The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Marijuana should NOT be legalized 06 05 2012

Why Marijuana should NOT be legalized 06 05 2012

A member of my household read to me how 65% of Wisconsinites favor legalizing marijuana.  This is wrong for so many reasons.

Here are many of the hypothetical situations that could happen if pot were legalized.  They are mostly I excuses.

1.        Those must be lower class and upper class.  Why?  The upper class has the money and the time to buy and use them.  And the lower class has easy access to them.  Who are these 65%  of Wisconsinites?  Did they ever do an honest day’s work in their lifetime?  These losers do not represent me or what America should be like in any way.

2.       I did not learn anything because I was high on pot at school all day, one such Wisconsinite would say.

3.       They were smoking pot next to me in public and I got in my car and crashed it.  But I am not responsible because I was not smoking the pot. Right?  By the way I killed your children in the accident but that is okay because you approved it. Right?

4.       I accidently ran over a girl who was sunbathing in the park in Madison Wisconsin while I was on grounds keeping duty.  But I was not drinking alcohol I was smoking pot instead.  There was no way that they could catch me.

5.       My productivity was not as good as it should be because I was taking my marijuana siesta.

6.       I am Satan and hear that thinking of the good student in Catholic school and got him hooked on pot. (One pot smoker would say.)

7.       I have absolutely no ambition to do anything productive in life because I am able to buy pot with my parent’s money.

8.       If you were to legalize pot you would also have to institute mandatory blood testing for every accident that ever happens.  And that is against our rights.  Why pot smokers do not have depth perception.

9.       What will be the cost to our future if more babies are born autistic and no one wants to admit that it is from consumption of an unnatural substance like marijuana?  Our health care is 26th in the world already.  Is this supposed to be the answer for those whose parents did not want to raise them themselves?

10.   I was responsible for that nuclear reactor on the shore of Lake Michigan but I stepped outside and smoked a J.  The next thing I know they are blaming me because the Great Lakes are Radioactive.

11.   I had planned for them to legalize pot for the longest time and not I am a millionaire pot farmer.  I don’t care about you or your children.

12.   I sold drugs and committed other crimes.  If pot wasn’t a crime then none of that other stuff I did was so bad either.  As a matter of fact we grow pot here on the prison grounds and smoke it daily.  (No one should ever be allowed to profit from the sale of marijuana.

13.   All I want to do is smoke pot all day long because I am miserable and that is a cure for misery.

14.   Rather than restore our education system to make us tops in the world.  And boy that was the smartest thing we ever did at the time.  (It just does not sound true I say as I look at a Governor facing recalls droopy left eye.)

15.   I think that if you want to legalize pot that this is not the country for you.  Please leave.

16.   I was supposed to feed my baby today but instead I smoked pot.  I even gave my baby some because the government said it was okay.

17.   Not only do I believe that pot should not be legalized I also believe that the commercial sale of tobacco should be banned.  Also we need to limit how much a person can drink.  I am in favor of some form of prohibition.

18.   But they are your children and not mine.

19.   All politicians should also lose their position in public office if they are found to be using drugs.

20.   This is organized crime that has attained money and power in this country.  There is just no other way an initiative like this would be brought up.

21.   Pot is indeed the refuge of the weak and evil mind and promotes such inclinations.  That stuff makes you think evil.

22.   You would not want to live near anyone who was a marijuana user and nor would you want your children to be anywhere near them or influenced by them.

23.   Industrial accidents with no cause. 

24.   Who is it that is always talking about the unemployed in this state?  Pot will only make more unemployed.

25.   Why hasn’t the Catholic Church spoken out against it?  Is it because of the Italian constituency and the link to organized crime?  Organized crime thrives by creating the feeble minded.
26.  There used to be much  better men in this country who would not stand for this.
27.  Where can we get some money for more pot.  I got an idea why don't we invade another foreign country for oil like Syria?

If pot is legalized buy that AR-15 and at least 2000 rounds of .223 rifle ammunition for it, because it will be like the zombies storming Lots front door to rape his sons.

Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 06 05 2012 at:

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