I created this Newspaper to put forth a much needed point of view. I have talked to many who have worked for Milwaukee's dominant news source on the side, and they have even expressed interest in my point of view. The Pulitzer prize was founded after Pulitzer because he created a newspaper that exposed great wrongdoings. He went against the other established Newspapers with his Newspaper that exposed corruption. His newspaper became number one. World News Starts Here!
The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player
Thomas Paul Murphy
Friday, January 31, 2025
Strawberry Cake 1 31 2025 recipe included
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Freedom in a Democracy 01 30 2025
So I am going to attempt to recreate the train of thought that got me to a certain idea.
When you look at Japanese Cars today, the best brands last a very long time.
So you then think about Japanese industrial technology in WW2.
And then you ask yourself, did they achieve those warships by using slave labor? So I have to research that question.
Now I am going to interject right here flat out and make the point our Constitution forbids us to have an army in times of peace.
Okay but here is the point of this whole article.
You are only free until there is a draft!
When you compare your life in freedom to a lesser governed country...how they really don't have freedom.
But then come back to that point. You are only free until a War is declared and there is a draft.
And so you say, so what, I am too old. To which I reply, it doesn't matter. Any children or grandchildren you have "established" could be erased from your family line if there is a draft.
And it really has a lot do with us supporting foreign countries with our money.
And you know, if Trump wants to end all that fine! And if Trump wants to create an Iron Dome! You know, those are excellent ideas, in the context of this article, are they not?
And you might not want to do much with your life, smoke dope, drink whisky, buy some cocaine and talk like a motorhead on television. Be that dropout who can't stand books, education and those who read. Denigrate the nuclear American family all you want. Assert your rights for those born with a brain disfigurement. Yeah, I suppose you have those rights. And you think you are free. But you are not really contributing to our Democracy and peace are you? So ask yourself what happens if there is a draft? Ask yourself if your rotten behavior, perhaps driving without a license, being disrespectful to those who believe in the establishment of our Democracy, ask yourself if that behavior contributes to us getting in a War with a foreign country in any way? I think it does.
And if Trump wants to completely obliterate organized crime, I support that too.
Again, you are only free until there is a draft. Then you become like the pawn plowed into the soil?
And sure you might come back from all that and believe that because your a badass you should be privileged in our nation? Perhaps you even did bad things to members of our own military? As if those factual stories I have read and in fact the ones low life's have actually told me are not true?
Don't respect your personal property? Don't respect your own neighborhood? Don't respect anyone?
Again, you are only free until there is a draft.
So what am I saying?
You get the dam leadership right in this country! And not some delusion. And not some false idealism. And not propagandized fascism. And not nepotism and favoritism parading as if it equality. And not being a bank trading against the American citizen and driving a luxury car for no reason at all. And not a mind thief.
You are only free until there is a draft.
But if you are drafted? Perhaps they let you sing in the choir? Perhaps they give you an intelligence job on the homeland. Something cush cush. And you are still free.
But the rest of us, are only free until there is a draft.
So it looks like a wrong to me.
And the Revolutionary War to establish our greatness! 100 percent warranted. The Civil War to put down an economic insurrection caused by slavery! 100 percent warranted.
And you want leadership in this country that thinks in terms of, I never want any of the conditions precedent for any of that to ever happen in the land of the free again!
And do I believe that Federal Employees should be required to go to the office to work! Of course I do. And Musk and Trump are on to something there!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Chicken Taco's 01 30 2025
The Chicken was pre seasoned Chicken Taco Meat purchased at Cermak just south of the baseball diamond.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Personal Motivation 01 30 2025
How many people were personally motivated to become highly successful in life because either their father or mother was a miserable alcoholic?
I think there might be a correlation there.
But also on the low end side too! How many people could never become anything meaningful in life because their father or mother was a miserable alcoholic?
Which side of that scale is more in terms of people on it?
Which side of that scale is more in terms of the money of each side on it?
If you walked through a foreign land which side would you fear; more?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
OOh ooh. And if they don't have a valid father or mother to project when successful what role model are they projecting themselves to be once successful?
Is it one of honestly them? Or is it a composite of conflicting beliefs. A personal resolve that is held together like a pile of straw sticks?
How fast can that prototype model car go before it blows up? 01 30 2025
How fast can that prototype model car go before it blows up? 01 30 2025
You never see tests like that? A true redline test for automobiles?
Why not?
Because you would have people buying those cars and putting them to the same test, breaking the law in speeding, and also causing a blow up hazard?
But you do wonder, don't you?
If you put the peddle to the floor on a 3 cylinder car how fast could you get it to go before it blew up or failed.
I suppose I really mean fail instead of blow up.
And perhaps assuming that the car was broken in for the required miles before the test is attempted.
And now we are getting interesting aren't we! Some cars might fail in different ways that others! Some might blow up in the test. Some might be inclined to fail in a loss of control
And there we go again. Some cars would likely lose control long before they reached top engine speed.
Did you ever see that listed in the safety precautions? This car will lose control when such speed is reached? Wouldn't that be a great comparison between cars?
These brakes will glaze over and fail at such speed?
And now we are getting into the question of using the best available technology for every application?
And then perhaps you make a back in time analysis and see what correlates? Do the car models that had the greatest stated results on the, what is often termed "torture test" last the most miles? And that would likely be something they might want to fake and worry about getting sued for later?
Oh, now I touched on a corruption and evil not mentioned. The idea of committing a crime and worrying about getting sued for it later? Or perhaps better phrased as being negligent and not worrying about whether you will be successfully sued later because you will have made so much money you are then too big to fail?
Aha, another interesting point comes up. To make so much money that if you are successfully sued and bankrupted the house and personal assets you are allowed to keep in bankruptcy still qualify you as a multimillionaire?
And then they will pay you large sums to make documentaries of your life. And the wealthy Republican sons and daughters of alcoholics can't get enough of that!!!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Why not freeze Political Funding?
Look at how many millions if not billions changes hands without consideration?
As if that money grew out of family names?
It isn't deductible, but what if 90% of it was mandated to go into our general fund?
I mean when you have large dollar amounts being contributed are not they really being contributed so that it makes it harder for the poor and middle class to eat?
Am I talking about people who would steal the suit off of your back and then proudly wear it to lecture you on productivity?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Managed by Billionaires
What is the problem with it?
The problem is that the very few people can actually be one. There are some 330 million of us. All of us cannot be billionaires.
And the billionaires like down on us and say I know what is best for them; more hardship?
Now on the contrary to this I believe alcohol is bad for everyone.
And not all of us want to be a billionaire that got that way through being ruthless. I don't value if like everyone else does. Nor do I think it is chic? (Sp)
~"The American public problem is that they need to face hardship so that they become ruthless?"
What ungodliness does that amount to?
And to be fair some people have it to easy? Christ give them someone else's stolen soul so they can presume to be one of us and better than us?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Quote 1 29 2025
"If you want to question science you have to do if with science."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday Bible Study 01 26 2025
Compare and contrast the following phrases.
1. Judge not lest you be judged. (Jesus Christ)
2. Judge not or be put to circumstance.
3. Judge not or be put to similar circumstances.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Saturday, January 25, 2025
American Greatness 1 25 2025
When America was great did that give the wealthy anxiety?
Does upward mobility give the wealthy anxiety?
I think it does.
Did Prohibition cause great anxiety among the wealthy. I would say probably. But not for those in industry that wanted better workers.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Friday, January 24, 2025
Drill Drill Drill 01 24 2025
I think that trend away from free and renewable energy only enslaves us through higher oil prices.
If you want to have the motto drill drill drill then perhaps you allow ZERO foreign based companies to drill in our territories. They have US corporate named but are foreign based.
Other things that enslave us:
Landlord Tennant Law
Legalized Alcohol
Concentrated wealth and power who maintain it through T__ breaks.
Networking and nepotism.
How about satanic elements disguised in organized religion?
Pharmaceutical and health care company lies.
Do you know who will not fight for human freedom? Those who are uneducable and hence believe there is no benefit to human freedom?
And lets whittle it down a little further. Perhaps no one who doesn't speak English fluently should be allowed to own a corporation in the United States.
And would it benefit other employees, perhaps in terms of safety on a shop floor, if an employee who couldn't speak English were excluded?
Is it fair to the farmers son that migrant workers are allowed to do the work and be paid in peanuts? The farmers son likely doesn't want to be a farmer anymore?
So your refrigerator uses the most electricity in your house. Per my research a long time ago. I have an electric motor about the same size as that in a refrigerator and it can run constantly in sunlight for decades on end on only a 12" by 12" amorphous solar panel.
Think about it.
Think about it.
Keep thinking about it until you understand it.
You don't understand it yet.
Keep thinking about it.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
The French Revolution and The United States 01 24 2025
So seeing as the metric system was created during the French Revolution I had to revisit the dates of the French Revolution.
French Revolution May 5 1789 to November 9th 1799.
The United States was founded July 4th 1776.
So what was the American attitude towards the French Revolution?
And a lot of other questions surface. Ones that might not have been covered in history class?
You also had the French and Indian War that was fought between France and Great Britian, 1754-1763. That War is said to have determined control of vast amounts of North America. And that War ended with a British Victory.
We wouldn't be here without them? did france help in the american revolution - Search
Forgive me if a lot of my memory is gone with the wind.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Presidential Pardons 01 24 2024
So if 1500 people kill one person it is okay?
What is the motivation for it?
1. To readily recruit them as disrupters?
2. To not have them as a personal enemy because they ended up in jail for something you could be said to have incited?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
The Metric System 1 24 2025
Per Google Search Results
"The metric system was developed during the French Revolution, where scientists decided to base the system on natural units, defining the meter as one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth's North Pole to the equator along the Paris meridian, essentially creating a system of measurement based on the planet itself, and making the units easily divisible by ten for decimal calculations; the kilogram was then derived from the weight of a liter of water at a specific temperature."
So I was to running some numbers. Perhaps in order to make "to" metric conversions in my head easier.
There are 5280 feet in a mile.
And there are 3280.8399 feet in a kilometer.
Kind of funny how they both end in ~280
So first I just divided 3280/5280= and you get .62121212121212121
Look at how that 21 or 12 repeats.
But then I realized that wasn't accurate so I divided 3280.84/5280= .62137121212121212
And look at how that 12 repeats again. You would think it would repeat the same way.
Why does it work that way? Because the more digits it goes out to the closer it gets to a constant?
Interesting principle, has it been articulated in math before?
So there was something natural about our nonmetric system? Not saying it can be evidenced by both those numbers ending in 320. But perhaps I am. As if you tried to create a natural system and what it tells you is that the original system was natural?
So am inch was the width of a thumb? What is the width of a thumb in the metric system? It isn't based on people is it! It is a system disassociated from people?
A thumb can only be one centimeter wide in the metric system? But what finger in one centimeter wide? Perhaps a pinky? So the metric system is really the pinky system.
Don't have time for this next part. So how many thumbs are there in the SAE system from the equator to the pole? That can more easily be figured out than with the metric system.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Thursday, January 23, 2025
This Salmon Has 1 23 2025
This Salmon has spices and black olives and green olives all in this little can!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Thomas Murphy fictional metal shop teacher 1 23 2025
"I always tell my students that if you can use that can opener to open a can of chicken soup then you can work well with sheet metal."
"Teacher the soup cans at my house have pull tabs."
"Son, you are never going to do well in metal shop."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Trump to release Kennedy Assassination files 1 23 2025
That will be another thing he does that I like.
© 2025 Thomas Murphy
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Quote 01 22 2025
"Knowing how to do something the right way because somebody tried to teach you how to do it the wrong way."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
A Luxury Fiberglass Highly Coveted Fishing Boat 01 22 2025
In terms of the United States produced luxury car market? What happened?
The only people who could afford to buy them were those who couldn't really afford to buy them? Bought them on time? Whose time? Yours and my time right? Perhaps they looked in their leather drawstring purse and saw the proceeds from their preaching would support the payment. And also that it was okay to do because it was great marketing to be a member of that inner city church?
The quality of the car dwindled because of that? The sales of that car dwindled because of that?
Now lets talk about electric cars. Would you buy one from an established company or a new American Company that dedicated themselves to producing electric cars?
You would think that if the American Company wanted to be a leader in the ecar industry they would take that initiative on their own and not have to be...led into it? If they were dragged into it do you want to buy from them or do you want to buy from the bright eyed kid who started producing them solely and wants them to be what you already like them to look like?
I wonder how many people would be able to afford a luxury boat like that if forward facing sonar were outlawed?
But it should not be outlawed. It should be standard. Why. Because if developed correctly it could keep your boat from running aground on a rock bar and killing people.
Just thinking out loud in print again.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
A Train Plow Car 01 22 2025
Do you know that if I worked for a car company as a designer and I designed the front of a car to look like the image of a Train Plow and even one of those cars got into a front end accident...
somehow you would blame that accident on me and my car making company would be put out of business.
What am I getting at? Perhaps crooked standards?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
A Presto Walla Aluminum Car Extruder 01 21 2024
So how much does a car weigh? About 3600 pounds perhaps.
And how many aluminum cans are there to a pound? Lets say there are about 30 aluminum cans to a pound. And that if you took them to the "Recycler" ..what is the rate per pound? Perhaps it is 44 cents a o pound.
But I would need 3600 pounds times 30 cans per pound for a total of 108,000 aluminum cans. And I would feed those into a Presto Walla Aluminum Car Extruder to make an all aluminum car. Some assembly required. And won't be all aluminum.
So lets say that I had a soda a day from a coin machine. I would have one pound a month of cans. So divide my 3600 pounds by my 30 cans a month rate to get a 120 month time frame. Now if there were two people in the family drinking stuff from aluminum cans the rate would need 60 months. How many years is that? 60 months divided by 12 = 5 years. 5 years and no cost of my own and I have my own extruded aluminum car.
Now if there were a family of four each drinking stuff from aluminum cans every day it would be down to 3600 divided by my 120 month can rate equals 30 months. Two and one half years. Now lets say I have some friends who already have their extruded aluminum cars and they are willing to give me theirs so that I can get one quicker.
And what is the cost of that many cans? 3600 pounds at 44 cents a pound? $1,584.00
You know looking that. I don't believe I need that much aluminum. The rest is recycled plastic and fake leather made from recycled plastic? So every once in a while I drink a something out of a plastic bottle instead.
And the extruder is a solar powered electric arc extruder.
What am I getting at? I am not sure. Maybe a lot of people who have cars don't have anywhere to go with them because wherever they go they are essentially bad? Yowsabouts. What does a yowsabout need a car for?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Hey, yowsabout, did I get the math right?
A Photo of a boat titled Deep Thought
And perhaps a philosophical observation. How many people fell behind in life in the United States and ended up like this?
Per what I read about this boat it ran out of gas and ran aground just south of Bradford Beach. The people on it got off and walked away.
It is a lot bigger boat close up than it looks from the street.
I think it is irresponsible of our gov not to get it out of there. What if a storm came and washed it out, only for another boat coming back in rough water to hit it and the crew die?
I also want to say I would like to see more piers along the coast of Lake Michigan in Milwaukee. Where a boat could moore or where people could fish off. There used to be a lot of concrete piers. Doctors Park, Atwater Beach, over on the South Side too. Not that it would protect your boat much if a Lake Michigan storm came in, without a breakwall.
Off topic. I see some new construction by the South Shore Yacht Club and it also looks like they are making Jones Island bigger on the South East side of the Hoan Bridge.
The trend however has been to create more limits to parking and access. As if these are things gof the rich to own. We saw that in Port Washington.
There are people who live in lakes and they don't want anyone else to peacefully enjoy them. To hey believe that they own them. And they don't really use them to fish. Just something they bought and own and thumb their nose at you. They needed to be treated for a yet unrecognized something; a rottenness.
Who has money to blow like in the photo? Deep Thought ran aground I don't like the poetry to it. Representative to a finality to the thinking of man? Yeah, that's me.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
Update: just read (jsonline?) that this boat was owned by a man and and woman who bought it for 12k and planned to live on it in Mississippi. Makes me wonder if they have a go fund me page?
Monday, January 20, 2025
HUMOR 01 20 2025
Some of our early Presidents of the United States were of the "Whig" party.
Wouldn't it be funny if we had a President who wore a wig to mock the queen of England. Like that 70's comedy series?
Where that wig and you could get away with a lot of needed satire!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Flash Fiction 01 20 2025
Cooly, she took a drag on her cigarette and said, "My baby is sick again."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Things that Trump did that I like 01 18 2025
It looks like all new cars are required to have an integrated backup camera, and it looks like it happened in 2018 under Trumps first Presidency.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
Quote 01 18 2025
The first step to understanding is listening.
And that doesn't help you if somebody told you that you know everything already.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Doctors Versus Healers 01 18 2025
I think that if somebody say's that you are a Healer that is better than saying that you are a Doctor.
Probably has something to do with my Catholic School Bible teachings whereby we read that Jesus Christ told Doctors to buzz off,
"Doctor heal thyself."
In effect Jesus was drawing a contrast between Doctors and Healers.
And some Doctors are indeed good.
But you know what? Perhaps what might be needed is a public rating system for Doctors in terms of whether or rather the grade from 1 to 10 of how good a Healer they are.
Now, that would be a violation of Separation of Church and State, you say in complaint?
Perhaps if you thought really hard and honest about it you might find out that there are already incompatible violations of the Separation of Church and State in our Country. Jesus probably already identified them.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Reference Luke 4:23
Lets say that you are not a Doctor and don't pretend to be one and you help somebody. And in gratitude they tell you that you are a really great Doctor. Perhaps a better compliment might be or perhaps how you should consider that complement to be is that, you are a really great healer. It has a little more value in the world of esteem? Which means what in terms of the value of a real certified Doctor? I will leave it at that for you to finish the thoughts of.
A Debtors Prison 01 18 2025
So lets say that you lose your home because you can't pay your mortgage debt.
And you become homeless because of that.
Then lets say that you are arrested and imprisoned for vagrancy.
Are you not then in a debtor's prison?
Okay let's say that you are.
Not let's say that someone is favored by a bank. They are allowed to borrow perhaps 10,000 times the amount of what your mortgage debt was.
They go bankrupt.
Should they not also be in a debtors prison? And shouldn't their sentencing time reflect the amount of debt in comparison to your single home debt and prison time?
Perhaps here is a corollary to what I am getting at. You would expect that the highest paid in our country each have something to teach us? That each of them has attained all of what might be considered the passage right to manhood?
But what happens when you have millionaire athletes and perhaps rap stars or movie stars with imperfect grammar? What are we learning from them? What is there to learn from someone extremely rich who couldn't even learn everything you did?
I had a little more to say about that. But it is gone with the wind for right now.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
3. So Republicans have kind of an odd view about justice? How long before that degrades our country to something like, if there is someone in a debtor's prison, why not let the one that they are in debt to own them? Kind of like how Republicans like to say the union of states breaking motto, let the states decide? But in this case, let the wealthy decide how to employ those who owe money to them? To the point of let the wealthy own them. Because that is best? That is the best way to handle that?
Do you kind of feel like your back just became crooked when you read that?
4. Now lets say that you had a President of the United States who was in bed with Russia. And he decides that to ease our national burden it would be best if prisoners were sent to Siberia. To freeze to death?
But let me ask you this. If you become homeless in the winter, zero degrees, in the United States but are not put in prison for vagrancy, what has effectively happened to you? About the same as if you were released into the middle of Siberia, with just the clothes on your back?
All the while the leadership of this country can't understand why you don't live in a room with actual gold trim, and gold faucets and gold door knobs and gold everything.
Is that what our country is supposed to be about?
To Govern by 01 18 2025
To Govern by gauging the strength in opposition to your own baseless statements.
In other words, don't think about what you say, and rely on other people to adequately explain to you what you just said. All the while with a subjective determinant of whether you will listen or not.
© 2025 Thomas Murphy
It doesn't flow 01 18 2025
It doesn't flow. You can't have a Police Officer able to immediately impose the death penalty while the court system will not.
If the Police Officer is maintaining justice (by immediately stopping further danger to the public) then the court system needs to also think in terms of is their sentencing also maintaining justice?
So sure criminals are mal influenced by drugs and alcohol. And perhaps a few are even demonically possessed. But how do you separate those two apart? You can't because the first fosters the latter.
Which means what? You could call legalized alcohol and drugs the greatest threat to our Democracy.
So how do you enforce the conditions of someone's parole that they are not allowed to drink? There is no viable way to do that currently in existence. I mean I am asserting that if someone does their time and then gets out and has alcohol and or drugs they revert right back to the criminal behavior. I am just asserting that. To me it stands as what should be common knowledge?
Off topic. So we pay for the treatment of other peoples cancer. And alcohol causes cancer. Wouldn't it be best if someone who was diagnosed with cancer where barred from drinking alcohol?
How about someone that had a family history of cancer?
Now perhaps that is the best avenue for private insurance. Not a general trend of private insurance replacing Social Security whereby generalized private insurance it erodes from the health care of the good worker and faithful constitutional democracy citizen.
In a world of only private insurance, ask yourself who is going to pay more? The rich are going to pay less. Why because they are going to own the insurance companies! Have you ever worked for a company that owned the insurance company that covered their employees? Did you ever ask yourself how much that insurance company makes by you just working there? Think about it. That is completely rotten.
Catch and kill a career by causing mental illness and then after two years your owned insurance company no longer has to pay? The general public pays for the sickness you caused? Yeah, they are here!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Constant Surveillance 01 18 2025
Let's say that you had someone with a lot of money in politics, and they were convicted of near 3 dozen felonies, in relation to lying with regard to United States elections.
Perhaps an appropriate sentence would be that they are required to wear a tracking device on their ankle and everything that they say is immediately known and published.
Sure you can say whatever you want to whoever you want. But we are going to know.
And do we have a right to know? Absent the conviction, I would say no. Present the conviction I would say yes. As it relates directly to the conviction.
And that would indeed make America great again.
And you know, if it turns out that everything that person says naturally is well and just, then it supports their credibility. So it actually helps them.
I mean some police officers are required to wear body cameras in support of their activities. A Police Officer can be thought of as an Officer of the Court.
And if say such a President... as being most powerful, would not it apply to them also?
Do you know what the issue here is? I don't really believe in tracking people like that. But it is the kind of thing that happens and is necessitated when the corrupt come into power. In effect the state of the corrupt limits your rights!
Organized crime only erodes your rights.
The activities of organized crime only disempower the good. I hate that!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Jesus Christ had nothing good to say about the rich. What if you had a rich man who was convicted of a crime against our government while young. Wouldn't you want to know his whereabouts? Is he soliciting and fostering sex with underage prostitutes on a remote island? Take a step back and look at the tree line of the forest on that one. You would swear that thing only happened during the glamorized gangster time of Prohibition?
And that is another thing I can't stand. The good being disempowered from being good by what only amounts to propagandized violence against the good in television / movie media. We should not have to think in terms of fear like that.
I love the Statue of Liberty 01 18 2025
But now that I think about it I have to ask the question,
"Why did we allow a statue of a woman wearing a crown greet new immigrants to our Democracy?"
We don't believe in Kings and Queens here. Our Democracy was founded in opposition to that.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Friday, January 17, 2025
Another Four Years of Angina 01 17 2025
You know what he is going to say already.
"Hey look I am inaugurated on the coldest day ever! And people say there is global warming!"
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Pro Life and Pro Choice 01 14 2025
So lets say that all babies were born normal. And there were those of the pro choice view that just absolutely loathed the human protentional every new baby had. Because it is something they didn't have. Then I would be 100 percent Pro Life! Absolutely.
But on the other hand lets say that you had a bunch of drunks who gave birth to the mentally defective. And they taught them to be a tormenting burden to people. In effect to give them and the country the money shaker? Then I would have to be pro choice. I don't know. Ask yourself if criminals that do horrific things are not mentally defective in some way? Is it a temporary influence from alcohol? Sober them up. Set them free and everyone will be okay. I don't believe that. I mention it because their is a lot of crime. And I do believe that diversity hides the crime. I also believe that diversity detracts from justice. Because the poor believe they are being unfairly sentenced for the crimes they committed? And perhaps the rich seek to just incarcerate them as a way to meet a quota so that the quota isn't also fulfilled with them being incarcerated for crimes? Didn't state it well, but you get the point. Perhaps imprison the poor who commit crimes in order to set an example for what the rich shouldn't do. But if the rich do, then they buy or connive their way out? I guess I believe pro life leads to crime.
I would like to believe in the validity of my first paragraph. But I think that is a utopian viewpoint? I think it could be achieved. I would like for it to be achieved. I mean, who doesn't like that idea? An idea whereby everyone is good and can be trusted. Everyone is responsible. Everyone lives in peace and harmony. There is no envy because no one is born to be a violent jealous freak? A world where your children can roam free to any part of the city. They can go out exploring in any park and not fear sexual molestation, rape or murder. They can attend a Church or school where there is no history of that and nor is there going to be.
Perhaps in a drug free world I would be 100 percent Pro Life. But perhaps you still had that strain in it. And that would always want to teeter everyone back to drugs?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
A Failing Basketball Strategy in a Nutshell 01 14 2025
Make a few three point shots and get ahead by a margin of 10 points or more; take the day off on defense and lose the game.
That isn't the way of a winning team.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Quote 1 14 2025
"Given a lack of intelligence hormonal based emotion play a bigger part of said person's personality. ie behavior...
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Monday, January 13, 2025
Start Respecting People in this Country 01 13 2025
Someone who knows how to cook; out of jealousy for that skill you would call them a foodie?
Show some respect!
How about a Home Chef or something like that.
No, you got to call them the most retarded name you can think of, a foodie?
Almost rhymes with fool, doesn't it.
Look at how you distort the life of men.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Military Technology and Firefighting 1 12 2025
It just seems like to me the hat if we have war missiles that can travel at 4600 miles per hour we ought to have high technological fire fighting equipment to put down fires very quickly?
Because we don't it means military depending is a no productive money pit?
The technological advancements weren't transfered to civilization needs? Nor did the money spent trickle down to raise all up.
Did you ever look around, perhaps with solar energy and say "What could we have done already compared to what we have done.
Military spending to protect us from clean energy and technological every day advancements?
How does military spending lead to less inflation, lower food prices? It's capitalism, prices are only going to go up to keep the Joneses ahead.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Bravery 1 12 2025
"This peanut butter brickle, with the peanuts, that's hard on my teeth."
"I'll handle it."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Breakfast 1 12 2025
I took some blackberries paid 50 cents for, put them in a cup and took a fork to them. Simple as that.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
Broccoli Boiling Water 1 10 2025
That's right. It's a Friday night and I drank a pint of broccoli Boiling water!
Much better for you than beer or other alcohol. In fact alcohol causes cancer.
You say it tastes kind of rough? Well it is an acquired taste. The it to be manly to drink broccoli boiling water!
Just hold your nose shut and down it.
You know I can't believe how much beer everyone drank like that in high school and college. Beer funnels. Quarters drinking games. Terrible sounding concerts. Basement parties. Actually I better stop there. Every once in a while. Perhaps every 3 years I remember something about how good that tasted to me. But drinking days are like a foggy road to know here in life.
Seriously I drank some broccoli Boiling water.
January is alcohol abstinence month. You might give it a try. And if you do abstain, you might realize what you are missing in life when you drink alcohol.
You might not be able to quit. The alcohol might support false aspects of your established personality.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
But wait till it cools to room temperature to drink it.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Gun Control and Martial Arts 1 9 2025
This one bears a strong point from the article just before it today.
Perhaps there is a subtle argument that Americans don't need guns if they learned martial arts?
There is an element of the fastest gun in the West to martial arts?
What do I mean? I mean you end up with one fast person and the rest live the rest of their lives with the goose egg bump to the center of the forehead that calcified.
Martial arts just isn't a valid argument for gun control.
And you might love watching kung foo. But you would never want to train every day for your life and then meet that person whom is faster and end up with that calcified goosegg in the front of your forehead and the resultant cognitive deficit.
What do they say? There will always be someone faster. And as you age you will slow and loose strength, so you will not always be the fastest. And end up with a calcified goose egg to the center of the forehead. But hey the liberals got you covered. You could be President of your were like that and hand out awards and medals to people just like you.L
Actually the presence of martial artists in our country makes and extremely strong statement against gun control.
Off topic. And somebody keeps asking me to find out why Michelle Obama wasn't at the Carter funeral today? I don't know, maybe she was having a Sally Beauty Store day?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
This is index finger phone typing, so give me credit if there are errors. Attempt to correct them and you end up making more or erasing the whole thing. And if I had to proofread any of this with that petulant voice tormenting me I would be dead with a stroke.
Being Versus Seeing 1 9 2025
I like watching two overgrown dumb asses attempt to knock each other's block off in a boxing match; but I wouldn't want to be one.
Perhaps many things are like this.
I think the people who portend to be politically correct would say you admire them or want to emulate them or be like them in some way.
As of it is a stance ho persecute a belief system? It doesn't really mean that you identify with them.
So we have people in our country that want to run around and point that same pansy finger at everyone over nothing. As of they have found a reason they have been waiting a long time over to convict or discredit someone?
It is a false logic syllogism.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
And here is the better part, how much should someone that no one really wants to be be paid? There is more depth to these statements than a surface thinker can comprehend?
And have you ever had conflicts with a surface thinker? ( And do mnt say a surface to thinker in comparison to what?). To me it indicates a non developed intellect. Someone can't comprehend that there are relevant trains of thought not their own? A sense of spoiled arrogance to that? Some might use the term can't get on the same wavelength? Wow. I just flushed it out? To categorically condemn the wavelength of men. It rhymes
Could be the start of a song.
Presidential Medal of Freedom 1 9 2025
Awarded for, "Any reason as determined by the President."
© 2024 Thomas Murphy
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Republicans and Pro Life 1 8 2025
There agenda is simple,
"There are no mistakes except those people who were not a mistake."
I suppose it is absolutely beautiful if you are a mistake. Hence the more mistakes there are the more friends and supporters Republicans get.
It is TERRIBLE for our country.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Fast Talker 1 7 2025
Some people talk faster because their is a truth or idea forming in their mind that they do not want to think about?
And you will also see it in salesmen that are going to be confronted with what might be termed a negative selling point?
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Monday, January 6, 2025
Sunday, January 5, 2025
My Breakfast 1 5 2025
My breakfast today is toast with left overs cranberry sauce on it.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Wife's Cooking 1 5 2025
I think that there are a lot of career type women that don't know how to cook.
But if you didn't allow "wives" to drink alcohol for a year, at the end of that year would they have learned how to cook or be a better cook?
How about after five years?
How about after ten years?
You know, it might not make a difference.
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Off topic. Let's say you didn't allow immigrants to drink alcohol for a year while you expected them to learn the American English language? Again 5 or 10 years?
Why would you want them to? Because if they are only going to trade with themselves here that amounts to recycling money with themselves. Perhaps 10 times over. Could that be detrimental to our nation. Yes, if it reached into health care or finance it would amount to a deep rooted organized crime. In a sense means you are charging those not of your group more than you should, and that price difference leads or forces them (us) into poverty. And I would call that the description of am economic insurrection. Forcing Americans into poverty.
And what if you established a religion whose doors were barred to honest Americans? And you put those same doors everywhere you could? Perhaps some leadership erroneously believes that would make America great?
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
Friday, January 3, 2025
Dessert 1 3 2025
Graham Cracker with melted chocolate chips.
" Looks good don't it."
"It shore is."
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy
Alcohol to be Labeled as Causing Cancer 01 03 2025
Okay. You would think that if someone made the willful choice to consume it and developed cancer that they should pay for the cancer treatments? Same with the "smokes."
But why can't it be just like how if you drive a car you have to pay for your own insurance to do so? Do you see the justification?
That if you want to consume cancer causing alcohol or tobacco that you should be required to have private insurance for it. Or perhaps have more taken out of SS for it? After all you want to work your fair share in this country, don't you? You want to be responsible for your own actions? Hence you should be required to purchase Alcohol and Tobacco Cancer Insurance.
Just think of all the jobs that would create in the Insurance Industry
And you would have to have or show proof of insurance when you go to that foreign owned convenience store right in the middle of your neighborhood.
And perhaps if you need an ID to vote you should also be required to show an id to buy alcohol or tobacco, an ID that say's you have a home! I have a theory that alcohol creates homelessness, perpetuates homelessness. But I think it keeps people on the same downward route. Perhaps it is the only thing that gives them will to live when homeless? Even though I would assert that it is the ultimate cause of their homelessness.
When talking about lost revenue perhaps we should be thinking of industries that could arise from the change that caused the lost revenue, as per above.
I think that we need to take the weight of the shoulders of some of the good people in our country. We need to take other people's burdens off the shoulders of the good.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Degentrification 1 2 2024
Degentrification: good neighborhoods going bad.
The idea that if you move to a better neighborhood your life will be better.
However there is nothing where you came from.
And you ask the question, why is there nothing where you came from?
Is the answer really that you thought that by moving you could, get away from your self?
You get to the new neighborhood. And you are still the bad person. You are still lazy. You are still a thief. You still disrespect everyone. You still don't like school. You don't like listening. You don't link learning. You don't like cleaning. You don't like planning. Your favorite thing is drinking alcohol like a fish and pretending to be an authority. You have no identification with your own children. You value honesty little. You don't really understand American life. And by all accounts you detest it.
And the new neighborhood goes downhill.
Just like the one you came from.
Where there is nothing. Where you came from, there is nothing.
But someone with money identified with you in some way. And that is how you made it to the new neighborhood. Someone that lived in the New neighborhood, but didn't like it. It didn't feel like home to them, because it didn't feel like nothing.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Very Interesting 1 1 2025
Yew is toxic to chickens and to humans But is also used to make a breast cancer drug.
I just had to make this point. Don't draw any conclusions to it. It has to do with a viral nature of undigested protein theory I have in combination with a perforated intestine common in parasitic infections???
All pure speculation. And I don't have time to articulate.
The theory being something that is toxic to chickens and bears little to no toxicity to human beings might have anticancer properties? And yew is HIGHLY toxic to humans to.
And to be fair if someone found a definite cause or cure to cancer in a capitalistic world would they share that secret. I already know the answer is no. And guess what harboring any secret knowledge like that as should be a serious crime.
© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy
But here is a list of things toxic to chickens. It includes beans and chocolate. Avocado, citrus, potato, rhubarb.
And most things on the list are also toxic to humans.
Some people can read but don't know what that means?
There is a Certain Element of Paranoia in an Element of Liberalism 01 01 2025
So let's say that you had an immigrant trying to get into our country at the border and this could be said about him, "He is only here for our boy's."
And lets say that I mean he is a pedophile. And perhaps that is 90% of what I mean by that.
If I were President, I would not let him in.
But a certain type of liberal would fight for that person's right to come in.
The only reason you would fight to let someone like that in the Country would be if you found an element of commonality with them or personally identified with them. Hence you want to say it is the rightful thing to do so that you don't have the spotlight ever turn on you with regard to that or a related issue?
That issue in the start of the above paragraph represents a subversive element of paranoia that has creeped its way into our county and policy. And I believe it is deep rooted here.
Now my Constitutional Right to free speech ought to protect this writing. But guess who would object to this? That same subversive element of paranoia!
And perhaps it reads like this, normalize everything so that their destructive influence on a Democracy of the free and home of the brave is never publicly detected. Now whose shoes is that person walking in? They are walking in the shoes of a victimizer. Now here is another point, they can't relate to victims because it defeats their sense of superiority to identify with the victims. Victims rights, in the above instance, defeat their sense of empowerment.
In Catholic School they taught us the term "megalomaniac." In order to be one, whereby you create many victims, you can't really have a human soul.
So are immigrants who come to this country who are feeble minded polarized? Either they become gang members and rule by violence or they because docile and weak willed and put up with anything the latter suggests to them? Is there an element of that.
What would happen if farm wages had to comply with a valid standard of living pay? I think your demographic in this nation would change for the better. Perhaps you would have those who couldn't stand the funny money r race leaving the city. And you would have warm and friendly and strong minded rural towns again. That is the future of America I believe in. And yes, it is alcohol free. There have been far too many soulless created by alcohol already.
And with regards to the first line of this article I would never allow someone like that to have a Corporate Charter or be in a supervisory position in the United States if I were President.
Happy New Year!
© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy