The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 20, 2020

Who am I talking to 11 20 2020

 Who am I talking to 11 20 2020

So you add friends on Facebook.  Do you really know anything about them?

The Government is the only one that can do those background checks and find out everything from their own records?

If you create a business and employ people you most likely have been granted a Corporate Charter?  And it is a far more important legal concept than you think.  Perhaps one that should be illegal.

But if you are a Corporation even you don't have the ability to do background checks like the gov?

So you add a Facebook friend.  You then become famous.  And you then find out that Facebook friend has a criminal record a mile long.  And the bobble head media jump all over it.

You hire someone to work for you, you create employment and you find out they are a pedafile or former pimp or child molester?

You shake someones hand because you are a man and that is what you do when you meet someone.  You presume they are a man just like you.  A photograph is taken of you shaking their hand.

So what am I getting at?  How come the individual doesn't have the ability to do free in depth background searches like the gov?

You marry a woman and find out she worked at a strip joint.  Then a guy named Rocco is at your front door one day.

So you see Trump smiling in a photo as he shook Epstein's hand.  Trump knew exactly who he was.  You would not have! Trumps wife was a friend of the publisher of Penthouse!


Next Point.  A new legal standard.  "You can't do what  you did and like people!" Perhaps it is another way of phrasing what a crime against humanity is?

You can't have done that and like people!  And our country is about people!  It isn't about a sack full of Gold teeth you carved out of someones head.

I think that there are certain crimes that fit the bill.  "You can't have done that and like people."

What does that mean?  If you don't like people, "Why should we keep you around?"  In hopes that some day you will start liking people?  Not likely.

What crimes do I feel are done by those who do not like people?

1.  Drug dealing.

2. Pimping

3. Pedaphile

4.  Your Mafia cutting people up at their pizza joint in New York.

5.  Cannibalism.

6.  Child molestation.  No that priest doesn't get to go to another church where they don't know him.  No he doesn't get to go hide in a convent for men in the boonies.  No that Boy Scout Troup leader doesn't get to move to another United States city.

7. Poisoning.

8. Electronic harassment of the human mind.

Get it?  I doubt you do.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy




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