The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Surgeon Generals Warning 05 15 2019

Surgeon Generals Warning 05 15 2019

If the Surgeon Generals Warning on Alcohol were accurate it would be so long that you would need a microscope to read it on a can of beer.

Here is the current Surgeon Generals Warning

“GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.”

I believe that the warning should be expanded to include serious health issues our very own Government knows exist in relation to it:

1.  May cause severe mental illness.
2.  Might cause a break up of your mairrage.
3.  Can cause cancer, 6o different types!!!
4.  Will make every single illness worse.
5.  Could cause you to go to prison if you drink and drive.
6.  Could cause you to make faulty major life decisions.
7.  May cause you to act in a manner that is contrary to your self interests.
8.  Can cause liver disease, thereby needing a transplant.
9.  Does cause loss of intelligence.

The point being.  Why issue a warning unless you are going to make it accurate and meaningful?

10. Could cause you to have children that are born welfare dependent.
11.  Could cause you to lose friends.
12.  May cause you to act violently.

So why is it even beings sold?  The answer is "Thorny Liberty!"
The answer is because if you put that label on it and sales went down there would be less annual revenue for the country and therefore less cush cush Government jobs?  Face it, you and I aren't going to get one anyway.


On Hillary Clinton.  So she ran for President and I voted for her.  But her husband had at least one affair and she stuck by him.  But what is that?  What is that when you husband has an affair on you?  It is mental abuse of you (a woman) isn't it!  So in effect Hillary was abused by Bill Clinton.  And she made it to be a Presidential Candidate!  I could start on Donald Trump to, but why bother.  Wait a minute I will!

So what does the Russian Investigation really amount to?  A wearing and tearing of our Democratic values?  But why and how?  Look at what happened now.  Now you have a woman's right to have an abortion being challenged in Alabama.  Was the Russian matter really a smoke screen to wear down the United States public general legal resolve or certitude?  I really don't believe that the South was reconstructed correctly after the Civil War.  But why?  Why are Republicans attacking that Abortion issue?  Is it per the Bible?  No.  The real reason is something very different.  It is a part of a layered legal defense so that the status quo of the wealthy is never challenged.  In other words if you can't abort a baby then you also can't euthenize a mentally defective child of a wealthy alcoholic.  Sure they call the mean bastards Type A personalities.  And the truth be told we never should have had to deal with them in the United States.

So indeed the warning on the label of alcohol should also read may enrich the mean bastard who will be your manager at work?

What should the warning on tobacco state?  Smoking these cigarettes will enrich a lobbying group that is highly intent on taking away the Constitutional Rights of Americans.  Smoking these cigarettes will likely give you cancer and your family will not be able to afford the treatments to save your life.  Your husband or wife will live a hard life after you die because of this!  Now good God why can't you ask yourself that question?  Why don't the people who use the substances seem to care how their family would get along with out them if they died from known illneses related to them.

Again Thorny Liberty.

What does Liberty mean and what should it mean?  It should have nothing to do with alcohol tobacco and drugs.  Once something is scientifically known to be a poison laws should be updated with regard to it.  But you know what?  Just like the drunk driver can't stop drinking and driving your social drinking legal representation in this country can't seem to update legislation.  So indeed it is an issue of how ruts form that a Democracy gets stuck in.  Right there.  I think I articulated one.

Does anyone ever read into what is going on with our Country today and correlate it with how Democracies have failed in the past?

So why would Russia help a U.S President who is Pro Life?  Because your entire Russian Population is a lot like the illegitamacy that I described way back in this article somewhere?  A could term for it might be, instead of peer support group; Pretentiousness Support Group?  That pro life agenda brings down the Standard of our nation.  It lessens our greatness.  So yeah it does bother me that we have a boggle cat eyed President who believes in Contradictions and always remains Confident that no one can ferret them out.  And you know what?  The more we have people like that in office the more true it becomes.  So indeed there is another reason Democracies fail.  The more bad people are allowed to remain in office the more likely a Democracy is to fail.

Does the illegitamte minded person ever consider asking themselves this question, "Who will be our teacher in the future?  In other words whose mind will the illegimate steal in the future?  There won't be any good ones left.

And just because Jesus Christ said it 2000 year ago doesn't mean that someday it won't be true.  ~"The day will come when my word will be needed and there will be none to be found."

I believe it is time for the circus people to resign from highly paid positions in this country.  Did you ever notice that the people who are making the most money in our nation work the least?  Does that seem right to you?  So we aren't in any way shape or form a meritocracy and we just have to accept it?

Not much I can do about it, other than write stuff life this.

Ask yourself the question, "Who would ever want to be the teacher of a obnoxious, mean, rude and disrespectful person like myself?"   Control the means whereby the middle class has to raise your illegitimate children in the classroom.  What is great about that?  There is nothing great about that.

So lets say that you wanted to reconstruct the South today.  How would you go about doing that?  It would mean major changes.  But we don't really have anyone man enough to make America Great again in public office do we! 

And why couldn't the Democratic Party notice the issue regarding Hillary and promote someone else to the candidacy of President? 

And what is wrong with divorcing someone that abuses you?  Isn't that really the strong minded self respecting thing to do?  Or do I have it all wrong again.  "Tom what are you babbling about.  You got it all wrong again."

So a person who is shot be a gun is allowed to sue a gun store;  how come someone that has trouble with regard to alcohol isn't allowed to sew a brewery?  Do you see the break or dislocation that is propagandized between actually cause and effect?  Get it?  Right there, another big problem with our nation and why Democracies fail.  Leadership misrepresenting the correlation between cause and effect.  Doesn't make your blood boil.  Apparently you have become complacent with being duped.

That's all for now.

Thomas Paul Murphy

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Why did I write this?  I didn't like what I saw on the news tonight and I didn't like the way it was presented.  Also, my Grandfather died of Prostate Cancer.

Religions promote alcohol don't they!  So why isn't the Surgeon Generals warning or my version of it written in stone before every church door?

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