The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 27, 2020

I believe that Americans have a right to know what fellow Americans died of 08 27 2020

 I believe that Americans have a right to know what fellow Americans died of 08 27 2020

 It should be free public information readily available!

 Why?  Because you could have something like the Coronavirus that isn't killing people left and right and we would not know about it when we should have? 

Let's say a person has a heart attack that is caused by medicine they were prescribed and dies.  Shouldn't we know about that?  So that perhaps we might not want to take that medicine?

Doesn't something like that really make our health care system a lot better?  Doesn't accountability make a health care system better?  Honest to God!  Republicans call themselves business people?  A good business person knows that their profitability depends on them being accountable to produce good products!  To be responsible to the American Citizen Consumer!  So we have had a dark shift in our country where for some odd hidden reason that doesn't matter!  How does that not lead our country into dismal economic times?

When some of us read the cause of death we have heart!  Perhaps it would be the best wake up call for those who do not have heart to read the cause of death!

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

And so why don't we know the cause of a high profiles persons death?  Because the shame the family would have would cause them humility.  And they believe they are above humility?  

"Keep the Trust Funds running at full speed we don't have time for humility around here!"

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