The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, December 30, 2019

Jesus Christ was a Whistle Blower 12 30 2019

Jesus Christ was a Whistle Blower 12 30 2019

It seems like the Republican "right" is the primary force in this country that likes to paint Whistle Blowers as being Criminals.  That same right is the one that vows its allegiance to Christianity?

We are dealing with people who are so dumb that they don't know when they are being hypocritical?

Jesus Christ whom Christianity was based on was a Whistle Blower.  I shouldn't have to post Bible facts to support that but I will anyway.

1.  The Pharisees who were plotting to kill him stated that, "He knows what we do."

2.  Jesus Christ stated that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven.


So the other day I heard where the origin of the term "Stand Up" comedian in show business/media came from.  It came from a comedian who saw the criminal activities going on in the back rooms of the bars and wouldn't say anything about it.  In other words he wouldn't blow the whistle.

A great shame that our entertainment industry became populated by people like that; who became wealthy from it.

A great shame that we have a President of the United States like that today, and also Democratic Candidates like Buttigieg who are like that.  I have never not voted.  But to me it is like voting for either Al Capone on one side or John Gotti on the other.  I don't like it!


And it isn't because Jesus Christ was a Whistle Blower that our Constitution has Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment; it is because Freedom of Speech defeats Corruption!  It has to do with weak men not being able to handle having their corrupt secrets exposed.  Have a cry baby fit and....

Copyright 2019 Thomas Murphy

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