The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Brewery Shooting and Gun Control 02 27 2020

Brewery Shooting and Gun Control 02 27 2020

The mass shooters always end up taking their own life after they have shot other people?


That is my belief.  Don't try and say that belief causes wrongful deaths because it doesn't.

Perhaps there has been so much hoopla built up over gun control that the hoopla causes a person to commit a mass shooting instead of the above?

So you are going to say it is faulted logic in some way.  Some way of an irrational mind.  But the point that I am trying to articulate above is that perhaps those propagandizing gun control, which is indeed unconstitutional, are the ones that are more to blame for the mass shootings?

And perhaps your liberal makeup that wants gun control is a bunch of women who have a wine party every Friday night and whose children are Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mentally Retarded with no outward physical signs?  They cry themselves to sleep every night because they are cognitively different than a human being.  They cry themselves to sleep every night because they are cognitively inferior to human beings?  Guess what the Gun Control Advocates know already?  They know their spawn has lifetime suicidal depression!

So what is the only way that someone like that can thrive in human Civilization?  By creating a defacto Divine Right environment for them.  A plastic bubble.  Whereby they can go out in the business world and insult and demean everyone they want to at will because they can't compete fairly with them.

That Second Amendment Right is there for a ROCK SOLID REASON!

So in summary the mass shooter is highly likely to take their own life and perhaps if the ugly issue of gun control wasn't being propagandized they would not take yours first.

And in the sicko mind how does that likely play out.  "Wait a minute?  What am I not supposed to do with this?  I will defy that!"  That sick person is really defying the imposed will of their henpecking mother, in terminus?

Yep I believe this stuff to be true.  But I am not one of those head trauma victims from Iran that they screwed a magnetic cranial stimulator into the skull of.  Ask yourself this.  What are they attempting to tune that missing brain matter to?

And I do fear legal prosecution for writing this when I should not.  But again the point remains.  I have no problem with someone offing themselves with a gun before they come and off me with that gun and then off themselves in the end anyway.

Did you ever play checkers with a hair lip kid when you were a boy or girl; and when you are winning that little shit takes the checkers board and all the pieces and throws it.  "Give him the checkers board and let him throw it and the pieces around the house all day long; he ain't coming back to my house!"  So the point here is that the sore loser wants to take out the winners with them when the problem is really just the sore losers and the sore losers that spawned them.  Schadenfreude would be the German name for it.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Murphy

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