The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 5, 2025

My Breakfast 1 5 2025

 My breakfast today is toast with left overs cranberry sauce on it.

I like the idea of making my own bread.  But the criteria I would have to meet would it would have to be fully risen and also thicker consistency.  So that it is a meal and not a puff of yeast or a hockey puck.

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wife's Cooking 1 5 2025

 I think that there are a lot of career type women that don't know how to cook.

But if you didn't allow "wives" to drink alcohol for a year, at the end of that year would they have learned how to cook or be a better cook?

How about after five years?

How about after ten years?

You know, it might not make a difference.

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Off topic.  Let's say you didn't allow immigrants to drink alcohol for a year while you expected them to learn the American English language?  Again 5 or 10 years? 

Why would you want them to?   Because if they are only going to trade with themselves here that amounts to recycling money with themselves.  Perhaps 10 times over.  Could that be detrimental to our nation.  Yes, if it reached into health care or finance it would amount to a deep rooted organized crime.  In a sense means you are charging those not of your group more than you should, and that price difference leads or forces them (us) into poverty.  And I would call that the description of am economic insurrection.  Forcing Americans into poverty.

And what if you established a religion whose doors were barred to honest Americans?  And you put those same doors everywhere you could?  Perhaps some leadership erroneously believes that would make America great?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, January 3, 2025

Dessert 1 3 2025

 Graham Cracker with melted chocolate chips.

" Looks good don't it."

"It shore is."

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Chinese Duck Soup 01 03 2025


© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Alcohol to be Labeled as Causing Cancer 01 03 2025

Okay.  You would think that if someone made the willful choice to consume it and developed cancer that they should pay for the cancer treatments?  Same with the "smokes."

But why can't it be just like how if you drive a car you have to pay for your own insurance to do so?  Do you see the justification?

That if you want to consume cancer causing alcohol or tobacco that you should be required to have private insurance for it.  Or perhaps have more taken out of SS for it?  After all you want to work your fair share in this country, don't you?  You want to be responsible for your own actions?  Hence you should be required to purchase Alcohol and Tobacco Cancer Insurance.

Just think of all the jobs that would create in the Insurance Industry

And you would have to have or show proof of insurance when you go to that foreign owned convenience store right in the middle of your neighborhood.

And perhaps if you need an ID to vote you should also be required to show an id to buy alcohol or tobacco, an ID that say's you have a home!  I have a theory that alcohol creates homelessness, perpetuates homelessness.  But I think it keeps people on the same downward route.  Perhaps it is the only thing that gives them will to live when homeless?  Even though I would assert that it is the ultimate cause of their homelessness.

When talking about lost revenue perhaps we should be thinking of industries that could arise from the change that caused the lost revenue, as per above.

I think that we need to take the weight of the shoulders of some of the good people in our country.  We need to take other people's burdens off the shoulders of the good.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Degentrification 1 2 2024

Degentrification: good neighborhoods going bad.

The idea that if you move to a better neighborhood your life will be better.  

However there is nothing where you came from.

And you ask the question, why is there nothing where you came from?

Is the answer really that you thought that by moving you could, get away from your self?

You get to the new neighborhood.  And you are still the bad person.  You are still lazy.  You are still a thief.  You still disrespect everyone.  You still don't like school.  You don't like listening.  You don't link learning.  You don't like cleaning.  You don't like planning.  Your favorite thing is drinking alcohol like a fish and pretending to be an authority.  You have no identification with your own children.  You value honesty little.  You don't really understand American life.  And by all accounts you detest it.

And the new neighborhood goes downhill.

Just like the one you came from.

Where there is nothing. Where you came from, there is nothing.

But someone with money identified with you in some way.  And that is how you made it to the new neighborhood.  Someone that lived in the New neighborhood, but didn't like it.  It didn't feel like home to them, because it didn't feel like nothing.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Duck 1 1 2025


© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy

And now a painting

Very Interesting 1 1 2025

Yew is toxic to chickens and to humans  But is also used to make a breast cancer drug.

I just had to make this point.  Don't draw any conclusions to it.  It has to do with a viral nature of undigested protein theory I have in combination with a perforated intestine common in parasitic infections???

All pure speculation. And I don't have time to articulate.

The theory being something that is toxic to chickens and bears little to no toxicity to human beings might have anticancer properties?  And yew is HIGHLY toxic to humans to.  

And to be fair if someone found a definite cause or cure to cancer in a capitalistic world would they share that secret.  I already know the answer is no.  And guess what harboring any secret knowledge like that as should be a serious crime.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

But here is a list of things toxic to chickens.  It includes beans and chocolate. Avocado, citrus, potato, rhubarb.

And most things on the list are also toxic to humans.

Some people can read but don't know what that means?

There is a Certain Element of Paranoia in an Element of Liberalism 01 01 2025

So let's say that you had an immigrant trying to get into our country at the border and this could be said about him, "He is only here for our boy's."

And lets say that I mean he is a pedophile.  And perhaps that is 90% of what I mean by that.

If I were President, I would not let him in.

But a certain type of liberal would fight for that person's right to come in.

The only reason you would fight to let someone like that in the Country would be if you found an element of commonality with them or personally identified with them.  Hence you want to say it is the rightful thing to do so that you don't have the spotlight ever turn on you with regard to that or a related issue?

That issue in the start of the above paragraph represents a subversive element of paranoia that has creeped its way into our county and policy.  And I believe it is deep rooted here.

Now my Constitutional Right to free speech ought to protect this writing.  But guess who would object to this?  That same subversive element of paranoia!

And perhaps it reads like this, normalize everything so that their destructive influence on a Democracy of the free and home of the brave is never publicly detected.  Now whose shoes is that person walking in?  They are walking in the shoes of a victimizer.  Now here is another point, they can't relate to victims because it defeats their sense of superiority to identify with the victims.  Victims rights, in the above instance, defeat their sense of empowerment.

In Catholic School they taught us the term "megalomaniac."  In order to be one, whereby you create many victims, you can't really have a human soul.

So are immigrants who come to this country who are feeble minded polarized?  Either they become gang members and rule by violence or they because docile and weak willed and put up with anything the latter suggests to them?  Is there an element of that.

What would happen if farm wages had to comply with a valid standard of living pay?  I think your demographic in this nation would change for the better.  Perhaps you would have those who couldn't stand the funny money r race leaving the city.  And you would have warm and friendly and strong minded rural towns again.  That is the future of America I believe in.  And yes, it is alcohol free.  There have been far too many soulless created by alcohol already.

And with regards to the first line of this article I would never allow someone like that to have a Corporate Charter or be in a supervisory position in the United States if I were President.

Happy New Year!

© 2025 Thomas Paul Murphy