The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

What happens when China has all electric cars and the U.S. fell behind in that area


What happens when China has all electric cars and the U.S. fell behind in that area?

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

As a national energy policy and therefore national security policy shouldn't we be putting out high quality electric cars that the average citizen can buy for $20 k?

You say, where is the business model in that? I say they were already bankrupt hence that business model is invalid. It is just taxpayer funding of phony profits and phony profit based pensions.

I am not opting for Communism or Socialism. Perhaps I am saying this. Donald Trump brags about spending an astronomical $2 trillion dollars on the United States military; while at the same time asserting the involvement of the U.S. in foreign wars is over. So that only goes two ways. You either turn that military upon the citizens of your own country or you actually put them to work per your choosing because they are being paid to WORK! They are being paid to work. They are not being paid to be mindless prima donas aggrandizing.....They are being paid to serve their country! They made that call! They are not being paid to loose the life of every single other person in the platoon they are leader of and receive a medal of honor for it? They are not being paid to lurk around college campuses and start fights at bars; with your taxpayer funded military training. They are not being paid to deal drugs out the back door of the tavern for the bartender. They are being paid to serve their country.
They are not being paid to protect a strip clubs prostitutes from a life of American freedom.  They are not being paid to enforce the worlds oldest religion; prostitution.
Sacrilegious you say! "My son Antwon is better than that!  My son Antwon is better than you!"  You obviously never heard of the "Army Cor of Engineers"

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

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