The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 4, 2019

For a Federal Judge not to consider whether a law the Legislature creates is Constitutional or not amounts to Treason 04 04 2019

For a Federal Judge not to consider whether a law the Legislature creates is Constitutional or not amounts to Treason 04 04 2019

In my humble opinion.

When I read of a boy being kidnapped for about 6 years by two tattoed men I have to assert that we deserve better than this.  We deserve to live in a country with better people in it than that.  Enough of the "You infringed on my liberty" arguments.  Enough of that.

When I look at what is involved in taxation of windfall profits and how the elderly would have to figure that out to complete their taxes I think.  "You should never have to hire someone to do your taxes for you."  And.  When you make a great windfall our Government should be happy for you!  Not be there to fine you!  Not be their to take your newly gotten property away because you couldn't pay tax on it or figure out the complex procedures.  The Government should be Congratulating you on doing well in the United States.

Instead what are they doing?  Increasing their quota so that they can hire more mean spirited Ebeneezer's like themselves.


© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And did I read that right?  That you get a tax beni somehow for organ donations?  How do I read that?  Some Gad Damned wealthy alcoholic just bought your liver for renewed life.

I think that the promise God made of not flooding is no longer valid.  I mean tell it to the people of New Orleans.

And what about the weather and Global Warming?  How come you never hear a weatherman mentioning a Volatility statistic?  Meaning, how unusual is it for the temperature to change up and down by 20 degrees from one day to the next? That can only be indicative of climate change also known and Global Warming.  The volatility has to come first!  You don't have to have a degree in meteorology to figure that out.

Yeah and if you sold your entire liver you would be dead, I know that, and you get the point.

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