The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Marijuana Usage = Makes Mental Retard = Becomes Mass Shooter 05 20 2018

Marijuana Usage = Makes Mental Retard =  Becomes Mass Shooter  05 20 2018

The Democratic Party doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that.

The Department of Health and State has already posted the fact that childhood/teen marijuana usage retards mental development worse than alcohol does.

Who do you think would be so vi-ally jealous of other students in school that they would mass shoot them; other than a person with a developmental disorder that couldn't keep up?  It is going to be the pot user!  And that pot user is often also frequently a drug dealer.  Now ask yourself this, who would give his piers something that causes mental development to be retarded if not someone who is vi-ally jealous of them for their natural potential?  Are you trying to tell me that that same type of person who harms their fellow students in that manner isn't also going to opportunize any time of weapon or means to harm them that they can muster?

It is so simple to comprehend isn't it! In my opinion anyone who doesn't understand how that above concept is playing out should not be allowed to vote because they do not fit the definition of a qualified electorate.  Much less come door to door in my neighborhood wanting me to sign a petition for them to be a member of Wisconsin State Assembly.

The implications of the above are horrific!  And yet it is not being addressed by the media.

So the Democratic Party also wants to spend more money for education?  Can you see why?  Look at what they are promoting; mental retardation.  To me that is also a horror to ask an adult to try and "teach" the mentally defective.  Why stress a human being like that?  What is wrong with you?  And if you are an adult who doesn't find teaching those who can't learn stressful there is something seriously wrong with you.  Why?  Because you embrace futility?  Because you love futility.  Because you love creating futility, stress and conflict.  That right there defines an abomination of mankind.  And I don't dare say what religion this recent Texas mass shooter was spawned from.

© 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy

PS.  Did you ever look at the face of a person high on pot?  They look exactly like a Zombie out of a horror movie.  Glazed over eyes.  Paleness in the face.  A look of shock!  Yes shock!  Shocked to be so high?  Something like that.  Shocked to be happy and feel good?  Now compare that to a heroin addict?  Can't tell me that effect it has doesn't make it a primary gateway drug to heroin.  What else do you see in the mask of that dilated or is it constricted pupil  --it looks constricted, pale expressionless high face; HATRED!  And how do they behave when they are not on a full effect marijauna dose or when they are in between self dosing of pot?  Pompous, catty, jealous, sick!

What did that drug dealer turn them into?  A sex object?  Did the drug dealer also turn boys into sex object homosexuals in this manner?  It is horrific.

And what are they like?  Nervous, odd and biting like between whatever sickly perverted sexual encounters they have.  Maniacal. Apathetic.  And indeed there was a recent scientific study that stated homosexuals have a defect in the gene that regulates serotonin which is responsible for happiness feelings.  And what happens when you give a child or teen a drug that gives them a false sense of happiness?  You completely screw up and haywire their brain don't you!  In effect you caused exactly that!  You caused the malexpression of genes related to mental development.  You likely caused homosexuality! Again it is horrific.  And yet high ranking members of the Democratic Party are Delusionally Ignorant concerning it!

And yeah you are all for Free Speech until someone righteous like me starts telling it from the mountain!

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