The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 3, 2021

Who objects to the pullout of Afghanistan? 09 03 2021

 Who objects to the pullout of Afghanistan? 09 03 2021

 First of all they are saying it is the longest War, 20 years for the U.S.  So is it and end to the longest War or is it a pullout of Afghanistan?

But who objects?

"Your Republicans for War" Political Party?

And why are Republicans for War?  Because they were raised in War?  They were raised in conflict with the human soul?

But more to the point.  What would one nation have to do to win a certain War?  And what does it say about you when in order to win a War you have to flat out commit genocide?

Oh and we don't dare label carpet bombing foreign countries genocide, even though it is?  For War is really army man green versus army man gray?

But why do Republicans fear the pullout of Afghanistan?  Because it might be used as justification to end military spending?  Because it could be used to justify that gravy money that is lining their pockets?  Military Contractor status?

Because if you end military spending you can't disenfranchise Johnny Apple Seed and give him no other alternative than to enlist in the armed forces?

Oh and there are absolutely no women in this country that will be jealous of men for their entire lives!  Would love to see a young man of their envy go and get shot in the back in a plausibly deniable situation?  Didn't I tell you some were raised in "War."

Control the labor market in the United States.  Limit upward mobility.  Create corporations that profit from War.  If Johnny Appleseed works for one he will get minimum wage whereby the management will get millions because of Defense Contractor Status?

Here is a new concept to consider?  How long can we be at peace?  Does being at peace mean we have to give Joe Blow his 6 pack of beer a day and listen to him blow?

And let me ask you this.  What happens when we get a President who never lost in his entire life!  Doesn't know what it means to lose because he was the biggest silver spoon ever?  What happens when you get a President like that takes us into a War.  He won't be President when it is over in 20 years because we....

Wait a minute.  Did we just lose a 20 year War that the "Republicans for War" political party got us into??

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And ask yourself, who can only be raised in War?  Someone that can't be civilized?  Who can't be civilized?  Someone with inferior brain DNA/genes?  You better believe I am asserting that is true.

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