The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Mental Health Parity 1 1 2025

So this article is about Vermont.  They required insurers to cover mental health disability for more than two years, in effect same as a physical disability.  The insurance companies strongly argued against it.  They stated that costs would go up.  But Vermont did it and costs didn't go up.

Vermont found fears about parity in disability coverage were wrong. Why won't others follow?


So you have to ask yourself why?

Some companies in the Financial Industry as well as other Corporations own the Insurance Company that provides their employees' health and disability insurance. 

Now in order to understand this next part you have to suspend your belief in what they say is the cause of the most serious mental illness.  And instead think like this, is the medical industry attempting to convince someone that is tormented by jealous voices that those voices are somehow their own?  Which would mean what?  That all that person would have to do would be to somehow stop insulting themselves and they would be fine?  The diagnosis doesn't hold up to logic.

So why didn't the insurance costs go up in the State of Vermont?

Because if you have a faction of people causing a mental disability and they have to personally pay for it out of their own pocket they are going to be motivated not to cause that mental disability?  I think I said it best right there. 

After 24 months in every state but Vermont that cost shifts to Social Security if approved by Social Security.  So the private insurance company no longer has to foot the bill for that disability in 49 States but Vermont.

Somebody figured out something didn't they!


Not only do I believe that Vermont law should be nationwide, I also believe, because of what is inherent in the results, that is should be retroactive to the persons mentally disabled.  In effect what Social Security paid for should come out of those private insurance company pockets.

And no they will no longer have fancy houses.  And no they will no longer have the most expensive cars and boats.  No they wouldn't have lake homes anymore.  And guess what!  That is what would make America Great again.

So this is the link to the newspaper article I read.  These my conclusions.

This is something that would actually put our nation on the correct path to ending mental illness.  This is something that actually would help make our nation great again.

So what do we then do when those soulless psychotic mind molesting hobo clowns wearing expensive suits end up back along side the railroad tracks?  Right where they started.

My Grandmother didn't have much of an education, but she knew well enough to tell my mother to hide when those bums were around the tracks by the farm.  And how can you say that is not rightfully so good advice?

Did my Grandmother imply that they are weak minded and shifty eyed opportunistic molesters?  Okay I am reading too much into that.  What do you think the proper interpretation is?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sockeye, Lobster Cake and French Fries 12 31 2024

 Sockeye and Lobster Cake from Sendiks.

Fries are Ore-ida Crinkle Fries

That Ketchup is a new brand with no Sugar in it.  I'll get back to you.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor is what would be a new age name for a business 12 31 2024

 "Amaretto and Almond Flour"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering Design Failures Chapterized by Subsystems 12 31 2024

 What great required reading that would be.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Elon Musk and Chinese Crap made here 12 31 2024

So Elon Musk advocated for bringing foreign engineers into the United States?  Presumably from the industrial powerhouse China?

But what does that mean?  It means that eventually Chinese Crap will be made here!


If it is Chinese engineered and it is crap, then it will be Chinese crap made right here.

I had a Chinese made plumbing pipe in my house.  It developed a black spot on it in a few places. And then a pinhole started in that black spot.

The plumber pointed out it said made in China right on it

I joked to the plumber. "They made it from the all the scrap metal that they metaled down that we gave to them, and they didn't stir the pot enough."

It was funny.  Even though perhaps to be more factually correct they should have taken a ladle to the slag on top of the pot more?

But just look at all of those tests they do on YouTube whereby they put metal things like tools made in China up against tools made in the U.S both present time and historical.  The Chinese metal fails in those comparative tests. 

Elon and Mr. Trump and Mr. Bush who started that favored immigration program, did you mean that this is what you are an advocate of?

Do you know how they think?  Just say anything.  And then if you are wrong just say something else.  Either lie again or blame someone else.  Blame the accuser.  Blame the American Public for all the problems you created.  Blame the Taxpayer for the problems you created.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Hey for the love of God, did you ever stop to ask yourself, "What is the belief behind that statement?"

The belief behind that statement is, "The American public isn't academically or otherwise qualified enough to meet my needs as a billionaire business owner."

I resent that.  Tell me why I shouldn't?  Before you point your crooked finger at me in accusation.  Tell me why I shouldn't resent that?


So lets say that Elon didn't mean engineers from China?  Lets say he meant India or perhaps Pakistan?  Have you ever seen how they make things in those countries?  Ever watched a You Tube video?  They sit on dusty tan dirt and they use their feet as third and fourth hands to make things.

Now perhaps I have made a judgment mistake.  Perhaps in a country whereby people work with their feet as third and fourth hands a better sense of spacial relations and coordination is formed.  And perhaps there is an element of transformation learning that makes its way into the development of car suspensions and other car mechanisms.  And perhaps Elon is a genius for thinking in those terms.

And perhaps there might be a form of superiority in that if we designed our factories here with dusty tan dirt floors we might establish and economic advantage over our trading partners.

Jesus Christ did not die for all of your Sins Logic Proof 12 31 2024

 1. Jesus Christ stated that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich person to get into heaven.

2.  In effect he is equating richness as being a sin.

3.  And there is also the conclusion in there that he cannot die for that sin.  Because you are in effect not getting into heaven if you are rich.  It means you won't.

Unless you want to udder something like this in counterargument.

As Jesus was on the cross he declared that your sin of richness is completely forgiven.  That he has come to the conclusion that he is reverencing his opinion on rich people and that he will die on the cross for that sin too.  Forget that he said it.  Because all you have to do is declare him as your savior and if you are rich your sins will be forgiven.  And hence if your sins are forgiven their is nothing to prevent you from getting into heaven.  Right?

"Jesus you mean by us rich folk crucifying you we will get into heaven?"

"Yes that is true.  That is my current and final stance on the issue." 

And if he was crucified resultant of being betrayed it meant he had no intent of ever being nailed to that cross.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

About Immigration 12 31 2024

 So Congress declared slavery in the South as an Economic Insurrection.  That is the terminology they used to start the civil war.  And it is accurate.

But what does an economic insurrection do?  It forces Americans who are already here into poverty! 

If the institution of slavery was an Economic Insurrection it means that slaves were brought to our nation as part of an economic insurrection.  Now there are many ways to think about that.  Does it bear relevance in any way as to restitution?  I don't believe in that.  But I also don't believe their are many avenues to escape poverty.

Once an American if forced into poverty what are the odds that they "get out of it?" Not very likely?

But in order to escape poverty you are more likely to if you have some culture and class to you?  If you talk and sound like you understood grammar class and not a different version of our language?

In other words if you act in manners indicating you want to succeed in life.  You are respectful of other people and not territorial?  You respect the potential to learn and academically develop...of other people. 

It isn't really fair to make a comparison between slavery and immigration but it is the same principle in terms of people coming here to live here and hopefully be a good worker here or if they become a member of the wealth class they do not seek to create subjective barriers to upward mobility.

Slaves didn't come here with a backpack full of cocaine!  They didn't come here with drugs hidden in their body cavities.

Which means what?

The idea of members of a community being able to meet the needs of their community?  The idea of members of a community being an active meaningful part of that community.  But some communities are in cities and some are rural.  And you don't really grow food in cities in order to meet the needs of that community.  And to be fair machines make mass production of food products an issue of one being able to feed a great many.

And I am not a big fan of the mentally retarded working on farms or coops or what are they called cults?  I think that abuse finds its way in that the way that slaves were abused and hence it represents the potential as being an economic insurrection.  Let me satire it?  Person B owns a brewery.  The beer that women drank sold by person B which got person B rich also caused their children to be born with irreversible mental retardation.  Now let say that person B has a brother we will call person F.  Person F is viewed as a real humanitarian because he provides housing for those mentally impaired to work on his farm.  To me that is an economic insurrection too, and a fairly horrible one.

Now perhaps I too am an advocate of extreme measures to protect our borders.  Why?

Because every backpack full of drugs represents an American who is going to have delayed mental development?  And their reward system based on achievement has been substituted for the reward of drugs

So back to comments centered around slavery.  It started to hint at a racial tone?  So can it be fairly stated that slaves were brought here as part of an economic insurrection.  So congresses declared the victims of that as being the hard working Americans who were already here.  And the slaves were definitely victims of it too  But in order to go to war and free them it had to be declared an economic insurrection.  Why you moan?  Because it was forcing Northerners into poverty.  And what would then happen?

And be fair.  Don't try and pretend white is bad.  Those forced into poverty would have also been made slaves.  White red or black.

How many in poverty also see the middle class who face subjective barriers and perhaps nepotistic religious barriers to upward mobility as also on their same side?

Have a happy new year.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. And I will borrow from my Catholic Teachings from Jesus Christ on this next point.  ~What is the point of becoming rich if you lose your soul?  And once you lose your soul you are not going to care about anyone else because you have no soul.

Monday, December 30, 2024

About the Rich 12 30 2024

Perhaps they believe that anyone could do what they do in order to be rich too? 

But it isn't true when a monopoly is created is it!

Nor is it true when "monopoly type actions" are taken to prevent anyone from doing what they did to get rich.

I mean when people get rich and then establish a monopoly, a monopoly of the rich.


Now some things that Trump is doing or say's he is going to do I like.

But he campaigned on immigrants taken American jobs and now what appears to be his go to guy on economics is advocating for bringing engineers from foreign countries (immigrants) to fill those high paying engineering jobs?  And all at the same time when it seems like Republicans want to cut funding to education?  Don't great engineers come from great school systems in the United States?  If the school systems are not creating or fostering them that is something Republicans feel is futile to address?

It would seem that if your school systems didn't create engineers you would opt for forgiving that school debt.  And Trump believes that Seniors shouldn't have to pay taxes on Social Security.

So Republicanism economic policy is trickle down Reaganomics?  Can I ask this question, which hand is the hand that originally feeds you in that chain?  As if Reagans hand was or is the hand that feeds you?  Do you follow my lead?  A lot of the money of the rich comes from the benefits of Government programs and policies.  I can prove that quite easily as the Department of Defense is the largest employer in the nation?  So again, what is the first hand that feeds in trickle down economics?  It comes out of an imaginary hand.  And it is paid for by the taxpayer.  And the rich are said to not pay their share of taxes.  So coming full circle what is the first hand that feeds?  An imaginary hand?  Is there some idolatry involved in what that hand is?  And if you have an idolatry leader that is really fascism?  So to create a leader in idolatry to pose and posture as if they are the first hand that feeds in trickle down economics?

So it is another diatribe.  I just have to get it out.  Have to get that weight off my chest.  Give that weight on my chest back to the imaginary hand that feeds our nation?  Where it belongs?  Where is it rightly deserved?  Where it is claimed as its own.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. Trickle Down Economics is really money trickling down from people who believe that money grows on trees (family trees?)?

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Shrimp Soup with quasi recipe 12 29 2024


I bag shrimp, bring water in a pot, enough for shrimp, to a boil, add shrimp, bring to boil, drain water.

Add 1 can off shelf "C" Shrimp Soup.

Perhaps 1.5 same can oat milk

Slice 1 inch slice of white onion and 1/4" square it

1 half green pepper same prep as onion

Perhaps 1/4 t celery seed

1 t Rice Wine Vinegar

Add all that together and cook till starts to boil.


 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. These shrimp had no shells.

Humor Is 'Pizza Driving School" 12 29 2024

 "A Driving Schol and Pizza/Delivery Company in one."

A good writer could have a field day writing around that concept.

For example the company could be named "Pizza Driving School"

And some of those taking driving lessons might be convinced by the instructor that they don't really need to learn to drive at all, because he can be the one to bring them the pizza.

Then you could have the Driving Instructor speeding to get the pizzas to the homes quickly.

Perhaps there would be alcohol delivered with the pizza and they drink it on the way?  I don't even know if it is legal to have beer delivered to you?  And of course you know it isn't legal to drink and drive.

Then you could have young folk hoping that driving instructor will hire them to work at the pizza delivery company if they passed their driving course.

Then you could also have the driving instructor be the one to grant the license without an official state test.  Because it is in the best interest of a contrived something?

Then you could have the driving instructor shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth and being forced to make a sharp turn in traffic and telling the students, with the slice hanging out of his mouth,  "You should always strive to have both hands on the wheel."

What else?  Perhaps one pizza driving school car broke down and another came with a tow rope to take it back with all three paid students inside.  And perhaps the rope breaks.  And the forward car ends up in somebodies house and the towed car ends up in the brink or snow bank.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 12 29 2024

 "A drug dealer lives in envy of human potential."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Okay I thought I would articulate part of this point.

So if you want to reform a convicted drug dealer you would perhaps have to teach them the emotions of not living in envy of human potential?  But why would you ever want someone who victimizes people to compare their behavior and representations of it as being equal to human potential.  You would have to be further indoctrinating with lies about themselves or apathy with regard to their jealousy?

They have already formed a reward system that thrives on destroying human potential.  

First you would have to teach them all the wrong they did.  Like the ghost of Christmas past.  But I don't see that as ever being an option for treatment care givers?  Instead they attempt to convince that "subject" that they are clean slate innocent?  Perhaps has to do with you can either learn something or you can't?  And what a teacher once said, "How you are when you are ten years old is how you will be your entire life?". Well perhaps it is more true of the bad than the good, in terms of personal development.

Follow the logic there?  What problems with personal development are you going to have if you are good? You will have the envy from the bad?  And how do the bad personally develop?  They just mutate in envy?

You would have to convince that low life of a lie?  The lie being that everyone else's achievements are really their own?  Never met a loser like that in your life?  Come on.

Once you teach them that you have gone full circle with them and are back to square one with them.  Their faulted mind thinking, " If everyone accomplishments are mine, I will give them all drugs for money."

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Diambiguation 12 28 2024

 There needs to be disambiguation between an allergic reaction and a heightened immune response.

Thomas Murphy

Might Not Have Known 12 28 2024

 There is new technology for replacing your hot water heater anode.  Instead of aluminum, magnesium or zinc there are new ones made out of titanium and stainless steel that you replace the old one with and you plug them into a wall outlet, they run powered up, but use very little energy.

Interesting concept worth weighing.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday Fish Fry 12 27 2024

 © Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor is the term 12 27 2024

 "Ten ugly people in one."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

How many 3 Cylinder Cars today 12 27 2024

 How many 3 Cylinder Cars today 12 27 2024

How many 3 cylinder cars today will be junk within five years?

Wouldn't you expect that as time goes buy we get more for our money not less?

Wouldn't you expect that technology and innovation, and education gets us more for our money and not less? 

So perhaps Capitalism is defeating the nation in its current form when over time we get less for our money?

The "owner" of the business benefits from the price increase?  Perhaps the "owner" needs to be you and me?

And when the instance of Capitalism that the shareholder really isn't the owner the management of the company is the owner?  Whereby they get high salaries whether they are in any way deserved or not?  And the profits do not tickle down to the owners?

And we funded all of this didn't we.  Generations that believed in hard work.  Generations that were actually capable of hard work.

Not only are you getting less for more money you are getting less for more money that won't last as long.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Weak points more likely created in the three-cylinder system when initial at rest state is overcome or upon acceleration?  It isn't like when you go from a two cylinder outboard to a three and you say how great it is.  You don't have as much of a mechanical shock step in a water drive system.  It doesn't come under load in the same way.   One could say that it comes under load fluidically. 

Car and Truck Design 12 27 2024

Could a pickup truck be designed with a modular body system, whereby flat pieces of sheet metal are used to make the body?

The back side panels would be easy.  And there isn't much to the cab of one.

And the sheet metal factor could include a curve or bend to it.  Whereby when it is affixed to the substrate, framing, whatever you want to call it, the metal is bend then slightly and not creased or needed to be pressed.

What would the advantage be?

If you think of a truck as being a utility type item it would mean that when a panel is dented it could easily be fixed and done so inexpensively.

You see a lot of pickup trucks with dents in them.

And actually what you usually see dented is that tailgate.  Where they backed into something or something backed into them.  And you would think that it would be an easy item to replace, but they don't they just drive around with it dented.  So perhaps that is a shortcoming of the idea or concept.

But what we are getting at is pickup trucks are very expensive today.  Like $90,000.oo or more for a nice one.  And I don't like the idea of Americans mobility being infringed on in that way.

We kind of had to get away from those British in order to set up a sound country.  And that required mobility.  But it is like everywhere you go you encounter odd people who feel they are privileged for being odd and therefore should have more rights than you.  Privileged to be odd?

So a gasoline car costs more than an electric being things like the camshaft need to be properly machined to minute tolerances.  Whereas an electric car?  I mean you would think you could just buy a GE motor of the shelf and put it in one?  Which brings me to an off topic point?  Does GE make electric motors for cars?  If not that is a market they missed?

Odd people making a subject out of normal man?  If I were President I would turn those tables 180 degrees for the future of human history.

I am all for increased fuel efficiency and the transition to electric cars, but not if it takes away the mobility of man.  We don't need a Pansy with a mouth full of caramels telling us all what to do and think?

You know the old planes and campers with riveted panels didn't look so bad.  And perhaps it can be done so that the rivets provide a drag reducing leading edge.  And how much would a rivet tool cost to assemble that?  Like less than one hundred dollars.

Would it bother me if only the mechanically inclined had cars?  No.  I guess I could say that the rest really have no place to go?  Where does the guy with arms like a penguin have to go?  How does he interact with employees and people?  What does he value?  Who does he promote?

Instead of man becoming free and independent like John F. Kennedy vowed to happen we have something else going on.  Something cowardly and sick.

When you see my idea above?  Does it look like a favorite pamper already catched and killed the great idea of flat panel trucks?

The catching and killing of great American Ideas?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Electron State of Depleted Uranium 12 25 2024

 Call it conspiracy theory or whatever you want.  It is just scientific inquiry to me.

But what happens to the electron state of Depleted Uranium upon impact with solid metal (like a tank)?

Is energy added to that electron state due to the impact?

I would say that if enough energy can be said to be added so that the du vaporizes upon "through" impact, that energy has been added to the electron state upon impact?

Is there enough added upon impact to cause it to be more radioactive than before impact?

Why do I ask?  Danger to our side from it?  I don't like to see brave Americans dwindled away?

My theory relates to how an Atomic Bomb works?  Per my layman's memory an initial explosion is required to compress it, add energy and then much energy "blows."

I guess what I am getting at is could it be farore dangerous than we are led to o believe it is, and it is a secret in plain sight?

My right to free speech ought to protect me in saying this.

We're not experiments regarding atom splitting done in what were called supercolliders?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

About Christmas 12 24 2024

About Christmas 12 24 2024

Person A

Went to Catholic School to be indoctrinated with Religion and the beliefs of Jesus Christ. Tries every day to live his life that way. Turns the other cheek. Does not judge other people. However he does not declare Jesus Christ as his savior! Instead he attempts to live a good life so that his soul would be easier to save?

Person F

Willfully commits crimes in his life. Including murder. Uses drugs. Does some pimping. Extorts through violence. Plagiarizes everything. Steals all of everyone elses work that he possible can. Makes large contributions to the church. And indeed he has asserted that Jesus Christ is his Savior.

Because he was a criminal it means he attained money not of his own means. So a person has money not attained of their own means, no matter how much, are they not richer in money terms than they should be? And hence are they not rich?

Is it not a compatibility of souls conforming to souls that are in heaven that gets you into heaven?

Does person F get to heaven and see all his fellow mobsters there and rejoice?

Does person A fail to get into heaven and instead is confronted with a reality somewhat like someone who is homeless, as is heaven is not a home for them.

Did not Jesus Christ condemn the rich and essentially say there is no chance for them to get into heaven? So it really doesn't matter if they make the biggest donation of the parishioners does it. It really doesn't matter if they declare Christ as their Savior. Do you see the contradiction here? Jesus said they are not getting into heaven and yet the Church asserts that all they have to do is declare Jesus Christ as their savior?

So who wrote the Bible? If not the scribes who wrote the Bible? Even though there are a great many of them could they not lie? And they apparently did some sooth saying too didn't they? Predicting Jesus Christ time of death? Isn't that a sin in the Bible? Perhaps it is along the lines of attempting to communicate with the dead is a sin in the Bible. I would have to look it up. But all the bible searches I do seem to be scrubbed of what I have read in the Bible with my own two eyes.

So what I think has gone on here is the Roman/Britannica Empire adapting the Bible for their own means? We see it right before our eyes, don't we? With new age type statements, the pope makes that contradict the Bible?

Anyhow, I believe in good. And Jesus Christ was good. And he is a good role model.

So you say that it is weak to turn the other cheek? Perhaps the best lesson here is that Satan wants you to react so that satan can condemn you in some way per that natural human reaction? Jesus advice is pretty good. And in there is a lot of class in that advice.  Jesus informed us that there is a very real threat of persecution for his belief system, believing in him.  And good God.  Some church's want you to believe in Christ like the television wants you to buy into a big mouthed fake wrestler?  Not important how you live, just worship Jesus like you are worshipping a statue?  That amounts to idolatry exactly doesn't it!  And per the Bible, the word of God, idolatry is a big no, no.


I mean F is F.

Merry Christmas

Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  Don't really like to post this stuff.  Because I think people only read it to see if it qualifies as crazy.  But perhaps someone gets a real benefit from it.

Broccoli Soup 12 24 2024 includes ingredients


1 Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup as a starter

~ 3 can of water

1 larger sized broccoli crown chopped up

3 thin slices white onion chopped small

Meats of 12 marinated black olives, diced, those deli olives.

3/8 t bone broth

Pinch fennel seed

Pinch cilantro

Pinch rosemary seed

Pinch fenugreek

Pinch celery seed

Pinch ginger

1/4 t coarse salt

3/4" diameter shaft of spaghetti noodles broke to inches

3 large dollops plain yogurt, to take out the wateriness.

Real good flavor to it. Sort of bites the back of your mouth on a cold day.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And why can't I find the quote of what Jesus Christ said with regard to tittling?

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Humor 12 22 2024

 "When the best advice you can give someone is horse sh1t."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Alcohol is a Group 1 Carcinogen 12 21 2024

Alcohol is a Group 1 Carcinogen.  That is the highest level.  It is the same level as asbestos, radiation and tobacco. 

You know, I would go so far as this.  If you were diagnosed with cancer you should not be able to buy alcohol.  Or you could wave that and in turn none of us have to foot the bill for your health care expenses.  Republicans always want to be cute and match revenues to what they think are expenses.  But they don't get it right.

What I am getting at is if you are diagnosed with cancer the smartest thing you could do (IMHO) would be to abstain.  How many illnesses progress to cancer?  Same remedy w/r to ~ illness.

Things they won't tell you.  Read it and weep.

 Thomas Murphy,includes%20asbestos%2C%20radiation%20and%20tobacco.

The Comic Section by Thomas Paul Murphy

 A new Comic Superhero Woman would be

"Nuclear Reactor Woman"

This would be a woman that fell into a Nuclear Reactor and mysteriously emerged with superhuman strength and powers.

Although she looks a bit pale and her clothes just kind of hang on her.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 20, 2024

Annexing Vatican City and Changing the Management 12 20 2024

 If I were President of the United States I would annex Vatican City and change the management.

From all (thousands) accounts they hid sexual abuse of children by Priests.  While at the same time lobbying for the rich to bail them out of lawsuits?  Can you explain what your motive was to sexually molest children?

I think Jesus Christ would condemn that.  Just like he took a staff to the money changers who occupied the temple when he went out preaching one time.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Validity of a Savior 12 20 2024

 When we throw darts do we expect that God aims them for us?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A little more on this.

Ps.  So the Romans were invading and Jesus said to the people of his village something like, "You fools for how many times have I tried to train you in the courtyard?"

The problem there being that they had faith in a savior and not confidence in their own developed abilities?  Why bother, they erroneously thought.

Do you know what made Jesus braver than anything else?  His condemnation of the rich!  Godly to have that strength!

Milwaukee Weather by Thomas Paul Murphy 12 20 2024

 My experience with snow in Milwaukee is that once it finds us it just keeps coming.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, December 19, 2024

This was pretty good 12 19 2024

 And it comes with it's own trifold single use spoon.  I would probably put it in a knapsack and take it fishing with me.

Thomas Murphy

Creative in a Fix 12 19 2024

 Can't get access to the garbage can?  Don't let that impede your work or cleaning.  Temporarily mount a plastic sack like so.

And this idea can be upgraded to use an oak dowel with some spacing pegs or perhaps the use of an overlapping wood shaped u bracket.  Both as depicted in image.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Unbelievably Good Apricot Coffee Cake purchased 12 18 2024


Purchased it today and ate half of it.

The apricot filling tastes wholesomely original and the dough of the pastry has a fresh baking house flavor and just melts in your mouth.  Unbelievably good.

From Scordato Bakery at 5011 W. Howard Ave Milwaukee.  Their about us section of their website is a real good read.

Bend Implementation 12 18 2024

 If you can't fit the pie in the refrigerator bend the pie tie per photo and see if it fits.  Usually that is all the more you need to fit it in.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Privitization of Social Security 12 18 2024

 "Please sir, this is all my retirement money, will you churn it to nothing for me?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And you know they market mutual funds like they are risk free.

But they will also never truthfully tell you where all the money goes in a stock market collapse.

But Jesse Livermore did!  He said that he made more money on the day of the stock market collapse than any other time in his life, or something like that.  What I am getting at is, you just don't lose it when that happens, it actually goes into someone else's pockets.

And I do ask the question, was the stock market "shorted" in 1929 because the rich were fed up with Prohibition?  The rich were fed up with not legally being able to drink alcohol?  You know, I actually believe that.  Look who was President?  A drunk with Poleo who drove around the country giving alcohol out to farmers while at the same time he secured the rights to sell foreign alcohol into the U.S.  Talk about corruption.  Did it officially start there?  It never really officially starts does it.  It is just always with us.  Like how the Bible tells of the miserable ones who are still with us.

The Job of Principal 12 18 2024

 Just a brief comment here.  A principal is there to handle and discipline bad kids?  Whether it be immediate expulsion or detentions.  But what should that job description include when the bad kids today are extremely violent and can and do wield guns?  Should principals be required to carry a gun?

It is a really bad precedent to admit you have to set?  And in today's day and age where authority figures are dealing drugs and accused of sexual misconduct literally left and right, it could take our nation further down the path corruption.


So a Police Officer is an Officer of the Court,  He arrives on the seen of a shooting at a school where a 16 year old (that is the average age of mass shooters) is killing people.  And he shoots that child and kills it.

So in effect you have the death penalty being administered to a child by the lowest level of the judicial system?  And perhaps there is a better way to phrase that.

So doesn't it beg the question about the death penalty being administered to children at the Judges bench level?

I am not going to comment any further on that.  Even though my freedom of speech should allow me to.


But it almost absurd to think that you could train a principal to shoot children that are killing people?

So what is this?  This is an issue where you have to step back from the forest of it and make a conclusion as to what has gone wrong in our country?  And then the other aspect of that is how can it really be fixed?

The answer isn't gun control.  The answer isn't driverless cars.  The answer isn't infringing on your right to free speech.

Oh there is a good one.  How many things that should be allowed to be said today are no longer protected by your first amendment to free speech?  Fine you to the point whereby you are out of house and home if you said it?  And that violates the Constitution to.

So then you ask yourself, who did we need to lessen our Constitution for so that they could have the semblance of being assimilated into our Democracy?  My dad always said it was the Republicans who want to take away your rights.  And they kind of go about it in an ostensibly clumsy way?  They make everyone want to beg that lessening your rights is necessitated? 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Natalie Rupnows Manifesto 12 18 2024

 So the media kept posing the question about a motive.  Apparantely, she has a manifesto out there.

But before I read that this morning I was thinking.  What good does it do to speculate on a motive when we don't even know all the evidence from the Kennedy assassination, because it is deemed top secret?

Do you follow my logic here?  So have we ever been told what the motives where for mass shooters?  Do we really know why the guy on the rooftop took aim and grazed Trumps ear?  If we asked Trump, "It has been so many months since the shooter took aim at have a higher level of top secret clearance than the rest of us,..what was that shooters motive?"  He isn't going to answer with an elaborate answer is he.

So my point here might be, once the motives are known they are rarely shared with the public?

Do you ever hear the newscaster say, "Oh, and we just learned now of the motive for that shooting that took place 6 months ago.  It is big news!"  The news doesn't work that way does it.  They don't lobby for those Kennedy files either, Warren Commission Report (sp?)

Okay now this one ought to bend your mind a little bit.  Did you ever ask yourself, "What is the motive of Organized Crime?"

Did you come to the conclusion those are people who couldn't be educated to earn an honest living?

And did the why of that ever bother you in any way?

Did you ever consider people not being able to be educated a problem for our country?

The way that is handled today is, "Just find jobs for them?"


Tens of thousands of little children were sexually molested by "religious" priests.  If you were to ask Pope Francis or another high ranking "religious" person what the motive was for those sexual molestations was, could they truthfully answer it

Did you ever see a kid that was odd, walked odd, looked ugly and acted retarded and your mother told you to stay away from them?  And somehow you knew she was right?  Even though you might have been taught or naturally believed not to fear such people?  Do you see what I am getting at?

Perhaps it is this, what type of person would tell you that you should have zero concern?  It really isn't the greatest advice to give people is it.


Just a brief comment here.  A principle is there to handle and discipline bad kids?  Whether it be immediate expulsion or detentions.  But what should that job description include when the bad kids today are extremely violent and can and do wield guns?  Should principles be required to carry a gun?

Okay I am copying that last paragraph into the start of a new article.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Man Imposter 12 18 2024

 So once on television I believe I heard two lesbians describe a specific male as being "a man imposter."

Out of that adult male exhibiting general weakness that was not of the standard of a man.

Okay, all well and good, perhaps.

But the question then becomes what would "a woman imposter" be in terms of their definition?

Is it something less than a woman?  Would it be a man attempting to show the strength of a woman?  Or would it be a woman that didn't act like a woman should act to them, again a woman less than a woman?

I am just curious what their definition of "a woman imposter" would be.

To me I think it would be an adult female who has absolutely no idea how to raise children.

Or perhaps it would be an adult female who neglected to raise children as she instead vied to be successful in the corporate world?  And that would make her two things wouldn't it?  A woman imposter and a man imposter?  

But the question is again, what is the deducted definition?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, December 16, 2024

Cryptic Talk 12 16 2024

 After paying for utilities, you might have enough money left over to buy a can of cat food.

And his next words are highly likely to be, "I like the kind of people who don't need S***** S*******."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Big Health Care Insurance Cos 12 16 2024

 Does big health care insurance have their hand in the Social Security till?  I would say they do.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Literary Archetype of a False Hero 12 16 2024

 You don't see it too much do you?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Quote 12 15 2024

 "You have nowhere to go but into the emptiness of your lies."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Humor 12 14 2024

 "Before you get excited about the ice cream cone coupons; you check the expiration dates."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Chutney and Ham snack 12 14 2024


© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Car Humor 12 14 2024

 A driverless car that drives itself to the dealership when it needs maintenance and then drives itself home with the bill of such maintenance for you.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tic Tac Toe 12 14 2024

 I am not some imbecile that thinks in terms of Tic Tack Toe grids.  I know how to read!!!!

The labels my illustrator are pointing to are mine.

Off topic.  The "No Labels" people are only no labels of themselves.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 13, 2024

Privatisation of Social Security Retirement Income 12 13 2024

The Republican propagandized idea that if you put your money into private investments, you would do a lot better than what the gov pays you at retirement?

I have never heard a greater lie in my lifetime than that!

1.  Most people lose money in the stock market!

2.  I am betting that if you took the money the average American lost in the stock market and compounded it at a 9% rate you would have their retirement income paid for?  Do you see what I am getting at?

Most people strive to make money in the stock market so that they don't have to rely on Social Security in retirement.  But in reality if money was not taken from their paychecks in order to fund social security and instead they invested it, I bet it would be a much larger sink hole!  A skid row sink hole!

I'll get you the stats on how many people make money in the stock market.  And I wouldn't be the first to say that broker of yours is trading against you!

how many people lose money in the stock market - Search

90% of people who buy stocks lose money!  That is the statistic.

I don't believe that we should fund Wall Street.  That would mean a new investment structure and regulations.  Elizabeth Warren in on a idea related to it.  Holding Corporations responsible for illegal activity and revoking what would be a required charter to be one.

But if management of a corporation commits fraud or a criminal activity should that management be allowed to work in corporate America again?  I saw no.  Give them a ticket in the bread and cheese line!  I mean if you can institutionally label people as being mentally ill then you can also create a class structure for Corporate American criminals.  The basics of it being, you get to stand in line in the bread and cheese line to get your food.  No, what the heck do you need a car for?  A criminal has no place to go!  Think you will go for a ride in your car in search of new victims?  Nope, you can't have a car or a driverless car either for that.

What about holding corporate management accountable for fraud and investors actually getting their money back?  Arbitration has no teeth.

I suppose the Republicans think in terms of a class structure.  One whereby if you can get away with cheating people and get rich from it, you will be favored?  Your part of the good Ole boy network?

You want to know what else has no real teeth, settlements distributed from class action lawsuits.  Somehow they never get where they should go, like a river gets dried up in the dessert?

Mutual funds are not the answer either.  They go down and out with a sinking titanic market too!

So what the title off this really accomplishes is funding the non working class, creating barriers to upward mobility.


Off topic.  Who was that famous guy that said the mafia controls the music industry?  How sick it is if that were true!  And I believe it is

Who was that other famous guy who told us who controls the porn industry? 

Enough said.

Wait a minute.  The whole gist of this relates to how the reserve for your retirement income guaranteed by the gov should be controlled.  If it is privatized, you have essentially defeated Social Security.  Because there is no security in that 90% loss rate.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I want to talk about something else too, but I just lost it to the distracting jealous voice.

It might be this,  Free? Health care was invented by a German and put in place in Germany in the late 1800's

"Chancellor Otto von Bismarck started the first social health insurance system in the world in Germany with his Health Insurance Act of 18831234."  Source Google search.

That would be an interesting read.

And you can never have free health care when you have an organized criminal occult voodoo religious institution as part of it.

Jesus Christ who drove demons out of people, would I get an Amen from you?

Was that mega German Battleship named after Otto bon B...?

Republicans sure like the idea of sinking Social Security don't they.

Perhaps the real reason they have for wanting to limit health care is that we have Doctors that really don't want to be Doctors?  They just want the title and the money?  And what did Jesus Christ tell Doctors, "Doctor heal thyself."  He knew that they really wouldn't be able to do that.  So did it imply something else?

I don't owe them a life in prison 12 13 2024

 So I just read some different news items.

One about a child who was given fentanyl by a drug dealer and died.  I don't believe that I owe him a life in prison.  (In other words that is money coming out of my pocket that shouldn't be, and the answer isn't that he should be freed.

I don't owe a sodomite hierarchy a life in prison.

I don't owe child molesters a life in prison.

I don't owe a pimp a life in prison.

Other things that I don't owe.

I don't believe I owe the hyperactive, rude and mentally defective son or daughter of alcoholics a semblance of an education.

Had to say it. I could probably go on and on.  But why bother, it doesn't do any good.


Bonus item?  I want to say that nobody ever learned how to sing by listening to a certain late night talk show host sing.


I don't believe I owe an annual payment to a school system whereby some of that money goes to religious schools who propagandize antiabortion and help to criminalize women who have abortions.  I don't owe that!  Can you imagine if you were a woman who almost died do to an botched abortion?  Then at the end of the year you have to pay that community fee that goes in support of the very religious school that had no biblical or word of god substance to support such a point of view?  When I was a boy I viewed the priesthood as kind of a last resort something I could do if I failed in other professions?  But when I got older I realized that good men were not attracted to the priesthood or promoted in it.  In other words I wouldn't want to be one because to me they are a collection of weak mean hobo like ho...

And also when I read that Jesus cast demons out of people, I realize that the church is more about putting the demons in people?  The human race doesn't get any benefit from that.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Scalloped Potatoes with Turkey and Prosciutto 12 13 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

No Mash 12 13 2024

 Couldn't get the Avocado to mash so I chopped it fine, added a little guacamole spice mix and cilantro and... eating it this way.  Good.  Cilantro isn't a mint but the Mexican restaurant will often tell you the way the eat tacos in MX is just meat and Cilantro and something else.  Cilantro looks similar to a mint. I typically didn't associate Mexican food as being minty.  So that is a new something to think about.

Apparently cilantro turns into the coriander.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A question is an opportunity for applied intellect.

A Fontley 12 13 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Electric Cars 12 11 2024

 If I am ever going to buy one I want one that isn't shaped like a duck.

If I called that mega rich guy "Duckie" would the nickname stick? 

Oh, here is another bad joke.  We need driverless cars so that we can get all of our ducks in a row

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why does Luigi Mangione look like Guy Fawkes Mask? 12 11 2024

How long before a modern Joan of Arc type woman gets going?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Special Needs where refused to be served at a Restaurant 12 11 2024

And 3 employees got fired because of it.

I hate to be look bad but I am with the employees!

Here you have employees running around to cook and serve people food.  They have to be quick on their feet and have a good working memory.

And on the other hand you have people that will never be able to support themselves.

Okay, but that isn't the real issue that bothers me here.

Have you ever met a person with a mental handicap that was the most disgusting, rude, insulting, ugly, spoiled ill mannered person possible?  If you don't know what I am talking about then you don't know what the problem is or what the real issue is here.

I am not going to articulate it.  And you are not going to condemn me for this.  But I am asserting that the above paragraph is what holds true!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And one more thing.  I wonder if the issue would be as bad as it is if they were not "subsidized" in some way?  You want to clean up the nations balance sheet and income statement?  Right there!

Pro Life 12 11 2024

About Pro Life 12 11 2024

Contrary to what Bishops and other religious figures say about the issue.

I think that Jesus Christ would have an absolute fit he knew that poor womens babies were being “transferred” to either rich couples or LGBTQ couples.

And I do believe that is the gist of the pro life movement.

The thought that a woman couldn't afford to keep her baby and had to give it up to a rich couple has bothered me since I was a boy.

I think Jesus Christ would have a fit.

He would say you give that money to the poor woman to feed he baby before you buy dog food for your pets.

And if a family is torn apart from alcoholism you bar them from alcohol.

And if the man of the house is disabled you give that family its daily bread just like Jesus Christ told you.

Why does a rich person think that is theirs?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Didn't mean to publish this.  But I hit the key.  So I will leave it out there.

Threw it Together 12 11 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Quote 12 08 2024

 "Having more money than is representative of your responsibleness."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Oh the Happy Pardon Guy 12 08 2024

If someone believes that they can pardon anyone they want for any reason do they also believe that they can put anyone they want in prison for any reason or no reason at all?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Turkey Barley Broccoli Cheese Soup 12 08 2024

Same soup as last night but with Chinese noodles 

Thomas Murphy

Ya Hah 12 08 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Jobs and the Economy 12 08 2024

I really do believe that our entire economy is like Moe saying with the threat of violence, "Give me that!" ..that he can do it better.

Our jobs were not lost overseas, they were lost here.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 6, 2024

A Phrase from a Novel? 12 06 2024

 "You're not going to goose chase me wild."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tough Guy 12 06 2024

You give them some straight talk like a coach with and they bottle it all up inside.

When they can get away they go and cry; until they look at their fingernails and wonder if they need a manicure.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, December 5, 2024

This is Really Good 12 05 2024 Updated

 Cod liver in its own oil.

Update: Yep, I ate the whole thing!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

This Soup is Unbelievable! 12 05 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

The Weak Willed 12 05 2024

"He didn't really mean that?"

"If he didn't mean then he should have kept his mouth shut."

Oh Christ let's get right to the point.

"If he didn't mean that he should not have said it!"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Governing with Ugliness and Fear 12 05 2024

What does it mean when they find the ugliest Republican around to get up there and threaten to nil your Social Security?

Perhaps it is best to delve into the psychology of ugliness and fear?

When we see something ugly are we naturally afraid of it?  I would assert yes.

Why?  Because it is odd and there is danger in oddness?  Per with oddness something isn't quite right is it!

And has there been an initiative to on one hand make us afraid of ugliness in matters we should not have fear of and on the other hand make us not fear or perhaps better stated normalizing ugliness?

In other words there is something wrong with you if you view ugliness while on the other hand ugliness will be used to control you?

It is a lot like organized crime isn't it?  "Who can we get to give that person a good scare or beating?"

But analyze the two end of the same problem and what ultimate conclusion do you come to?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Denouncing Capitalism and False Flags 12 05 2024

 So during the Viet Nam War the "enemy" made tortured American Soldiers read statements that denounced Capitalism while they video recorded them?

But what about Government and Military Secrecy?

Have United States Soldiers ever been required by our Military to read false statements while being video recorded as part of what might be considered an extension of a False Flag event or a CIA directive?

I wonder.

Have whistle blowers been required to put on trans dresses and act like "Klinger?"

I wonder.

But what about your right to free speech?  It would seem that if that were true it would violate a supreme right to free speech!

Now what if you saw something happen in the military, perhaps two high ranking officers were engaged in a homosexual act.  Could you be court marshalled if you revealed it?

But more to the point, what does it make of you when anything like that...anything like that you are prevented from saying?  I would say that it is persecution of you and highly indicative of weakness in leadership of our country.

You here War stories.  I have heard some.  And I can't repeat them.  Of our own soldiers doing horrific things to our own soldiers.  And do you know what I think?  The bad ones should have never made it back here!

But to put the clamp on a mans mouth.  I would say it is an egregious violation of your Constitutional rights!  To squelch who you are as a person like that!  To form you into that weakness.  To make you scared and mouselike for what you saw and no is true.  In effect to make you into a perpetuator of evil.

Got to stop and make coffee.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Phrase of the Day 12 05 2024

 "You haven't seen enough in order to be able to see it."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Social Security versus Military Spending 12 05 2024

Social Security versus Military Spending 12 05 2024

Just some random thoughts. Probably shouldn't publish it. But what the hay.

I consider military spending to be the unconstitutional tax.

To dismantle social security as Republicans, seem to want to do...I would say that is synonymous with a desire that Americans are to live their whole lives in fear?

As an American were you ever afraid of being attacked by a foreign country? Not really, because you knew if it happened you would do what you had to do. And without a doubt you knew that you had God on your side.

So to dismantle Social Security, it is just an extension of Trickle-Down Economics isn't it! You only get what the decrepit nepotistic say you deserve. And if it means you are hungry and homeless at the time of retirement, somehow that is your own fault. Or perhaps you didn't have faith in God. Never mind that the rich who would be the ones to trickle down the money to you are never going to get into heaven; hence ungodly or condemned by God.

That makes it more of a mean world doesn't it. To say that so and so doesn't deserve anything even though they were able to learn and by all measures able to make the right of passage to manhood.

So a mean world is what Republicans want? Did you ever notice how that always boomerangs back at people who believe it? Perhaps because they truly don't know the meaning of “just.”

So all in all I believe that we have had an element in our Country that propagandizes high military spending while at the same time …

Do you know what that mean streak is? It is someone wanting to further justify their sense of greatness by making the declaration that those who are not rich are indeed inferior. I know it isn't true.

To me that mean streak seems in conflict with the evolution of the human race. Okay so you want to say you don't believe in evolution that you believe in God? It is also in conflict with Gods love for people.

But perhaps if Social Security were cut and or properly managed those who voted for it to be cut would be the ones who were disenfranchised the most. Aha! Now we are getting somewhere with this! A hidden Republican desire to cut social security in a manner so that those who should be disenfranchised are not! What do I mean? Basically, I believe the wealthy Republicans to be no good alcoholics that sire anxiety ridden children that can't learn or behave. Do you see that gestalt when they take the podium?

But what I am getting at is the magnitude of military spending versus Social Security spending. I would call military spending a sink hole. To propagandize the validity of it. And it is the largest employer. I don't know, it is like a black blob that wants to cover the entire country?

I really don't believe that Musk nor Vivek would have the means or resolve to audit Defense Spending. And as a member of the American public how do you see their actions with regard to it? They just write the check don't they! They have absolutely no problem just writing that check. But when it comes to paying teachers, they get so mad that they wet themselves?

When I hear a Republican wanting to destroy Social Security, I will tell you exactly what I think. That is specific identification of someone who wants Americans to live their who life in fear. I would argue that is how drug lord countries or exactly how organized crime ruins American neighborhoods.

And if Republicans can threaten Deportation of everyone, people they label bureaucrats I can make that statement.

They want the educable to pray to those with a damaged hippocampus for their daily bread.

Without naming names, what is the fury in their eyes really about? Hatred of America?

To me, the best deportations would be of those who want Americans to live in fear.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Turkey Barley Noodle Soup 12 04 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

37 People Die from Drunken Driving every day in the United States

 how many people die of drunken driving every day in the us - Search

And you heard a politician play up a death caused by an immigrant given a light sentence.

And 13 soldiers who are paid to be in harms way died in the Afgan pullout.

how many died in the afganistan pullout - Search

I mean compare that to the 37 who die of drunken driving accidents every day and you tell me what is botched.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

It is like everything you want to put on your grocery list 12 04 2024

 It is like everything you want to put on your grocery list is being recalled for salmonella or E Coli.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Rustic Flash Fiction 12 04 2024

 "Well I don't know but if I would have a cup of coffee."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

One Level above Putin/Communism 12 03 2024

In true Communism there is only generalized wealth, there is no individual wealth?

So Putin would seem to be an advocate of Communism.  And yet he is extremely wealthy.  So his own behavior disproves his belief system!  And that is what I would call a nut and something to watch out for!  Someone who doesn't know that their behavior disproves their belief system.

In other words they are lying to themselves?  And they lie to themselves out of necessity?  The biggest losers lie to themselves out of necessity in hopes that lie takes hold and they strike it rich by it?

So in true communism there is only generalized wealth.  That downplays the idea of the individual to nothing.  All are equivalent.  And yet they strive to prove themselves amongst themselves athletically and in the Olympics.

As if a generalized equal person is really going to beat one of individual freedom?

Keep all babies because they are all the same?  That general equivalency is true communism. 

Anything you say bad about someone else is hate speech because we are all the same?

Just put all your faith in Jesus Christ because it is futile to attempt to think through a problem yourself?

A person who believes themselves to be generally equal does not need to poison his political opponents unless he knows that his belief in himself isn't really true? 

If you are all generalized equal what purpose is there to compete with anyone?  And here is the real kicker, if you believe yourself to be generalized equal when it comes time for you to compete you won't be able to compete fairly?  Why?  Because competition results in one level above that!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Offering Solutions to Problems that Don't Exist 12 03 2024

Offering Solutions to Problems that Don't Exist 12 03 2024

How many gestalts of that can we see in our Country today?

And what does it indicate?

To offer a solution to a problem that doesn't exist really means that the person offering the solution is the problem?

It is a distraction from offering solutions to problems that do exist. Because those problems that do exist can be thought to contribute to the livlyhood of the individual or groups of individuals who would offer solutions to problems that don't exist.

And why would someone offer solutions to problems that don't exist? It is the science of psychology in business isn't it. It has to do with the prime method of marketing as being to create an urgent need in someone?

But is offering a solution to problems that don't exist really a way to hide unrecognized problems about yourself? Is there something about the individual or individuals who offer solutions that don't exist that can be stated to be “unrealized?” Unrealized meaning unknown to the general faithful public of a free democracy?

A Snoop would say it like this, “Look man this wine is the blood of Christ and you want to drink that!”

And Putins solution of War was a solution to what problem? He really couldn't articulate that could he. How many lives have been taken by a person who can't really articulate why he is going to war? Someone like that might be accurately labeled a mad man?

Again, you would offer solutions to problems that don't exist because you don't want to address the problems that do exist.

And why is it that you can't state what you specifically don't like? Because you know that if you stated what it is that you specifically didn't like absolutely everyone would come to the same conclusion that you are greatly flawed, and you would not be liked? But you would be liked by those of that same weakness and deceit wouldn't you!

Yep, I am going to boldy state it. Psychiatry is offering a solution to a problem that doesn't exist? No Psychiatry is offering a solution that is actively being created by all of the above.

“Doctor do you mean to tell me that I am somehow insulting myself? That that voice that is insulting me is really someone me insulting myself. And therefore I am so stupid that I don't know that if I just stopped insulting myself I would be fine? If I would stop somehow saying those jealous things to myself I would be fine. If I would just no longer envy myself I would be fine? No you are implying that there is absolutely no way for me to stop envying myself. That I jealously envy myself and there is absolutely no way for me to stop that?”

“Look man this wine is the blood of Christ and you want to drink that! And you want ta takes thems pills too.”

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Ps. Off topic.  Does anybody know what Scott Walker was talking about when he talked about Teachers union mob bosses?  He is indeed comparing our Public School System to organized crime?  What basis did he have for destroying teachers unions in the first place?  And from all indications the private voucher indicative costs taxpayers more and is less effective at education?

If somebody came up to you and said, "I have a voucher to you but I have to give it to you in private?"  You would be right to be suspicious?  Unless you believe you might be able to get pregnant from that whereas you would otherwise have less than zero hope for ever getting pregnant in your entire life?

Next Article

So the other night I read

So a man killed a Prostitute. And the lawyer states he found evidence on his phone that might prove him innocent?

Competition Philosophy 12 03 2024

Should the winners be hard to understand or should the losers be hard to understand?

It seems like the losers should be the hard ones to understand? They did something wrong that caused the loss.  If they could really explain it then they might not have had the loss?

Perhaps the point of reference would be better stated like this, a losers behavior should be harder to understand?  But if a winners behavior should be easy to understand then their would be more winners?  Not necessarily for a loser can presume to be able to understand something fully and yet never be able to duplicate it.  And perhaps that is the best definition of a loser?

But the winners should not be hard to understand.  Now perhaps some winners are so practiced that their actions are "second nature" to them and therefore hard for them to explain, for they don't have to think about something in professionalism, and it is engrained in them.  But what happens when they get distraction, do they still win, or if they lose can they then be more properly defined as really being a loser.  "Why didn't you get that right?". Having to ask that question indicative of talking to a loser?

And what about what we might all agree to as being non winning behavior but instead of losing the non winning behavior is winning?  And the winner can't explain it because they are really a loser?

In other words again, the real winners should be easy to understand.  Either they can articulate professionalism or we understand it is unfaltering behavior in engraved in them.

Now I could digress and talk about the oddball that walked off the railroad tracks?  Or perhaps start a paragraph about how non-deserving winners create an unsustainable democracy of the free.  But why ruin everyone's day with those....

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Index finger poked out on my cell phone. 

Auto complete really should be called Automatically Complete Incorrectly, ACI.

ACI gets the best of my one finger typing.