The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What happens if we end quarantine too early? 04 22 2020

What happens if we end quarantine too early?  04 22 2020

A lot more people are going to die!  That is what happens!  Anyone that took or understood high school or even grade school math could figure that out.

So how come Donald Trump and the Republicans can't figure it out?  Because when he went to school he was a member of a gang of boys who talked all the way through class, and not about the curriculum?  That is what I read in a Washington Post piece on his childhood.

So apparently the business owner doesn't understand that more dead people equals less customers for the business?

So if it were a Democratic President who had advance knowledge of the Coronavirus when Trump did and that President didn't immediately cut off transportation to and from China the Republicans would be all over the Democrat?

And you can't tell me that the problem isn't caused by for profit health care!  In for profit health care they run as little tests as possible because it means more days per week on the golf course?  For profit health care?  Where they send you home rather than treat you?  For Profit health care where legally they don't even have to tell you what is wrong with you?  Assuming that they know what is wrong with you and didn't make it through the University System because their parents made  large contribution to the University as a charity?  For profit health care where the bill amounts to $2,000.oo for 3 stitches in your hand from a workshop accident?  Supports the confidence of the overprotective mother doesn't it?  For profit health care where the same profit group has also diversified into owning cemeteries and the death business?  And indeed the first Corporations were indeed "Burial Groups!!!"

So how does religion play into it in a negative manner?  In many ways.  But Jesus stated it best to the effect of Doctor get the heck away from me, "Doctor heal thyself."  Jesus implied there was something wrong with Doctors didn't he!

So by definition someone who makes money that way really isn't earning their money are they.  Does that mean that they are genetically weaker because they have demonstrated they are not earning their money; hence they are more likely to die of Covid-19?  That is how I see it.

So back when I went to bars they sterilized the beer glasses by dipping them in salt water?  And you did get sick from it back then.  But no one had the responsibility.

Then you have the irresponsible mothers about who believe that we should all drink from the same water ladle?  Which is the equivalent of drinking from the same dog dish?

How dumb are they?  Ever talk to one and they contradict themselves about 3 times?

Covid-19 doesn't discriminate?  Perhaps that is what they believe the contrary of?  That is discriminates?  Hence if we end the quarantine early it will not affect "my people?"  I think that type of thinking is indicative of weakness and hence it is more likely to affect that group whatever it may be.

So in for profit health care someone comes in complaining of a cough or cold they tell you it is a virus and send you home.  Up until today?  Now they are scrambling all over the place and don't have the resources.  Something called GREED!

So in for profit health care they send somebody complaining of a cough or cold home from the hospital visit?  And look what happens? Gee whiz that person festered!  That illness festered in that person you refused to treat because of greed until it became something so contagious it made us all sick and dying in mass numbers.  (And I was telling you about sick people and the ten foot pole distance rule years ago!  Years ago in this blog!)

So what doe that amount to?  For profit health care is irresponsible.

And to think that our Government never formed a plan whereby they would have to stop transportation to or from our country on a dime for any reason at all?  Couldn't come up with a reason.  No one ever did that before so there wasn't any precedent for it?  Or how about a play on possible disambiguation of words, "No one ever did that before so there wasn't a President for it."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Seriously do I want to go to a restaurant that wants to end quarantine too quickly?  There was a restaurant that was my absolute favorite.  Then one day I picked up the cloth napkin and it smelled so disgustingly germy that I never went back.  It hadn't smelled that way before.  And we did tell the owner but it didn't seem to be an issue to them.

I have seen restaurants that have bathroom fixtures coated with cooking grease from the cooks hands that were never cleaned.  I won't go back to that one either.

How can Trump claim to be a germophobic?  And not understand that more deaths could happen and more deaths equals less national resources?

Because wealthy people don't consider members of the population as resources they consider them a part of the "consumption function" to be shared with wealthy members of other countries.

There I said it.  Another diatribe.  I don't make any friends with these.  But ask yourself who needs friends like the above?

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