The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Constitution and Foreign Policy 01 05 2020

The Constitution and Foreign Policy 01 05 2020

From Article III Section 3

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

So it means to conspire with certain enemies of the United States so that other enemies of the United States levy War against us?

What about giving enemies Aid and Comfort?  How come we gave foreign aid to countries that didn't respect human rights?  How come we never had anyone in office with the presence of mind to realize it was happening and stop it?

It would seem to me that the Constitution would prevent us from entering into World Wars as by default to take a side means we are giving aid to one of our enemies?  I am not going to go into detail about that now.

We need the integrity in the Position of President whereby a President has the presence of mind to say, this foreign country doesn't believe the same thing that we do.  What they believe is something we don't believe in.  Even though they are not aggressive to us today.  We don't want their policies in our Country because they amount to treason?  They amount to a treasonous contradiction to our Constitution.

I do believe that United States history isn't being taught with regard to the intent of our Constitutional Provisions?  If it were we would not have the highly paid pundits spouting off opinions they want to be true?  To believe in yourself and your opinions because you were hired above other people?  Really doesn't do us any good does it?

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

To help one country that doesn't believe what we do that causes another country to declare war with our country; it is treason?  Oh your slick bastard business salesmen will refute that and not let you get a word or thought in edgewise.

Did you ever notice that a salesman wants to talk so fast or profusely that you are not only not allowed to get a word in edgewise but a thought in edgewise.  Kind of reminds me of the way sow mouthed Trump views the American public's perception of his actions?  A lot of what he say's seems to be motivated directly upon those lines?  Use of divine right while at the same time controlling the public's perception of it?  Telling the public that it really doesn't mean what it means?  Don't let them think about it?  Instead cause another distraction to keep the weight of blame from issues accumulated against you from causing you ruin?  Another way to put it is, when something catches up with you cause another problem quickly.  In a phrase, problem child.

"I can't be impeached because I need to bomb Iran 52 times for the hostages that they took 41 years ago."

Well at first I thought that would be a really good satire.  But on second thought I think that we should give some foreign countries at least the cold shoulder for what they have gotten away in our countries history.  Don't tread on us, might be a way to say it.  Or here is what you did in the past and we are NEVER going to declare your exact same form of government in your country to be our friend or ally.  So yeah, I think that way too.  But strongly enough to declare an act of war?  Here is the difference, only an act of War for current transgressions or ongoing transgressions where the country didn't repent.

And yeah, I too believe to take out the leadership of a foreign country.  But you have to understand what happens when you martyr a fascist?  It has to do with why a mentally impoverished people have an idle as a leader?  As a substitute for being able to think for themselves?  And they have already demonstrated that suicide kamakazie ideology.  And then we are told Russia is our friend.  I wouldn't believe that.  Could Iran get a Nuke from Russia?  Could they deliver it upon the United States in a way that we would never suspect because it involves suicide of the deliverers?  We wouldn't catch just like would couldn't fathom the 911 bombers?  That is the ideology and worse that we really don't want to put the people of our nation in fear against?

Inciting civil unrest is an impeachable offense?  Making the U.S. Citizen fear every tanned skinned person here who looks like an Arab?  And then the question I have to ask is are they going to use that as justification to deport and possibly genocide people like that at will?

I do believe that our country was not reconstructed correctly after the Civil War.  I think a lot of that ideology of hatred comes from the south?  And from those who like to capitalize human lives for money.  On the news tonight they stated that there is human trafficking in every county in Wisconsin.  That of the six hotels less than a mile from my house,,,that human trafficking is going on there.  So when you get people becoming wealthy and using that money power to influence our Democracy we start to have a lot of problems.  Same with the drug trade.  It is like hunched back drug dealer "Igor" has money, you never see him, but he is pulling the strings of the politicians in an odd symphony?

I still wonder if the taking of hostages wasn't a CIA operation in the first place?  It has to do with photographic evidence of one of the hostage takers also being involved in something else?

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