The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Factory Towns

Factory Towns
You drive through a factory town in Wisconsin and they all look the same.  Small houses that were built for workers who lived around a factory.  The factory is now gone.  There is grass coming up through the cracks in the parking lot and who knows whether it needs to be condemned inside or not.
Who would want to live there today?  Who would want to move there and start there? 

There should be a national zoning law that no small houses can be built like that again.

There should also be some type of law that says if you want to build a house in a concentric circle away from a city, meaning that you are creating a new suburb, that you have to buy a small house in the city that is on the market and tear it down.  That lot the house was on would not facilitate the building of a type of house that sustains the community around a city.
Also every new factory construction project or office type of building must have a continuity type of plan that states.  If your business leaves this factory the building can readily be used for something else.  In other words you should no longer be allowed to shingle over the windows of the factory with plywood and then watch all the small houses go to pot in the same way.  This is how cities become bad places to live- there is no longer a means for economic prosperity because the city and its people have been capitalized.

In other words the people of that city can be allowed to use the factory to make what they want.  Furthermore you do not get to list it for sale forever and it cannot be allowed to sit without gainful activity taking place inside.  You have to be able to say, this factory could be used for these three other purposes if we were to make an “economic type” decision.
If given the chance an American would like to work, be productive and take pride in his accomplishments.  This is not the current business model of our country.  The current business model is one where employees are fired in the name of limited liability corporate decisions.  Limited liability really means that psychopathic types of decisions are made for profit rather than the good of a people of a country.  Limited Liability is the breeding ground of the psychopathic legal mind and the wasteland of society.  The average American was an apple pie American that believed in freedom and human rights.  They never saw this coming.  They could never have comprehended the irresponsible mindset created by unaccountable corporations.  Psychopathic breeding corporations were not around at the time when our founding fathers wrote the Constitution.  Had they been a prevalent negative force as they are today the founding fathers would have nixed them quick.  Nixing this evil influence today would be the equivalent of Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves.  And by the way there is a hidden form of slavery that exists in our modern world that no-one will ever admit to.  Those who do not want you to be able to prove what you know will pontificate to the public, “What you speak of is incomprehensible to everyone.  No we don’t accept that.  Other people talk like you and we proved them wrong already.  You write a lot like so and so and they are…….”

Continuity plans are formed and written with the heart.

Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 06 03 2012 at:

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