The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 17, 2022

I understand some of this High School Violence 06 17 2022

 So perhaps I was a Sophmore in High School at the time.  Maybe a freshman.  My locker was on the lower level.  Kind of near where the woodshop was.

It was between classes.  Not many people were around.

But the reason I thought of this story today was because I passed a road sign today.  And it was the same as the last name of a girl who was there at the time this happened.

But anyway.

One upper classman was on the wrestling team?  And I believe that he was a good wrestler.

He came up from behind me and got me in a full nelson.  The other approached me from the front.

They were going to shove me in that dam locker.

Now I wasn't very tall at that time nor did I weigh a lot.

But what could happen if you get shoved in a locker and the door is shut?  You could hyperventilate?  You could pass out.  You could lose oxygen to the brain.  You could become a mentally retarded person from or perhaps even go into cardiac arrest.

But neither your school faculty nor these two jocks have the brains to consider that???  I mean really someone that tries to do that to a student ought to be immediately expelled for the above reason.  And now I can hear the whining of the Social Worker with regard to this.  "And what are we supposed to do with all the people expelled?"  I don't know.  Label them a mistake and legally euthanize them?  But I just thought of another story or two now.

Any how I will digress a little more here.  Ever get in a fight with someone and you are choking each other?  And they choke you a little too hard?  And because you are deprived of oxygen you then choke them a little hard because you have lost it and those primal instincts of survival are kicking in?  No you won't here that as a legal defense in a court room.  But my childhood Jewish friend and I might have ended up like that once.

But back to the main story here.

So he puts me in that full nelson.  

I wasn't going in that locker.

I bucked upward once.  And I kicked that other guy straight in the nose with the heal of my foot.

That was the end of it.

The wrestler let go of me and was very concerned that both me and the other guy were alright.

That was the first time I had a problem with him and I never had a problem with him again.

Yeah sure the other guys nose bled.

So indeed I wonder how many school shootings happen because of some dumbass like that pushing someone around?  You actually believe you are going to get away with making a mentally retarded person out of someone?  And I have read stories of fathers who put their sons in choke holds and pass them out?  And the Police arrested those fathers?  If you take Judo that is the big thing.  Put someone in a choke hold and they are supposed to pat you meaning that they surrender before they pass out from blood deprivation to the brain.  And in order to revive such a person you are supposed to rub their back in circles, about where the heart is.  I just can't validate that martial art stuff as a substitute for....

Now I went to Catholic grade school before High School.  I told a friend who went to Public Grade school what had happened and he said, "Oh, you don't do that!"

Meaning kick one of those dumb asses in the nose.

"Oh yeah I did."

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  You know I didn't report the incident.  Why not?  Because other stuff seems to crawl out of the woodwork at you if you do?

And I bet this will get a lot more views than other stuff I write.  So if you like my writing perhaps you might like my novel too?  Only $8.95.  Perhaps you read it and something good will rub off on you?  The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper Link

A little more now I am remembering.  I remember the pissed off demon face that came over the guy I kicked in the nose.  I looked him straight in the eyes and that demon face faded.  And perhaps a gestalt overlay of little boys face appeared as the blood started to come out?

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