The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trump and Secret Service 07 23 2024

Republicans are to blame!

Where those (Gov snipers of some sort) in the building , the shooter was on top of, on the payroll? Through Homeland Security?  Trickle down economic money?  Where they near a beverage dispenser?

So Trump needed a higher level of secret service than was standard?  Wouldn't be because of the things he was saying?

But to the main point, Republicans are of the idea that a few good people can do a job better?

I mean, they advocate SMALLER GOVERNMENT all the time!!!!

Bare Bones Government! "We're not gonna raise taxes were gonna decrease spending."

And it seems to have been applied to the Secret Service too?


I think we are going to see a lot of failures across the board in gov and corp America.  Where the people being paid to do the job fail.  Because they didn't belong there and only got there via who they know.


I mean where was the manpower?  You fired them!  Or you never hired the good ones.  You hired the talkers not the thinkers.


So should we make a reassessment of what security Trump would need.  No.  We get him a g/d armored Pope mobile type of vehicle.  Drive around in the bubble and wave.  He never answered questions anyway.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

I think the Secret Service might have had some protocol whereby they knew exactly who everyone there was?  Perhaps a statistical database, specific identification?  And that bare bones money idea failed?

But when you think of protecting the President in General,  if it were a Russian or perhaps Iranian sniper they could have taken him out from a mile away?  How many people live in a two mile radius in some cities?  Perhaps hundreds of thousands, maybe the number is in the millions?  Does that mean that you station a red coat British type officer in everyone of their homes like was done before or was a complaint in the Declaration of Independence and listed as a no no in the Constitution?

So I didn't vote for Trump.  But the issue would be, what if we had a truly great man as President who the Russians wanted to kill?  The Russians assassinate people all over the world don't they!  They take them out in England and other countries!  And we have notified them when people where out to get Putin and they have notified us too I believe, when one of ours is a target?  So again the point.  What if we had somebody as President that they really and truly hated?  Again, knowing that if they want to they are able to?

And perhaps we were of a weak belief system that nobody here was of that level?  Crooks?  Outsmarted them?  I mean good God he was firing right on top of the building they were stationed in?

I don't know.  Doesn't make sense.

But what was the silver thing in Donald Trumps ear when he got up?  If it were a microphone you would think the ss would have removed it when they had him down and looking at him?  Looked too shiny of a metal to be a bullet.  Lead is kind of a pale grey.  This was a reflective metal?

I mean a lot of questions were not answered.  Least of all the number of shots that were fired in the incident and accounting for who shot each and where they ended up.

And you what?  It looked like they hired someone who would have otherwise worked at a bar or owned one in some dive district as head of the .....which ...she...just resigned?  And now of course, they will go the other way to make it look like she and the rest of them were really a lot more competent than I give them credit for?


But lets look at that paragraph up there where I said we kept Putin from being assassinated?  I can't validate that assertion.  And are there Americans who have died helping Ukraine fight Putin today?  Have some Americans died at the hands of Russia in that War?  But apparently some concept is more important than those American deaths?  Some type of world order?  Whereby the current form of it looks to want to concur Europe again?  Oh, and never mind the fact that he has made veiled or not so veiled threats recently about nuking us!  But those are apparently different levels?  We are somehow supposed to think of those two issues on different levels?  We would save his life so that he can threaten to nuke us?

It makes me believe that this writing is a complete waste of time.  I would be better of tying fish flies or doing bad carpentry work items?  I shouldn't be thinking of this in critical terms because they can't be applied to it!

Wow!  That statement right there!  If you attempt to think about it with critical thinking you will realize that it can't be applied to it!  

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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