The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 16, 2021

Gun Control Caused Covid 19 08 16 2021

 Gun Control Caused Covid 19    08 16 2021

China has some of the strictest gun control measures in the world.  Put in place from British rule.

We too have gun control in the United States.  Is it a contradiction to your Second Amendment Right to keep and bare arms that you are not allowed to discharge a firearm in the city?  I believe so.  But what am I getting at?

What would the natural reaction of a man be to seeing a vampire bat?  Get the god damned shot gun quick and shoot the sharp toothed flying beast!  I am going to make that assertion, that that is the natural reaction of man.  And don't tell me to speak for myself you sissy.  And after that you go and take a piece of sheet metal to the top of the outdoor market, some tubes of roof caulk and rivet gun and you fix it.  (Seriously, how come China never thought of a hanging light zapper like the ones that kill mosquitoes but only for vampire bats in meat markets?)

Okay I think I said enough there.


Milwaukee reckless driving?  I bet if you disallowed welfare recipients the ability to buy alcohol with welfare money that you would curb that wild driving.  And I do think you could enforce Prohibition measures like that if you had the right faction of people in public service.

It is all Government money.  All of our money was created by Government.  Does Government have the right to say what money can be earned from and what it can't be earned from?  Yes.  But when you see a pimp driving a Ferrari and getting underage prostitutes for the Republican Party and funding those Politicians it isn't working.  And I don't view it as a cha cha New York Culture thing.

Congress has the right the set the value of foreign currencies.  It is written right into the Constitution.  But why won't it happen?  Because it would be a threat to your Federal Reserve System.  Lincoln and Kennedy were both assassinated and they vowed to dismantle the Federal Reserve System.

But what am I getting at?  If congress has the right to set the value of a foreign currency it means that Congress has the right to say what money can and can't be earned from.  (Also in the United States!)  If you don't like to see some ill grammared punk athlete making millions a year, neither do I!  And guess what?  I don't want to give ill grammared young punks the idea that they can become that too!  Hip Hip Hooray!  I said it!  It will never go farther than this page.  But it felt good to say it!


Would we have all the problems we are having with Donald Trump refusing to admit that he ever lost at anything in his life if we had a man as speaker of the house?  No.


And here is the controversial one.  If there were a genetic grouping of people present in the United States who could not live and function here without having a whipping boy what would be the moral resolve and civic duty with regard to them?


So we read the paper about gun violence?  Why call it that?  Why not just call it domestic fatalities?


And when I see the Taliban taking over Afghanistan what do I think?  I think they never could have made those guns themselves.  I think they are genetically wired because of opiate use and could never form the brainwave and coordinate fine manual dexterity to conceive of and make something like that themselves.  And I once read that FDR's family money came from the Opiate trade with China.  And recently that he pressured Hitler to buy oil from US oil companies through shell businesses.  Would it be wrong for me to say that I believe if there is a gene that can be defined as U S anti- constitutional that grouping should not be allowed to hold office?

"What?  You are denying them upward mobility?"  Yep, and that social security poverty line money ought to be just as good for someone who is going to act like a fox in the henhouse when they get in public office as it is for the person who is tormented by the mysterious voices of hags.


You should never have to second guess yourself with regard to your right to keep and bear arms.  Whether it be a vampire bat, a coyote, an alligator, a gorilla, a bull dog, moose, bear, rat, snake, ground hog, rabbit, squirrel, hawk, turkey....

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

ps. A vampire type bat with a resident virus was believed to be involved in the transmission of Covid 19.

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