The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, June 21, 2012

We have an oversupply of Polysilicon and an Energy Crisis at the same time with $3.60 gas

We have an oversupply of Polysilicon and an Energy Crisis at the same time with $3.60 gas!!!!!

May we never lose our right to keep and bear arms.

Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 06 21 2012 at:

For those of you who were academically neglected Polysilicon is the main material used to make solar panels and an oversupply of that material means that the price of that material is low!  Solar panels produce free electric energy after you buy them!!!!!

An Energy crisis means that energy is scarce and hence that is that is the justification for the high price of oil and not that utility companies are the main investments of the upper class because they are stable.  Which leads me to ask the next question is the price of oil and natural gas manipulated in this country so that utility companies gain a little bit of profit every year?  Without this risk free investment the high net worth class would be exposed as not being anymore intelligent than the lower class and indeed also as being feeble and dependent minded to souls that are demonized stolen and labeled schizophrenic.

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