grace of God go I?” If you are elected to a position of high authority you shouldn't be thinking in those terms should you, you should be thinking in terms of responsible to a community of people. “Maybe it would make a good real estate deal?” “Too bad I couldn't wave their property taxes. I have a business of a community to run here don't I. Now GTFOO.”

What do the neighbors of people of that house think? Those are the same ones that threw a big to do for breast cancer awareness and yet there is a house in their neighborhood that is going to have a rotten mold problem and be torn down.

What does the bank who had the mortgage on it think? They are not thinking like a member of a responsible community are they.

What does the Priest walking his little poodle think? He isn't thinking this, “I should take a look at my ledger and see how much they contributed over the years. Maybe we have some money to help that family? Wait I don't really care if they are member of my church or not I want to help them because they are a member of my community, like family.”

I don't get it. I don't see what you are doing in my country. I mean really. If you want to make a valid retort to my argument against you, do it right here, Not through opportunized creepy snake like veiled innuendo.


Article Two: Kids Operating Guns

So we have a Bill that went through that allows Kids to Operate Guns and Hunt. All well and good. But one commentary. We have closed shop class after shop class in grade school and high school because of problem kids there. Kids that can't learn to use a hammer and nail to hammer on a piece of siding without breaking it. And you want them to learn to operate guns? Sure every kid should know that. But what you should work up to that learning? First that child should learn to use a hammer, nail and saw? That is how a patriarchal family would do it. So what are those guns going to be used for? Dealing drugs and getting the non Downs Syndrome mongoloid children hooked on them so they too have a development disability, and also through forced pederasty making homo's out of them? We have a Governor in office that is like a bird that flies backwards.

Milk Allergy:

Milk/ Dairy allergy? What is it that you are allergic to? Is it a protein in the milk? How come you would be allergic to one brand of cheese and not another? what is the physiological response to a milk allergy? It is thrush isn't it? And what does thrush smell like? It smells like Yeast/Fungus. So all cheeses are formed via a yeast culture. And those cultures are highly protected like patents? But where did that initial yeast culture come from? It came from some old hags spittle didn't it. So what are you really allergic to if you have a milk allergy; an old hag and her genetic profile. Same goes for beer/alcohol. If you have the gene that won't allow you to drink it, like some Jews do, does it mean that you are really allergic to the old hag where the yeast initially came from? Your body recognizes that as a foreign invader and you have an inflammatory response to it. Which is about what this entire writing amounts to. Or are you really allergic to cow yeast? Or is there a protein molecule of tapeworm present in the milk you are allergic to? How many fat wheel barrow supported bellies and degenerative diseases are caused by a tape worm? Would not a tape worm really be the cause of colon cancer? Hey I got a Wisconsin Business idea, all we have to do is analyze that feces for the presence of that and we can make a fortune by selling that service as a diagnostic for colon cancer.


Did anyone ever think, I want to chip in and help that family with either labor or materials to help repair their house that is falling apart? Did a billionaire hardware store owner ever feel a sense of responsibility to a community?

Ever listen to someones voice and you hear long sounding vowels that sound like a reptile? Does it turn your stomach?


One final point. So you good son then has a gun too. And he shoots two homosexual boys that are trying to get him hooked on drugs. He ends up in a boys reform school getting raped by that same type of homosexual. I know what you want to do. You want to declare that I have written something very bad that drove the weak minded over the edge and that I have to go to prison because of it. Or be fined so much that I can't afford to live in a house or home.

© 2017 Thomas Murphy

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