The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 30, 2020

On Republicans 08 30 2020

 On Republicans 08 30 2020


Is Donald Trump the first United States President that was divorced?

 No Ronald Reagan was divorced before him.

 What does it mean?  These people made extremely bad choices in one of the most fundamental acts of life.

At some point someone told them in no uncertain terms that they were too hard to live with?

Get my point yet?

Our nation effectively told Trump he was hard to get along with when we impeached him.

If an unwed mother chooses to abort a baby that is fine with me.  We get the policy to the contrary of that by those whom have already been deemed hard to live with?

 A baby isn't like a brand new car that came out of the assembly line.  It is to be loved and developed by the loving parents that created it.  And no, God didn't create that child!  The mother and father created that child.

Let me prove it to the fat head pointy eared people.  You go to a restaurant and order a cheeseburger.  Do you believe that God Created that Cheeseburger?  No you are not that stupid!  You know that the cook in the kitchen created that Cheeseburger.  And if it isn't done right, you either don't pay or you ask for a new one, or walk out.

 A woman states I didn't create this child, that slick talking used car salesmen that promised me everything and then dumped me created it.  Her decision to abort that baby is fine with me.  She was lied to in having it.  Oh but that isn't right you want to tell me.

So be on notice my Republican Facebook friends.  I just read that Donald Trump paid someone to take his SAT tests for him.  If I boot all you Republican people from my Facebook friends that is the reason.  Has nothing to do with you.


So indeed Divorced people who became President looks to be a no win for our Country.  Such to the point that we might need a Constitutional Amendment to prevent a Divorced person from being on that ballot?

And you call the Republicans Conservative?  They don't even know the meaning of words!

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

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