The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Afghanistan 8 29 2021


I have to ask the question,

"Who has business interests in Afghanistan?"

We know there are plentiful poppy/opiate fields over there somewhere?  So why is it the media only shows us video footage of broken rocks?

Business interests over there could really add up to something substantial?

Kind of like how in the U.S. migrant workers pick the fruits and veggies make diddly but the landowner/sales/distribution make zillions?

Can it be said some of the poppy was used to make Fentynal type drugs?  Eventually killing Americans?

Some Police Officers have been put in critical condition by it.

Reads like an Imperialist structure of organized crime crept it's way in?

Ask yourself who I fight for, by writing this?

And you look at some of the things Republicans say on television and you have to ask yourself, "Did this person ever understand any of the news on television or in the papers?  And then you ask yourself, "Why not?"

So who has those Business interests?  Could they even be entirely owned by another country known for subversive acts of Imperialism?

Boy don't we look stupid fighting for Imperialist nations?


And what about the withdrawal?  As if there are not supposed to be any risks like that involved when you join the army?

Not Bidens fault.

All the money dumped into Defense spending and that is what happens?

Generals and strategists can't figure out how to get out safely?  Can't even figure that out?  It is fairly simple it falls under the provision of the Captain is the last to leave the ship.

Is it nepotism?  Is it buy your kid an Officers Degree at the Military Academy? It is the gestalt of weakness where there should be strength.

I would be in favor of a Meritocracy Work Force instead of the Army for what amounts to Blue Collar post high school men.  And you can't let people have pie in the sky aspirations to make millions playing games labeled Professional Sports in order for Meritocracy Values to work.  And you can't have subjectivity in any management layer for it to work.  So it would nearly impossible to weed all that out.

I don't like our leadership being second guessed about getting out of there.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

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