The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Eviction Centers 11 18 2023

 So I recently read that "deportation" is listed as a crime against humanity.

Now I am not going to tie this into "foreign events"

But deportation is forcing people to leave to our country? Simple definition?  Don't really care where they go, they just have to leave.

But the point of this is this, isn't that analogous to evicting someone from their home, perhaps in the dead of winter?

So they could die of exposure?

So to make rental properties business consistent with not being a crime against humanity, shouldn't there be Eviction Centers they can go to?  Enough so there is no homelessness?

So Republicans would nix it?  But why? Because somehow ite and that property owner really isn't earning his money when we have to pay for the alt  housing?  

Is it about money?

It hurts the successful person to be a good person?

Don't know where I am going with this, just had to write it.

An eviction from a home analogous to deportation in some way? And to solve the issue we end up paying for it?  So there is funny money somewhere?

And look at how the wealthy are connected and play power cards? Perhaps a young woman goes to a big city, resists advances landlords son, gets fired from her job bc of connections and evicted?

Can you tell who I don't like? 

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

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