The Problem with the United States Republic Today 04 10 2019
Is that we have a growing faction of the mentally defective in this country coming into power that consider the natural beliefs systems of man to really be Sovereign belief systems.
The mentally defective consider the following inalienable rights to be Sovereign beliefs when in fact they are exactly what secured our democracy, freedom and republic.
1. Your right to free speech.
2. Your right to understand and believe things in a logical and scientific manner rather than as per a crafted "Sales Pitch"
3. Your right to keep and bear arms that cannot be infringed upon. This one scares them because images of their retarded children picking up a handgun and naturally sucking it like a lollipop and blowing their brains out comes front and center with them. In other words they don't understand what a responsible adult is because they were not raised to think and act like one.
A Republic means ruled by the people and not a Divine Right Monarchy ruler. A Republic in the case of the U.S. means ruled by the people through a President.
Again the mentally defective believe the natural and inalienable rights of man really represent a Sovereign belief system.
In fact the only way that the mentally defective can be happy in life is if they believe they own people! Is if they believe they control people, like in their doll house.
So last night there was a Democratic Woman Candidate for President being interviewed on television. And what I immediately noticed about here was something very odd. Her voice would get sing songy like a little girl. But also something that a nun described to me when I was a boy. That ethereal sound....perhaps it is long vowels? Indicative of mental retardation.
Now let me articulate a little bit better if I can. She had many good ideas. But how they were presented was illegitimate.
It is kind of like this. Lets say that someone plagiarizes everything that you think and work at. And then they are attempting to sell it back to you and get you to support them as being the true model. Do you get it yet? The consideration is going the wrong way. I am not accusing anyone of being anything I am just stating that is what it is like. It was like she drew her answers from a mouth that just got done taking its suck thumb out of it.
And this is the best the Democratic Party has for us?
I really don't like Donald Trump, But I like many of his ideas. I like it that he fights for them. I like it that he brings out the weakness of the Democratic Party. I am not saying Trump is better, in fact I believe he would zero out your right to free speech if he could. And he would have you all worshipping a bottle of Trump wine on it with a photograph of Jesus Christ on the cross on the label if he could.
Should you allow people to make the choice to try addictive substances. Substances that will cause them to lose their intelligence as well as their children to be born without mental potential? The answer is like this. Did you ever watch people driving in their motorized buggy carts and odd small busses by manufacturers we don't recognize in the U.S......driving it on those roads on cut into the sides of mountains that are about 3 feet wide sometimes going to 1 foot wide. Often to make a turn 1 of 4 wheels is hanging over the cliff... and the statistics from actual deaths are a whole lot of fatalities. I think about legalized drugs, tobacco and alcohol in a similar manner. It is like building one of those roads on the edge of an active volcano and then getting people to pony up 100 dollars a week for the joy of traveling on that road. Mind you the fence you built around it melted away a long time ago.
The retard doesn't want you to recognize them as being a retard and be able to say it just like Satan's greatest achievement is hiding its identity among us.
So indeed what is the answer to the above? It is a responsible one and it isn't one you are going to like.
But indeed factions of both political parties want your form of Government replaced by a Sovereign Monarchy instead of a Republic for the exact reason they don't like you, you represent a Sovereign system to them. Your natural intelligence. What people like that want is someone whose authority cannot be questioned, someone who answers to no one, someone that has ultimate power and someone that is completely under their control because they know they are a spoiled dead head just like themselves. Someone who isn't going to tell them they can't smoke pot all day. Someone that isn't going to care if they are brain dead and can't read or write or have any semblance of grammar. Someone that doesn't care that they don't know how to naturally interact with other people.
© 2019 Thomas Murphy
Okay why are business failing today? We have a generation of potheads abounding. And they have great vision. They have great ideas but it all comes from the smoke and the stolen soul. What happens is that they get together to run a business and eventually they can't manage each other and it therefore sinkholes. They have an infantile substitute idea for natural human being adult responsibility. They can't tell each other what to do and be professional in the business because it is like the only answer they have for each other is , "Look dude chill out I want to have a smoke right now." So indeed as a group they do not rise to the level of successful responsibility. And it should be a crime that your normal child should ever have to b e forced to work for scum of the earth like that. "Who is that shithead blowing smoke in my face." "Who is that queer that doesn't know to keep his hands to himself." It is all here and it has no place in a Democracy or Republic. And there is only one solution.