The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Review of Our Constitution with regard to Current Events 06 19 2012

A review of Our Constitution with regard to Current Events 06 19 2012
John McCain needs to be removed from office on the grounds of “Breaching the Peace” for his stand on foreign policy regarding Syria.  Mitt Romney needs to be removed on the same grounds before he gets there. 

Sensenbrenner and Obama both should be charged with Felony Assault and Harassment, breach of the peace and removed from public office upon conviction.

Every Republican who has criticized welfare programs in this country, including Newt Gingrich who was the main proponent of such criticism has betrayed the first line of the constitution! (Promote the general welfare.)  Yes it is true and no matter how much you don’t like what it means it is still true and the foundation this country was built upon.  Gingrich should have been gone more than 20 years ago!
All five of the aforementioned, plus a whole group of people, are guilty of treason- the act of levying war against the United States.

Per our constitution Article 1 Section 8: we are not to have an army for more than 2 years.  That means that we are not to police world affairs no matter what our economic interests are.  Military spending has indeed been part of the cause of financial crisis.  “but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for longer Term than two Years.”
Per our constitution maintaining a navy does not mean we probe foreign countries with it in order to provoke conflict.  It means you keep ships painted and in working order and that the crews are ready to go if needed- to protect an imminent attack on this country.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say we are to spread democracy around the world!  It does say that we can acquire lands though.  But the Constitution was the document that would allow us to set an example of leadership at home for the rest of the world to follow!  We have miserably failed at that.  If we had set a good example people in foreign countries would have risen up to become like us.  Civil wars in foreign countries would have eventually resulted in good overcoming evil in those lands.  If a foreign nation had interfered in our civil war we would not be the great country we once were!
Every one of the Presidents would have faced criminal charges going back to Nixon and leapfrogging back to Truman!
Per the Constitution Article 9:  any goods sent to you from out of state can’t be taxed!  Why not?  It is meant that you should rise to the level of competition with regard to those businesses in your own state.  To carry this a step further the spirit of this clause also meant that we should have needed very little foreign manufacturing for goods we should have made in our own states.

With regard to Article II Act 4:  “All civil officers are removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of…misdemeanors!”  You read that right even though I omitted the other actions a civil officer can be removed from office for.

 Under Section 8 of Article 1:  Options, futures and derivatives can be considered counterfeiting of securities.
Further under section 8: “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the law of Nations!”  This does not mean that you can torture it means the exact opposite!!!!!!

Also under section 8 our government is allowed to, “To Promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

(With regard to capitalization when the founding fathers thought it was important they capitalized the word in a sentence in the Constitution.  Tell that to your English Teacher when Capitalized to emphasize something you felt was important.)

Article 9 part:  “The Privelege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it.”

Habeas Corpus means, “The write of a citizen to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as a protection against illegal imprisonment.”  Barrack has betrayed this article of the Constitution.

Torturing as a form of immediate and live cure in medicine?

Article 1 Section 9:  (No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States) That means no First Lady instead it is the current Presidents Wife.
Per Section 4 of Article 4:  States shall be protected with regard to domestic violence.

Article 6:  Here is where the founding fathers support Barrack Obama and rightly so:  “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qaulification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”  That Article is very telling with regard to how the founding fathers knew that religions were based on all the faults of human beings and as such should not wield power in our country.  This Article could be expanded to mean that a sitting President is not to face Criticism from religious figures.  The President is not to be tested by Religion!!!  If you don’t like it leave the country!!  Newt Gingrich had no right to open his mouth on this one.
And none of our Presidents for the last 21 years have obeyed the first line of the Constitution as they are sworn to do when they take office, “insure domestic Tranquility.”

Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 06 19 2012 at:

And if a prior President has not yet been charged with a crime he committed while within office he cannot be thought to have recieved a pardon for it.

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