The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 7, 2018

No Stewards of the Worlds Oldest Religion will be allowed in American Communities 01 07 2018

No Stewards of the Worlds Oldest Religion will be allowed in American Communities 01 07 2018

So the other day on the radio I heard them say that putting up the Foxconn Business park will lead to more Prostitution in that area of Wisconsin.  They said that peoples lives are ruined by it and they don't really recover.  But they also said something interesting, that males are forced into it.  Now they know what is true because they talk to these people as they try and help them recover.

So how are men forced into homosexual prostitution?  It might be that they are offered drugs and then can't pay for them so they have to earn the money from homosexual prostitution  But lets think like how the Devil thinks on this one.  Lets say that Scott W is a young High School boy wanting to have sex for the first time.  And he reads a book about how to pick up girls and he does it.  He is a good looking boy  But all along he didn't know that he was being targeted.  The next thing he knows he has thugs at his door threatening him if he doesn't pay them a lot of money!  Perhaps they say she is worth $500 bucks then $2000.  They change it based on whatever it takes to ruin his life.  They force him to be a prostitute in order to pay for the prostitute he had sex with.   That is the living devil!


Make America Great Again?

Any student that rapes a teacher ought to get the mandatory death penalty.  "Oh no, not my boy, he is going to be hung by the state!"  I really don't care!!!!

A black man that rapes a white woman ought to get the mandatory death penalty.  Why? So that we can restore faith in the concept of a patriarchal society.

A homo that rapes a male should also get the mandatory death penalty.

Justice combined with Prohibition, the 18th Amendment is the best form of Eugenics!

A pimp raping or abusing a male or female- mandatory death penalty!

Oh and what are we supposed to say to "THESE" people.  I haven't mentioned them yet.  The man who parades his wife around town all dressed up.  "Dressed to the nines."  They seem to place her wherever you are.  While the hubby kind of disappears for awhile.  And while she is near you she is putting it out big time in a big way, flaxing blacks would call it.  And they look to be of middle class or upper class?  Do you know what they want?  They want to scare the Holy be evoked (to use different language) from those of patriarchal genetic lineage.  What are we supposed to say to this filth,

"How are your wifes sales?"

Oh Christ I will say that under my breath to them next time!  I say that stuff all the time under my breath and I still have the balls!

And that is indeed what I mean by stewards of the worlds oldest religion, and they do not belong here no matter how much they propagandize themselves to.

Executing the lifetime embodiment of a crime against humanity right in public so those who can't learn know what they are not supposed to be; and those who were victimized know there is a God Capable of Justice! 

It would sober this nation up very quickly in contrast to Trumps whimpering, "He said this about me...whaa, whaa, whaaa."  Donald Trump cannot be from Patriarchal Genetic lineage!  As you read my writing are you able to learn what the difference is?  Somebody should have been talking to Donald Trump a very long time ago.

Off topic.  Lets pretend that I am a black minister and a black woman in the audience is piping up with her mouth while I am preaching.  She has long vowels that are indicative of mental retardation.  I would have to say to her, "You are speaking out of turn." or "I am giving this sermon, I don't need your interruption or input!"   The black man is helpless as to the black woman like that!

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Post Script:  That pimp is an abomination of MAN!  However the whee little folk of matriarchal genetic lineage don't see it that way.  They see him as a big strong man; in awe of them as if they were the Roman Statue.   There minds are completely different than those of patriarchal genetic lineage.

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