The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Cleaning up the Catholic Church 05 19 2018

Cleaning up the Catholic Church 05 19 2018

Why did you desire to join the Catholic Priesthood?

1.  A true vow of celibacy to serve the Lord God Jesus Christ?
2.  You had no sexual interest in women so the vow of celibacy seemed to be an alibi for you?
3.  You were of homosexual sexual identity and the vow of celibacy seemed to fit with that identity for you?
4.  You were of pedaphile sexual orientation and the vow of celibacy seemed to fit for you?

Should the Catholic Church have been made a last refuge and stronghold for those of 2 through 3 above?  That isn't God's will is it!

I believe that the same questions are valid for those joining the nunnery.


All of this seems to be glossed over in terms of importance doesn't it.  Things the media doesn't have the righteousness or moral background to go after?  Which means what?  It is on par with the predominant religion of the media!

What am I getting at?  Illegitimacy in religion!  It has no place in religion!

And what else about 2 -3 above?  People who convince themselves that belief system is valid can be diagnosed to have an invalid belief system known as Divine Right!  Do you see how Divine Right is based in self delusion?

What do you tell your child when they ask what Prince Harry does for a living?  Do you say that he is really working with the United States Media to propagandize a lesser form of Government in the United States?

And what does Trump think he and his family are going to be?  Part of a Royal line in the United States?  You have to be kidding me!  He brokered a deal to have his daughter pose nude in a magazine.  He married a women who was paid to be pornographed.  Does he really think an affiliation with Royalty is valid?  What does he want to be?  So lets say after propagandizing that delusional form of Government in the United States that it takes hold here.  Can you see how it would turn on Trump and his family in order to promote integrity of that form of Government?  Make an example of Trump as if that isn't what it is really about?  It hasn't happened yet has it.  He has never felt an ounce of shame for any one of his actions!  Which means what?  He is of that Divine Right Delusional Form of Government already.

Do you get it?  A man pipes out with his big mouth and ends up putting his foot in it.  He puts his foot in it out of shame.  Because he knows he was wrong.  We haven't seen that with Donald.  He is all ahead full.  Which tells you what?  That is the role model of the nonworking wealth class for success.  And what does it really amount to?  Divine Right based capitalization of human beings.  In other words turning the lives of human beings into money for yourself.  No matter if you create the conditions precedent where human life can no longer exist and sustain itself on earth.  No matter if the amount of children being born with and diagnosed with mental retardation is skyrocketing to plague epidemic levels.  Just create a new euphemism or label for it and put the burden on the shoulders of a heterosexual man.  The allegory of Atlas?

"As long as we can teach that mentally defective person to do one thing we are okay!"  It just isn't true is it.  People like that don't hold their own weight no matter how much you want to believe it.  But good God what type of parent is forced to think in those meager terms?  Lets hold time still so that there are no advancements that cause mental frustration for them.  "Oh I know the answer already!  I know what the wealthy will buy right into!  If I propagandize the idea of apprenticeship!  Whereby someone only has to learn one thing.  I will go straight to the top of that seeing eye triangle on the dollar bill!"

I want to ask Donald Trump if he is a member of the International Order of Odd Fellows.  I think I will do that right now.  I will send and Email to the White House to see if I can get him to answer that question.  :)

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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