The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 7, 2021

A Republican is Really a Crypto Liberal 08 07 2021

 A Republican is Really a Crypto Liberal 08 07 2021

Can I prove it?  Quite easily.

So lets say that you wanted to outlaw cigarettes?  Even the largest company in the world has indicated they want to get out of that business.  Who would stop you and why?

It would be your irresponsible Republicans wouldn't it.  What is the real cognitive makeup?  It isn't Conservatism, it is "I want to kick my heels up and go out with a BANG!"  That thread runs through every single thing that they do and legislate.

Defeat all pollution control measures in favor of profiting from the unrecognized liabilities created, what is that?  That is how a meat head thinks!  A meat head liberal that decided to go into business.  Let the future generations figure it out.  My constituency doesn't want to bother their fat heads to worry or be concerned about future generations.  Again meat head crypto liberalism.

Drink and smoke and kick up my heels and have as many genetically defective babies because of it?  That is Pro Life!  And again that is irresponsible meat head liberalism, Republican Party.  It is their attempt to find a moral bastion to cling to.  The reality is quite different than the religious ideal.  The Pope complains about poverty while at the same time promoting the birth of those who will never be able to support themselves?

Somebody else will take care of them.  Somebody else would love to take care of them.  Again Crypto Kick Your Heels up Devil May Care Meat Head Liberalism.

Again can you hear the father calling his son begging for money, a meat head?

So we covered drugs, pollution and babies.

Another point here that escapes my mind.  The time is 10:34 am.  This article will be in draft mode until I remember it.

How about this.  I don't want to wear a mask.  Again crypto meat head liberalism. It is really everybody else that is getting the virus and transmitting it.  Again, meat head!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Or how about this.  We need to build overseas in order to compete in the United States?  Do you know what really happened to quite a few of those companies that attempted that?  Sure they made products overseas, but then they went bankrupt.  Bought parts from overseas was the first step to it?  Because that part bought from overseas is really a product from overseas isn't it!  So lets all fool ourselves, kick our heels up and go out with a bang.  Drink, smoke, puke have a dead head baby.

Oooh ooh ooh here is it.  The damning proof.  In Alabama there is a law that if a woman does drugs while pregnant she can and does become successfully charged with the felony of endangering a child.  So the woman went to jail.  They don't really get into wan the endangerment is do they.  Brain damage or death.  And when that woman goes to jail who takes care of the baby?

So how does that child or person feel all their life?  Knowing that is was a felony for their mother to have them that way?  A felony for their mother to create them that way?

"My mother drank, smoke, kicked her heels up, got pregnant and had me and went to jail!  And I can't think anything logical for myself in life.  Hip Hip hooray for pro-life! God save the queen!"  Huh? And that is all somebody else's problem.  Cleo the black housekeeper will raise them.  Again, meat head crypto liberalism.

And that is why your Crypto Republicans will attack this!  Yeah I proved it alright!

Is a child like that going to have a chip on their shoulder their entire life?  Are they going to resent man?  You betcha!

Can I can tell you who is going to attack a law like that?  A Republican Crypto Liberal!!!  No doubt!

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