The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 3, 2024

The 21st Amendmennt

 Perhaps when we re legalized alcohol with the 21st Amendment it should have stipulated, sure you can be a miserable drug using alcoholic, you can do that, you can be prone to meanness, mental retardation and violence, but you can't own a gun if you want to be an alcoholic!

And where was the Gov back then to say, he bootlegger, we catch you with a gun again you go to jail?

Back then alcohol was the big bad drug.  And it still is a big bad drug.  But no one wants to say so?

Why?  Because it is like a brain anesthetic to the criminal minded.  It promotes crime while at the same time negating the human conscience of wrong doing. 

Do you know if we prevented alcoholic from drinking we would be labeled as the worst people ever in history?  Because they would consider it such a mean thing to do to them?


I would assert that there would be a lot less losers around if we did so!  Life would be better for the good and righteous.  You wouldn't have standards of success based on how many people you put out of work as an executive.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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