The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Republican is Bad News from Day One Waiting to Blow Smoke in Your Face 07 01 2020

 A Republican is Bad News from Day One Waiting to Blow Smoke in Your Face  07 01 2020

So where are they going with this mandatory mask issue?

They want to be able to say that because you have to wear a face mask everywhere that they can smoke everywhere too; because it doesn't matter because you are wearing a face mask because you have to!

It will be at any place of employment!  (And you have no manly reason for why you left that job, is what the gook wants you to believe.)
It will be at any restaurant!
They will be holding a lit cigarette 2 inches away from your sons face as he sits on the bench waiting to be up to bat in Little League!

Bad news from day one.

So what is the why of it?  Because they can't stand interacting with real people!  They can't stand being judged by real people!  They can't stand being questioned and held accountable by real people men and women.  They can't stand giving your money back for bad services or products they made that break.  They can't stand human beings.  Blow smoke in your face and it takes care of the problem; you a human being- the problem!!!

Without that cigarette they can't look you at you and talk to you without psychotically resisting the demonic mother temptation to take a roundhouse swing at you.

They can't stand it that you assert yourself.  They can't stand independence.  They want you to remember that sick smell of their tobacco so that you are sick like they are for just a little while.

(Gook is the dictionary definition a low level prostitute.)

A Republican is Bad News from Day One Waiting to Blow Smoke in Your Face

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

They do not view your rights in the Constitution like a human being does! To them Liberty means the right to abuse your rights!  The right to blow smoke in your face.  The right to have a few drinks and plow into you with their car.  The right to deny you life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The right to define a human being as something that they are not so that you can make money from them.  The right to sell products that make U.S. Citizens sick and dying and not be held legally accountable for it in any meaningful way.  The right to mal define, lie, cheat and steel you out of existence!  The right to send you the bill for their lung cancer.  Because it is only fair and the fair thing to do and therefore the right thing to do.

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