The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Offering Solutions to Problems that Don't Exist 12 03 2024

Offering Solutions to Problems that Don't Exist 12 03 2024

How many gestalts of that can we see in our Country today?

And what does it indicate?

To offer a solution to a problem that doesn't exist really means that the person offering the solution is the problem?

It is a distraction from offering solutions to problems that do exist. Because those problems that do exist can be thought to contribute to the livlyhood of the individual or groups of individuals who would offer solutions to problems that don't exist.

And why would someone offer solutions to problems that don't exist? It is the science of psychology in business isn't it. It has to do with the prime method of marketing as being to create an urgent need in someone?

But is offering a solution to problems that don't exist really a way to hide unrecognized problems about yourself? Is there something about the individual or individuals who offer solutions that don't exist that can be stated to be “unrealized?” Unrealized meaning unknown to the general faithful public of a free democracy?

A Snoop would say it like this, “Look man this wine is the blood of Christ and you want to drink that!”

And Putins solution of War was a solution to what problem? He really couldn't articulate that could he. How many lives have been taken by a person who can't really articulate why he is going to war? Someone like that might be accurately labeled a mad man?

Again, you would offer solutions to problems that don't exist because you don't want to address the problems that do exist.

And why is it that you can't state what you specifically don't like? Because you know that if you stated what it is that you specifically didn't like absolutely everyone would come to the same conclusion that you are greatly flawed, and you would not be liked? But you would be liked by those of that same weakness and deceit wouldn't you!

Yep, I am going to boldy state it. Psychiatry is offering a solution to a problem that doesn't exist? No Psychiatry is offering a solution that is actively being created by all of the above.

“Doctor do you mean to tell me that I am somehow insulting myself? That that voice that is insulting me is really someone me insulting myself. And therefore I am so stupid that I don't know that if I just stopped insulting myself I would be fine? If I would stop somehow saying those jealous things to myself I would be fine. If I would just no longer envy myself I would be fine? No you are implying that there is absolutely no way for me to stop envying myself. That I jealously envy myself and there is absolutely no way for me to stop that?”

“Look man this wine is the blood of Christ and you want to drink that! And you want ta takes thems pills too.”

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Ps. Off topic.  Does anybody know what Scott Walker was talking about when he talked about Teachers union mob bosses?  He is indeed comparing our Public School System to organized crime?  What basis did he have for destroying teachers unions in the first place?  And from all indications the private voucher indicative costs taxpayers more and is less effective at education?

If somebody came up to you and said, "I have a voucher to you but I have to give it to you in private?"  You would be right to be suspicious?  Unless you believe you might be able to get pregnant from that whereas you would otherwise have less than zero hope for ever getting pregnant in your entire life?

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So the other night I read

So a man killed a Prostitute. And the lawyer states he found evidence on his phone that might prove him innocent?

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