The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Is there a correlation of aids and Covid 19? 11 17 2020

 Is there a correlation of aids and Covid 19?   11 17 2020


So awhile back I watched a video that stated Covid-19 had two S proteins in Common with the aids virus??  And I think I got all the words right there.

Which makes me wonder if someone had aids and was then exposed to a coronavirus and the corona-virus mutated in them because of them being on aids drugs?  Or something like that?  Is someone on aids drugs mroe immune to Covid 19?  I doubt it.  They are more likely at risk.

Now you might start thinking I am homophobic or anti-gay?  No.  I can hear that spirit that wants to change people.

But why isn't the CDC collected data as to if a person that has it is gay or not?

But more importantly lets see if there is a correlation?  How do we do that?  What United States Cities have the highest concentration of Aids?

  1. Baton Rouge, Louisiana – 44.7.
  2. Miami, Florida – 42.8. ...
  3. New Orleans, Louisiana – 36.9. ...
  4. Jackson, Mississippi – 32.2. ...
  5. Orlando, Florida – 28.8. ...
  6. Memphis, Tennessee – 27.6. ...
  7. Atlanta, Georgia – 25.9. ...
  8. Columbia, South Carolina – 25.6. ... 

Okay?  Good God am I reading these numbers right?  That in Baton Rouge 44.7 of the people there have aids?

Immediately after I read this high percentage list I said to myself, those are cities you should never go to!

Okay so now we correlate that with Covid 19 cases and see what happens.  Now I don't have time to do that real good.  So I will just check a few.

Louisiana is the 19th state in terms of cases of Covid19

I am going to abbreviate that above aids list to states.

Louisiana 2 cities 

Florida 2 cities




South Carolina.


Now here are the top states in terms of percentage for Covid 19














So without drilling down into cities I think there is a correlation.

When I hear the media use the phrase Mass Spreader events.  I think of how the CIA went through was it New York City and spread some chemical out the back of a car?  That is in the history books.  Ever since I read that a long time ago I thought that Government office needed to be decommissioned.

And when I look at the white people who are in the streets for Trump after he lost.  I notice that these are really hateful white people!

Been a Democrat all my life.  I viewed it as the hardworking party for the people.  Not the party for the rich.  And can it be said that Republican trickle down economics has led to the rise of these people?  What would our Founding Fathers say about giving to the rich in hopes that it would benefit the lives of the poor?  Our nation was founded against that principle wasn't it.  A Politician named Smith saw some aristocrats in the United States and said either you work or you don't eat.

But good God look what happens?  Trump comes and visits as many places in Wisconsin as he can before the election.  A lot of people wanting to be like him, not wearing masks.  And our Covid 19 numbers skyrocket.

And what about Trump supporters?  I can understand how young people get caught up in movements.  And it can permanently ruin their lives.  So you blame the leader.  He knows he lost fair and square.  What is he trying to foment and why?  It is illegal to incite Civil Unrest per the Constitution, an impeachable offense.  But he has already been impeached and he went to work harder at it!

Young Americans who might have had bright futures are fighting on the streets, being megalomaniacs, causing trouble.  While Trump is on a luxury Golf Course?

Can I ask you this?  Do you really want the United States to be the kind of country where someone like Trump becomes successful and rises to the top?

And the rural areas vote for him.  Why?  Because they never had to work for someone like that in their lives!  Those rural people that voted for Trump would not last one day working for him!  Believe it.  They would vote far differently if they ever had to work for someone as fickle, mean, temperamental, basket case, rude, obnoxious, child like, spoiled, ignorant, welching, bamboozling, lying, irresponsible, non-deserving, basket case, couldn't care less about you.... as Donald Trump is.

I think our whole employment structure needs to be rewired to eliminate the negative influence of that.

And maybe I get it all wrong.  If so, God forgive me.

© 2020 Thomas Paul Murphy

So you don't like this?  Just ask yourself if I am for the people of this country or not? 

Now here is an interesting question, "Who do you think Donald Trump is jealous of and why?"

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