The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Elon Musk and Chinese Crap made here 12 31 2024

So Elon Musk advocated for bringing foreign engineers into the United States?  Presumably from the industrial powerhouse China?

But what does that mean?  It means that eventually Chinese Crap will be made here!


If it is Chinese engineered and it is crap, then it will be Chinese crap made right here.

I had a Chinese made plumbing pipe in my house.  It developed a black spot on it in a few places. And then a pinhole started in that black spot.

The plumber pointed out it said made in China right on it

I joked to the plumber. "They made it from the all the scrap metal that they metaled down that we gave to them, and they didn't stir the pot enough."

It was funny.  Even though perhaps to be more factually correct they should have taken a ladle to the slag on top of the pot more?

But just look at all of those tests they do on YouTube whereby they put metal things like tools made in China up against tools made in the U.S both present time and historical.  The Chinese metal fails in those comparative tests. 

Elon and Mr. Trump and Mr. Bush who started that favored immigration program, did you mean that this is what you are an advocate of?

Do you know how they think?  Just say anything.  And then if you are wrong just say something else.  Either lie again or blame someone else.  Blame the accuser.  Blame the American Public for all the problems you created.  Blame the Taxpayer for the problems you created.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Hey for the love of God, did you ever stop to ask yourself, "What is the belief behind that statement?"

The belief behind that statement is, "The American public isn't academically or otherwise qualified enough to meet my needs as a billionaire business owner."

I resent that.  Tell me why I shouldn't?  Before you point your crooked finger at me in accusation.  Tell me why I shouldn't resent that?


So lets say that Elon didn't mean engineers from China?  Lets say he meant India or perhaps Pakistan?  Have you ever seen how they make things in those countries?  Ever watched a You Tube video?  They sit on dusty tan dirt and they use their feet as third and fourth hands to make things.

Now perhaps I have made a judgment mistake.  Perhaps in a country whereby people work with their feet as third and fourth hands a better sense of spacial relations and coordination is formed.  And perhaps there is an element of transformation learning that makes its way into the development of car suspensions and other car mechanisms.  And perhaps Elon is a genius for thinking in those terms.

And perhaps there might be a form of superiority in that if we designed our factories here with dusty tan dirt floors we might establish and economic advantage over our trading partners.

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