The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Would NY be better today 6 30 2024

Would NY be better today if organized crime has never been established there?

I would assert the answer is yes.

And is this the cycle of ruin that takes place. 

1. Organized crime established itself in a neighborhood.

2. The criminals become rich and leave the neighborhood they ruined and move to a better neighborhood where nobody wants them.

3. And the negative impact on the once good neighborhoods never ceases.


Off topic.  It is like Trump is reading out loud of someone else's stolen playbook? He can't really establish himself as pro Constitution, having a gun control measure he put forth just defeated by his very own Supreme Court, continuously whining about the media (Freedom of Speech), declaring he would be a dictator; hence throwing the freedom established with the blood of good men out.

Even if I thought Biden would croak in office I would still vote for him over the NY convict.

An american slogan the Republicans love is "let the states decide.". As if there are no rational minded people in the nation as a whole that can mutually reach a consensus of good opinion?  Why would think that?  Because megalomaniacs like him made it so? 

Who does he think he is trying to be?  A savior to whom?  The criminal minded?

They also have an idea that babies are not part of a family?  That they are something modular?  I think I just flushed something out here, they think money is modular too!  The non working class believe money is modular!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

This is just poked and pecked on my Motorola.  If there are errors just see past them.  Try and poke and peck away an error and you end up with three more?

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