The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fictional Biblical Type Humor 02 27 2020

Fictional Biblical Type Humor 02 27 2020

And Jesus said, "You Roman's take your wine filled nuts and get the h3ll out of here."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

If you like my writing be sure to pick up a paperback copy of my novel , "The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper"

Brewery Shooting and Gun Control 02 27 2020

Brewery Shooting and Gun Control 02 27 2020

The mass shooters always end up taking their own life after they have shot other people?


That is my belief.  Don't try and say that belief causes wrongful deaths because it doesn't.

Perhaps there has been so much hoopla built up over gun control that the hoopla causes a person to commit a mass shooting instead of the above?

So you are going to say it is faulted logic in some way.  Some way of an irrational mind.  But the point that I am trying to articulate above is that perhaps those propagandizing gun control, which is indeed unconstitutional, are the ones that are more to blame for the mass shootings?

And perhaps your liberal makeup that wants gun control is a bunch of women who have a wine party every Friday night and whose children are Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mentally Retarded with no outward physical signs?  They cry themselves to sleep every night because they are cognitively different than a human being.  They cry themselves to sleep every night because they are cognitively inferior to human beings?  Guess what the Gun Control Advocates know already?  They know their spawn has lifetime suicidal depression!

So what is the only way that someone like that can thrive in human Civilization?  By creating a defacto Divine Right environment for them.  A plastic bubble.  Whereby they can go out in the business world and insult and demean everyone they want to at will because they can't compete fairly with them.

That Second Amendment Right is there for a ROCK SOLID REASON!

So in summary the mass shooter is highly likely to take their own life and perhaps if the ugly issue of gun control wasn't being propagandized they would not take yours first.

And in the sicko mind how does that likely play out.  "Wait a minute?  What am I not supposed to do with this?  I will defy that!"  That sick person is really defying the imposed will of their henpecking mother, in terminus?

Yep I believe this stuff to be true.  But I am not one of those head trauma victims from Iran that they screwed a magnetic cranial stimulator into the skull of.  Ask yourself this.  What are they attempting to tune that missing brain matter to?

And I do fear legal prosecution for writing this when I should not.  But again the point remains.  I have no problem with someone offing themselves with a gun before they come and off me with that gun and then off themselves in the end anyway.

Did you ever play checkers with a hair lip kid when you were a boy or girl; and when you are winning that little shit takes the checkers board and all the pieces and throws it.  "Give him the checkers board and let him throw it and the pieces around the house all day long; he ain't coming back to my house!"  So the point here is that the sore loser wants to take out the winners with them when the problem is really just the sore losers and the sore losers that spawned them.  Schadenfreude would be the German name for it.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

Was there Alcohol Involved in the Miller Coors Shooting 02 27 2020

Was there Alcohol Involved in the Miller Coors Shooting 02 27 2020

It is a rhetorical question.

But it brings up an interesting legal defense that you never here; which I feel is valid.

"He couldn't hold his alcohol."

So there was going to be some restructuring at Miller Coors and 400 to 500 laid off?  And this is just my bad memory from skimming the facts last night.  Did the employee who did the shooting think that he would be one of them?

And think about red flag laws.  Wouldn't that be a completely rotten but valid red flag law?  "We just fired an employee today we need the Police to go to their home and take all their guns!"

And I am not going to be tempted to make the easy joke out of this one.  "He was angry because he wasn't going to get free or discounted beer anymore.  Because he thought he would no longer be working there."

Could someone who gets in an OWI use the defense, "I didn't know that I couldn't hold my alcohol?"

So what is going on here?  It is a very dangerous drug.  And no one wants to say how dangerous it is because they are all addicted to it and can't live without it.  I contributes to all of the poor decisions made in our Democracy.  It contributes to making over sixty diseases worse.  It even causes cancer.  I will assert that it dullens the human mind and eventually greatly contributes to Alzheimer's.  The human brain was not designed to be deprived of oxygen and then not every day.  That is oxygen deprivation stress.

I do believe in strict liability for the alcohol manufacturers.  Your product caused the intoxicated mal behavior or accident you pay all the restitution for it.  Which means in this case because it happened at an alcohol producer that producer should pay the victims of the families in the shooting.  It is not the guns.  The reason they want to take away the guns because they want to make the voices of reason in our nation frightened like chilling sheep.

So what would it be like to work with a bunch of drunks all your life at a brewery?  It would be extremely depressing.  I can't tell you the number of friends that I have gotten rid of because they are no good drunks and it is depressing to be around them.  To argue with their pained thinking.  To put up with them asserting opinions that have no valid premise.  To see that they can't do anything like a normal man should be able to.  They can't hold their alcohol can they! And they never could.

Segueying into politics.

So some of the democrats talked about the prison system.  I mean you have to be kidding me!  You can spend as many dollars as you want trying to teach a criminal new skills while is prison and all of that will be completely gone once they take that first drink of alcohol after being released.  You have a damaged brain if you think any differently than that on the issue.

So there needs to be a method in place to restrict those who are above the legal drinking age from attaining alcohol.  It has to happen.

But why won't it?  Because the profits from it are tightly woven into your communities.  That ethnic grocery store on the corner in your village?  90% of their profits come from the sale of alcohol!  90%!  An Italian man I knew who had friends in very high places once told me that.

So who makes the contributions to your local church?  Those who have the money right?  And that is your alcohol seller and producer.  Do you really want your little league teams uniforms branded with "Buddy's Beer" on the backs?

Anyone with a family history of mental illness should be restricted from the purchase of alcohol.  And guess what, if you commit a felony I believe that you should be medically labeled as mentally ill and be restricted from the purchase of alcohol.

But those in power are peddling as fast as they can to legalize pot so that the alcohol issue never gets touched.  It makes any reforms as mentioned above more untouchable!

So the wealthiest people in your communities that contribute to the church are those who sell alcohol.  Is it any great wonder why the Priest is peddling it there on the stage?  Why he wears a woman's dress and holds the Golden goblet high above his head at communion?  Why his beady Alcohol Down's Syndrome eye's scan the looks on all the child's faces as he holds that goblet above his head and tempts them.  Got news for you; that isn't God's religion, it is satan's.  And the Bible has nothing good to say about alcohol.  I have collected many of the verse's that condemn it here:

Bottom line here.  You can't tell me that a brewery workers mind isn't screwed up after 41 years of that.  And I am not even going to get into my belief that it causes males to be born with effeminate voices due to a gene mutation of the vocal chords.  Other than to say this.  When I was a boy and first heard that British Invasion music playing on the radio I couldn't stand the sound of those screeching and effeminate voices.  "That is singing?"

And as long as I am venting.  I have had enough of the Coal miners daughter lecturing to us as a Democratic Candidate.  All the hems and haws and every other word is an uhm, uhm, uhm.  To me that is like a drunk got up there.  But let me try and attempt to articulate what I don't like.  It is someone that grows up in an us versus them family.  Learning the us versus them.  Only their version of us really doesn't represent the American public or what our country stands for.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

Another good article to write would emphasize this point.  We fought in a Civil War to put down an economic insurrection in the south.  So in effect when we fought that war we refounded this country in some manner of thinking.  I believe those who were at the head of the Republican party and its founding at that time should be quoted as much as the original Founding Fathers were.  That would give our country a fresher sense of morals and justice.  There are a lot of things that you don't know about, that were not taught to you by your cigarette chain smoking High School History Professor.  Principles that would define some mental illnesses a little differently than they are today.

And one more point.  That is a very good way to analyze the character of a Political Candidate.  What type of us versus them were they really indoctrinated with in their home life?  It works for me.  It doesn't work for them.


So I suppose that the Devils Advocate would recommend psychiatric treatment to someone that worked with alcoholics for four decades?  That is the answer you would come to the conclusion of?


A good point that I want to think about in order to increase my understanding is:  "Why kind of an us versus them mentality is a homosexual indoctrinated with in their family home life?"  I mean it is profound isn't it!

And the dolts among us can't figure out how I know what I know?  That is why I articulate my thinking.  I know what I know because I am a thinker.  Not a drunk or the son of one.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Quote 02 26 2020

Quote 02 26 2020

"A lesser man than me would not say."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Monday, February 24, 2020

Progress Is? 02 24 2020

Progress Is? 02 24 2020

You are supposed to put your garbage can at the front of your driveway for when they collect.  Right where you can accidently back into it?  Right where it is an obstruction from you using your driveway.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Friday, February 21, 2020

How to be a Highly Successful Interviewer of Female Television Personalities 02 21 2020

How to be a Highly Successful Interviewer of Female Television Personalities 02 21 2020

"...And I understand that you didn't have the happiest home life while you were growing up?  Do you want to talk about that?"

© 2020 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How are Children supposed to learn Grammar 02 18 2020

How are Children supposed to learn Grammar  02 18 2020

When the most successful people in our nation who are television use phrases like, "You all?"

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Monday, February 17, 2020

How to talk like a Corporate _____ 02 17 2020

How to talk like a Corporate _____ 02 17 2020

"Yeah, we interviewed her to work here.  We found her to be like one of those mythical persons whose hands act independently from a human mind."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Not Socialism 02 16 2020

Not Socialism 02 16 2020

I do not believe that Socialism is the answer when the majority of a Democracy is drug addicted and personally (independently) incapable of having goals that they can achieve.

And I believe that is what Bernie Sanders is attempting to sell and the constituency of his that is more than happy to buy it.

Very subtle isn't it.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

With a Goal of Reducing the Instance of the Criminal Mind Over Time 02 16 2020

With a Goal of Reducing the Instance of the Criminal Mind Over Time 02 16 2020

Perhaps if an individual is convicted of selling or giving alcohol to a minor they should never again be allowed to purchase, consume or possess alcohol in the United States again.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

I look at the world and the bad news on television a lot differently than you do.  I see crimes including violent as being cause by alcohols detrimental influence on the human mind.  I see the instance of the criminal minded as being caused by alcohol's negative influence on brain development.

I see alcohol as being used as a tool to obstruct the thinking of man.  Just as Jesus Christ accused Peter of being Satan for obstructing his thinking and not thinking with a human conscience.  I see a faction of society that feeds off and profits from the misery caused by alcohol.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

Perhaps anyone convicted of a Felony should also lose their right to consume, purchase or possess alcohol.

I see the pot problem as being caused by those who were born defective due to alcohol never being able to be happy from personal achievement; hence the use of the drug in place of happiness from personal achievement. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

To Sell a Human Being an Idea of what their Conscience is supposed to be 02 15 2020

To Sell a Human Being an Idea of what their Conscience is supposed to be 02 15 2020

We see it with Bloomberg on Gun Control.

And we see it with Trump and Pro Life.

So perhaps the best Presidential Candidate might be one that isn't attempting to sell you an idea of what your conscience is supposed to be?

But why do they do it?  Why is it a valid political tactic?

Because there are a lot of dumb people out there, sheep if you will, who need to be taken by the hand.  Who need to be sold what their conscience should be because they can't independently form their own.

© 2020  Thomas Murphy

I would write a lot more stuff like this but I take a LOT of HEAT for it!

And here is another part to it.  As if because they were able to sell the idea to you; everyone else should be forced to believe it too.

And then because the idea was sold to them, they only feel good about themselves if they can get you to buy the idea to.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Taking the Corruption out of Capitalism 02 07 2020

Taking the Corruption out of Capitalism  02 07 2020

The current form of Capitalism is detrimental to our Democracy.  It is faulted in many ways.

1.  The exchanges being privately owned.
2.  The market makers and specialists trading against you and establishing a nonworking class of people from it.

So in Capitalism the people with the great ideas need access to capital.  They also need access to good people to serve as help, but that is a separate issue.

What is needed is this.

Capitalism whereby your initial principle is guarantied by the United States Government!

What is the legal justification?  The U.S. Government granted such and such individuals a corporate charter hence the U.S. Government should guarantee investment principle to such individuals.

Why issue a Corporate Charter to someone who is irresponsible and going to bankrupt a company and create waste?  But it happens.

So if you make it regulated by the U.S. Government whereby you can't lose your money to what could be termed a "Swindler" it increases the responsibility for the use of capital.

Also needs to happen with the banking system to make it whole.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy