The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 4, 2012

Barrack Obama is about to start WWIII

Barrack Obama is about to start WWIII

We have absolutely no business being in Syria!  He is getting dragged into this by the war mongers on the Republican side.

If we had sought to be energy independent a long time ago we would have been.  But instead we took a far different course.  We would not have been a target of terrorism and the rest of the world would have been following our example of green energy.

Why is he doing this?  It is a distraction from failed domestic policy over the last 40 years that has not been addressed.

How easy it is to answer any political question by pointing the finger overseas rather than facing the music.

We need to leave the middle east altogether!!!  And judging by the conduct of our military overseas we do not belong in any foreign country.  We should build them statues made out of solar cells and come home. 

The Corporate mind has bread an evil that is unstopable.

And you can not even imagine what a horror privitization of Schools would be.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 06 04 2012 at:

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