The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Is there a Constitutional Basis for Limited Liability 08 16 2020

 Forget about whether a Corporation is a person or not and trying to prove that a Corporation isn't a person; that is just a trench that they dug to keep you from getting at the better question:  Is there a Constitutional Basis for Limited Liability?

So up until the 1950's when the Corporate Charter became widespread...before then you needed a reason to have a Corporate Charter.  It had to be in the public good.  Such as creating employment.

But lets look at that issue a little more in depth.  Because a company is granted limited liability is also means that the rights of one fool who has been injured by the product or in the workplace have already been taken away!!!!  So in effect in the legal precedent of the Corporation there is the the legal precedent to take away the rights of the fool...for some other reason?  Can you feel someone out there just felt like they had a barb stuck in them somewhere?

I can't think of a Constitutional Basis for Limited Liability.  Perhaps in my younger days when I was more argumentative I could have taken the other side on the issue better.

But I will do a quick internet search using the term, "Constitutional Basis for Limited Liability" and see what pops up.  It is kind of like the aliens have landed here and they are eating peoples heads and no one can prove they shouldn't be?  But on with the internet search.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Where postscript should go.


I also believe that an individuals rights should always be greater than a Corporation.  A Corporation being a profiteer and those who didn't do well in school highly loyal because their is no other way they could get a job?  You take those two sides and it seems to me like individually they are too powerful and together they are even more too powerful.

 What are the barriers to an individual suing a Corporation?

1. Lawyer fees.

2.  Credibility.

3. Time delay

4.  Stonewalling.

5.  Lies

6.  The good ole boy network, entrenched wealth.

7.  Credibility due to lake of a paid for college education.

8.  A honest law group existing to capably and truly represent them.  Networked criminality in the legal industry?  Ask yourself how a lawyer to the President knows what the President wants to do that is illegal?  Because the lawyer was asked to craft it for him?  Or he sat at dinner with lawyers that were asked to craft it for him?

9.  Dis- crediting of evidence. 

10.  "What are you doing in the courthouse?"

And we have come full circle, "What is limited liability doing in the United States?" Came over with the Purple Gang didn't it!

Just my list.  You could probably do a search and find a better one or more.

11.  How about this one.  The defendant is already homeless.

12.  Or this one, the defendant has been put on psychiatric medication because his or her mind has been tormented with demonic voices straight out of the Bible!

13.  Or this one, the defendant just died of cancer or Covid-19.  He believed in Donald Trump!

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

I believe in full restitution for disability that happened in the workplace as well as strict liability as to the costs related to alcohol causing mental retardation.  In other words I want profiteers to think twice before they ever tread on one of us again.

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