The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 22, 2024

What to say at meal time? 06 22 2024

 Ever sit at a family gathering and no one wants to say grace?  Because it is kind of expressionless or perhaps insincere?

Blessing the Meal 06 22 2024

“Bless us O'Lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ the Lord, Amen.”

I don't know??? I never liked it. Finally put some critical thought to it. Change one word in that blessing and you clarify what it means? And a lot of the Christian dogma is like that?

Change one word, “Bless us O'Lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, of Christ the Lord, Amen.”

Bounty is the key word in this? The connotation is always you got paid to bring a criminal back to justice? And the disciples did indeed get paid for doing so. And there is a whole bend in religion that goes this same way. The scapegoat idea. A false premise that man is imperfect and hence someone else needs to die for their crimes or sins? Man is helpless on earth? Man would be nothing if he had not been able to give all his suffering to Jesus Christ? News flash, people that are that way, are of that self projecting pity and criminalized mind belief, they will always be that way. No matter who is killed in their name! Wow! Whose name was Jesus Christ killed in? He was killed in the name of people who need a scapegoat in life? He was killed in the name of Satan!

So perhaps these this prayer at meal time is better? Or a least it doesn't have any conflict in it?

“Bless us O'lord for this meal, made possible by the fight against the tyranny of the Judaea Roman Empire, by the martyred Jesus Christ.

Bless us O'lord for this meal, made possible by the heroic Americans who revolted against the British Empire.


The gestalt of the above is more like two beacons of freedom? And I am not saying that Jesus was perfect either. Driving demons out of people and the Bible tells us that he knew the Demons? The Judeaen's admitting that he wasn't misrepresenting them.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

PS.  Let's be G@d D@mned true about it!  If you live in North Korea you better bless Kim for your meal or you will get even less of a crumb?  If you live in Russia and you fail to bless Putin or challenge him in an ostensibly fair election you will experience side effects and death from an experimental poison?

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